Instilled Was A Letter
That Was Written With Your Heart
You Swallowed That Pride
And Told Me How You Felt
You Kept Me In Your
And Expressed Some Pain
Talked About Our Destiny
How On Tempestuous Nights
It Rained
You Listed Your Goals
As I Choked With Insecurities
Wiped Tears Away
Due To Insensitivity
I Grabbed Hold
To The Words
And Took It To Heart
And Realized
Love Had Slipped
And Time Had Deceived
Me Hard
With Unforgettable
And Heartless Feelings
Of Cold Hearted Endeavors
I Couldnt Have
Taken Back
Of Moments
That Could Have Been Spent
And Timeless Endings
That Were Precious
Allowing Myself
To Never Forget
A Special Feeling
Only You Could
Have Given Me