Today I Saw Hatred In A Sentence
No Pity, Passed Without Pretence
For What He Said Was Evil
Passed By The Tongue Of The Devil
Love, Sex, Passion Comprise A Poets Selection
Poem Hunter Deletes Without Asking A Question
But Hatred And Hurt Draw No Alert
And Is Left, For The Eyes To Pervert
It Is Sad That So Few Visit The Forum
Because Hatred Is Found And A Loss Of Decorum
Shame, Because The Majority That Do Are Gifted And True
With Banter And Knowledge, Will Give You A View
For The Ability To Graft Sentences Together
That Will Live In The Hearts And Minds Forever
Whether It Be Rhyme Or Prose
Only The Passage Of Time Knows
Ref. A Man Being Cut In Half By A Train
While His Wife And Children Watched (Sick, Perverted, Twisted)
Poem Hunter: Take Heed In Your Estimation Of Peoples Work,
We Are All Individuals With Our Own Passions, Thoughts And
Understandings. You Offer Your Site As A Vessel For Poets To
Release Their Talents In Constructive Verse And Then Put Free
Verse In Shackles By Over Controling. Poetry Is A Strong Form
Of Communication, It’s Not Just About Starry Nights And Sunny
Days It Is About Life In Every Meaning And Form.
List For Control Hatred, Personal Attacks, Racism, And
These Blody Adverts And Money Scams That Keep
Popping Up On My Screen