Staring Out My Window
At The Sky
Watching The Clouds And
Birds Moving By
My Thoughts Turn Inward Why Do
I Sit Here All Alone And Cry
Life Will Only Pass Me By
I Can Only Blame Myself
For Sitting My Life On A Shelf
Hiding Myself Not Willing To Deal With The Issues Of Life
So Very Real
Sometimes Things Happen To Make Us Weak
Yet No Longer Do I Have To Accept Defeat
Even When I May Be Wrong
Iv’e Learned Somethings Come To Make Us Strong
Some Days Are Bad Some Nights
Are Sad To Finally Be With Another Has Made My Heart Glad
No Longer Sitting All By Myself Up On That Darkened
At Last Dancing To A Different Tone No Longer A
Heart All Alone
A Very Fragile Life Was This
Until Into My Life Entered Gods Greatest Gift
That Gift Of Love
So Divinely Pure
Through Him We Can Be Sure
It Will Endure
Endurance Seems To Be The Only Key
For You And For Me
No Longer Alone …Yet Holding On