Thank You Allah For Everything
You Are Supreme,You Are The King
You Have Given Eyes For Sight
You Have Given More To Eat
Lots And Lots Side By Side
Days Are Shineful,Days Are Bright
Without Your Support,We Can’t Live
As Birds Can’t Fly,Without The Wing
Never I Prefer To Owe The Wealth
Bestow My Allah,With Best Of Health
Neither I Wish For The Jewels
Nor I Like The Diamond Ring
What We Take When We Leave The World
Only Our Deeds Will Come Behind
Our Hands Will Be Empty,As We Born
I Need To Have But Only Thing
We Should Be Friendly,Till We Live
We Can Share,We Can Give
We Should Be Sweet As Honey In Hive
We Should Be Joyful,We Should Sing
Thank You My Allah For Everything
You Are The Supreme,You Are The King