We Defy Barriers
I Am A Doctor!
Nay! May Be A Miner!
Some Call Me A Burglar
And Some As Scavenger
I Cut Open Your Hearts
To See Exists What
In That Hidden Crate
I Cave Into Your Minds
Thieve Into Your Thoughts
Be There Precious Jewels
Or Dirty Black Coal
I Dig Out To Show The World
Their True Colors
And I Rob You Of Your Sleep
If You Are A Hypocrite
Or A Crafty Cat
Bare You Out In Street
And Tell The Rest
To Quit Your Kind Of Trait
And Lo! If You Are A Pious Soul
I Low And Bow Before You
Give My Life In Whole
As An Oblation To Your Ideals
After All I Am A Poet
With A Multipronged Weapon
In My Strong Hand
I Don-‘t Mind You Call It
A Scalpel Or A Shovel
A Sword Or A Broom
I Call It A Pen
Sweeping And Moping Clean
Dirty Streets Of My Nation
I Even Dare Into Whole World
Every Nuke And Corner
And Declare In Valor
-ŗpoets Have No Barriers-