Outside of his church his behaviour seems odd
Of one who is a self proclaimed man of God
Disrespect to the character of those he dislike he does pay
For a devout one he behaves in quite a strange way.
‘Tis said that he reads his bible every day
And to his God he often does kneel for to pray
Yet he is one who does tell plenty of lies
And despite his proclamations he is not very wise.
All things are well with him as long as he is in control
But he is one who has not much light in his soul
Assassination of character he does not see as wrong
Must be a strange God the God he to belong.
The self proclaimed man of God his love of his God celebrate
In church on sunday with other believers his great gift of faith
But to pass judgement on others he feels he has that right
And everyone is not equal in his or his God’s sight.
Francis Duggan