Our lips said goodbye and our hearts say no
We tried everything we can just to let each other go
But we‚  always fail and come back together again
Over and over, until we live to our own vain
Until when we can survive of breaking our hearts
If we know to ourselves that, we’re going to be apart
Its hard to be living in‚  to this love with biggest‚  fear
Of leaving each other and be drown in our own tears
Why we cant just forget our love fast and easy
Why do we need to play happy now and be silly
We’re just wasting our time and hurt in the end
Keep on breaking our hearts until no one can mend
I want to forget you now and stop hoping for you
That soon you will realize that you can’t leave me too
But I am the biggest liar , no matter how I‚  tried to go
At the end of the day I will always be looking for you
by hailedpepper‚Â