The Way
You Creep
In My Conscious
Through My Dreams
In My Visions
In My Soul
The Way
My Heart
Dances Gaily
As If
You’re Really Here With Me
And Expectations
Were Met This Time
The Way
You Pout
And Whine
About Me
Not Giving In
But Once You
Give It Time
You Wont Have Regrets
The Way
Your Lip Curls
And You Smile
A Smile
Where Your Teeth Gleams
And All I Seem To Think Of,
Is The Laughter In You
The Crave
That I Have
Inside Of Me
That Wont Let Go
Of Uncontrollable Desires
Or Delved Invitations
To Needed Pleasures
Where We’re Jointed
By The Heart
Not The Flesh