Category: Funny Jokes
Funny Jokes / Short, Stupid, Love and English Jokes SMS
A grammar freak girl to her boyfriend
A grammar freak girl to her boyfriend ” You are as useless as. .. …..
A quiet man is thinking man
A Quiet Man, Is A Thinking Man. A Quiet Woman, Is Usually Mad.. =P …
Ive no girlfriend girl friend girl
I’ve No Girlfriend I’ve No Girl friend I’ve No GirL Friend I’ve No GirL Friend…
Find the most suotable place 4 this
Find The Most Suotable Place 4 This Note "Come Like Horse.. Sit Like Thief… Go…
Dear god give me the wisdom
Dear God, Give Me The Wisdom To Understand My Boss.. .. Give Me The Love…
Talk 2 me when im bored kiss
TaLk 2 me wHen i’m boReD, kiSS me wHen i’m saD, hug me wHen i…
A man received d phone from
A man received d phone from emergency room of hospital Doctor: Your wife was in…
A guys walking down the street and
A guy’s walking down the street and sees Johnny smoking a cigarette. He says, “Kid,…
Facebook paper q1 define add
FACEBOOK PAPER Q1 . Define add as friend ? Q2 . What does status means…
Jhoom re ek sahab nashay me larkhratay
?JHOOM RE? Ek sahab nAshay me LarkhratAY hUay fOOT paTH per JA rahay thay..! Pol?CemAn…
Someday u may lose ur hair
Someday u may lose ur hair. u may lose ur teeth- ur money & even…
Our phones fallwe panic o friends
Our Phones Fall,We Panic 😮 Our Friends Fall, We Laugh! 😀 Shame on Us :-P:D…
Apne chare se ruswaie ka ampquoterrorampquot to
Apne chare se ruswaie ka "ERROR" to hataho, Ab bohat ho gaya apne dil ka…
A man went to painting exhibition and
a man went to a painting exhibition and asked from artist that wow! painting of…
Facebook paper q1 define add
FACEBOOK PAPER Q1 . Define add as friend ? Q2 . What does status means…
Old concept do or die new
Old concept: “Do or die ” New concept: “Do before u die ” Latest concept:…
When i was born devil saidoh shit
When I was born Devil said…Oh Shit!!! Another GOD!!!..& When u were born devil said…
Two girls were arguing when the teacher
Two girls were arguing when the teacher entered the room. The teacher says,
Hi i am marrying next week there
Hi! i am marrying next week. there will be a small party and only a…
Teacher how can v stop milk from
Teacher: how can v stop milk from getting sour? Johnny: keep it in the cow….!!…
The human brain is most outstanding thing
The human brain is most outstanding thing……. it functions 24hrs 365 days…. it functions right…
The best place to breakup with
The Best Place To Breakup With Your Girl Friend Is In McDonald There Are Sharp…
A woman met a man walking along
A woman met a man Walking along the streets Wearing only one shoe. “Just Lost…
Short course to be a dermatologist if
Short course to be a dermatologist: If it is dry – add moist; if it…
Why in wedding ceremony woman sits on
Why in wedding ceremony woman sits on left n man on right?? Coz according to…
Height of insult d guide i
Height of Insult 😀 Guide: I welcome you all to Niagra falls. This is the…
Beauty is not how you look it
Beauty is not how you look, it is not how handsome u r, it is…
If animals had facebook these aremost likely
When my parents are asleep me shh
When my parents are asleep Me: “Shh they are sleeping.” When I’m asleep Parents:”Lets vacuum…
Mom always said money doesnt grow
MOM ALWAYS SAID… “Money Doesn’t Grow On Trees” Mom!!!! money is made from paper &…
Mother why did you get such a
Mother: Why did you get such a low mark on that test? Johnny: Because of…
Teacher mehnat karo ga tou kuch
Teacher Mehnat Karo Ga Tou Kuch Bano Ga . Pathan Student Teacher Hamra Gadha Tou…
A new vaccum salesman knockd on da
A new vaccum salesman knockd on da door. A tall lady answerd it. B4 she…
There are lessons in life that
There Are Lessons In Life That Cannot Be Taught In School That’s Why There Is…
Q why there r different types
Q: Why There r Different Types 0f Blood Groups … ? . . . ….
1st man which is the best month
1st Man: Which Is The Best Month To Get Married..? 2nd Man: Octemb ruary.. 1st…
7 glances 1 smile smiles 1 meeting
7 Glances= 1 Smile 7 smiles =1 meeting 7meetings= 1 kiss 7 kisses= 1 proposal…
Before u judge a person walk mile
Before U Judge A Person, Walk A Mile In His Shoes.. After That, . ….
Boss to an employee do you
BOSS to an employee…. . “Do you believe in life after Death?” . EMPLOYEE….. ….
