Gentle As You Are,
Oh! Soft Moving Wind
Wont You Be My Messenger
And Carry This Message For Me
To My Lover Far Away
That I Love Him Still
And I Always Think Of Him.
Oh! Soft Running Water,
Of The Clear Silvery Stream
Blend My Message In The Seas
And Let The Waves Carry
The Message For Me,
To My Lover Far Away
Busy As You Are,
Oh! Honey Sucking Bees
Sit On This Rose
And See How Fresh I Am,
Wont You Go To My Lover Far Away,
And Tell Him,Single Fresh Rose,
Is Waiting To Be Plucked
Oh! Soft Singing Birds,
Filling The Air With Music,
Stop And Hear Whispering,
A Message To Be Carried,
To My Lover Far Away
Sing Into His Ears
All My Love For Him.
And Ask Him Whether
He Still Loves Me,
I Wll Wait And Wait
For You To Return
With A Nice And Loving
Message From Him,
From My Lover Far Away