HÂppY B¡rtHdaY to SomeOne


HÂppY B¡rtHdaY to SomeOne I Love You,,

HäpPy ßirthDay to thE oNe who is My EverytHing,,

HäpPy ßirthDay to thE oNe who has thE kEy to My Heart,,

HÂPPy B¡rtHdaY to thE oNe I sEE in My Dreams,,

HÂPPy B¡rtHdaY to thE oNe who I tHink about constantly,,

HapPy ß¡rtHdÂY to thE oNe who holds mE All tHrough thE nigHt,,

HapPy ß¡rtHdÂY to My LôvE,

My Life, to My Dear Friend . . . . . . . !!