Top answers of teachers if they
Top Answers Of Teachers If They Don’t Know The Answers: 1)I Think The Question Is…
Can a woman make you millionaire
Can a Woman make you a Millionaire? Yes ! ! ! ! ! If you…
Wht is meaning of meaningless
Wht is meaning of “Meaningless”. . Meaning of meaningless is which has no meaning. ….
Boss ek accha mirror leke avao jisme
Boss-Ek Accha Mirror Leke Avao Jisme Muje Mera Chehra Dikaye De Sardar-Boss Mai Sab Dukan…
2 friends on their way to a
2 FrIeNds oN tHeIr wAy To A fASt Food FoR diNnEr 1st oRdErS:Double ChEeSe wItH…
Want u 2 know dat our friendship
want u 2 know dat our friendship means alot 2 me.U cry i cry.U lauf…
Little red riding hood didnt listen to
Little Red Riding Hood didn’t listen to her mother.. Snow White lived with seven men…..
My nights r becoming sleepless days
My Nights r becoming sleepless, My Days r becoming restless, So i asked God ……
Apple vitamins power pwer work
Apple = Vitamins Vitamins = Power Pwer = Work Work = Money Money = GF…
We hve been listening quotpractice makes
We Hve Been Listening: "Practice Makes Perfect …" But Also That Too: "Nobody Is Perfect…
Love is to think about someone else
Love is to think about someone else more times in a day than you think…
Janx can i have a picture of
JAn|x Can i Have a PicTure of Urs? . . . AcTuaLLy, The Thing is…
I was the most outstanding student of
I was The Most Outstanding Student Of My Class … Because, I Always Stand Outside…
Teachers are those who helps us
Teachers Are Those Who Helps Us In Resolving Problems Which Without Them We Wouldn’t Have…
According to a research 87 of young
According to a research 87% of young people have back pain. . . . ….
My parents must be proud because
My Parents Must Be PROUD, Because I m Addicted To F a c e b…
Students vs teacherz when we r
“StuDenTs Vs TeAcHeRz”.. . . WheN We R iN CLass, We R ‘StuDenTs’, WheN They…
The phone bill was exceptionally high
The phone bill was exceptionally high.. Man called a family meeting on saturday to discuss…..
Best funny line i
Best funny line. . ! I always learn from the mistake of others who take…
Only two types of communications are fastest
Only two types of Communications are fastest in the world… . . . E-mail to…
Personality test select one of following
Personality Test select one of following 1-2-3-4-5 Result if you selected 1:- you are monkey…
Hotho se jo choo liya ehsaas aab
Hotho se jo choo liya, Ehsaas Aab tak hai, Aankhe Nam hai, Aur sanso mein…
Fairyto a 62 year old couple i
Fairy(to a 62 year old couple): I will grant you each a wish. Wife: I…
A diplomat is man who remembers
A Diplomat Is A Man Who Remembers A Woman’s B’day But Not Her Age True…
7 so true fact about women
7 So True Fact About Women Believe It 1. Most important thing for WOMEN is…
Kind intelligent loving and hot this
Kind, intelligent, loving and hot This describes everything you’re not …
Girl which laptop do u have
Girl: Which Laptop do u have..? Boy : I have a HP G-62 with Intel…
Tips 4 boys if you marry
TIPS 4 Boys- If You Marry One Girl, She Will Fight WITH You. If You…
What is wrong with your cell every
what is wrong with your cell every time i call a voice comes the subscriber…
2 co workers working on project that was
2 co-workers working on project that was not going as planned,over coffee break 1 says:Someday,…
The first law of philosophy for every
The First Law of Philosophy: For every philosopher, there exists an equal and opposite philosopher….
A taxi passenger tapped the driver on
A taxi passenger tapped the driver on the shoulder to ask him a question. The…
Girl which computer do u have boy
Girl- which computer do u have? Boy- I have a computer with intel core i7…
Plz dont neglect this msga poor boy
Plz Dont Neglect This Msg A Poor Boy Suffering Frm Mental Disorder Needs Shock Treatment…
Bossasking the applicantwhy did you leave your
Boss:(asking the applicant)Why did you leave your last job? Applicant:Illness. Boss:What was the trouble? Applicant:My…
Boss im giving u job as a
Boss: im giving u job as a driver. STARTING salary Rs.2000/-, is it ok? Sardar:…
A perfect girl doesnt bother shout flirt
A Perfect Girl Doesn’t Bother… Doesn’t Shout.. Doesn’t Flirt With Others.. Doesn’t Lies.. Doesn’t Cheat…..
Tcher while lecturing noticed a studnt sleeping
Tcher while lecturing, noticed a studnt sleeping at th back. Tcher shouts 2 hs neighbor:”Wake…
Dear weather stop showing 0ff
Dear Weather , Stop Showing 0ff. . . We Know You Are ”HOT” ! =P…
My eyes miss umy feels love hands
My eyes miss u,my feels love u,my hands needs u,my mind calls u,my heart just…