Woman, Who Are You
A Charismatic Attraction For The Lonely Hearts
Or A Beautiful Creation God Made The Very Last
A Dream Adored In Arts And Hearts
Or A Mirage In The Lustful Human Heart
Woman, Who Are You
When You Are Far, I Miss You So Much
When You Are Close, I Don’t Want To Let You Go
When You Are Nowhere In Sight, I Am Lost And Looking For You
Woman, Who Are You
You Are The Ocean Of Love
You Are The River Of Emotions
You Are Tender Like A Budding Rose
You Are Flexible And Strong Like A Bamboo Tree
Woman, Who Are You
A Magician To Mend The Broken Hearts
Or A Wizard To Keep Me Spell Bound
A Musician To Sing The Songs Of My Heart
Or A Lover To Share The Joys And Sorrows Of My Life