My saying success is not permanent
My saying “Success is Not Permanent & Failure is Not Final! So Never Stop Working…
The tree does not withdraw its shade
The Tree Does Not Withdraw Its Shade From The Woodcutter, So Forgive The People Who…
Treat everyone with politness even those who
Treat Everyone with Politness even those who are rude to u, not because they are…
One should always play fair when one
One should always play fair when one has the winning cards. ~Oscar Wilde
Quotaim f0r the starz but first
"AiM f0r ThE sTaRz bUt FiRsT aIm FoR ThEiR B.O.D.Y G U A R D…
The company of good people is
The company of good people is like the shop of perfume… Whether you have bought…
What we do for ourselves dies with
WhAt We Do FoR oUrSeLvEs DiEs WiTh Us BuT WhAt We Do FoR OtHeRs AnD…
When god drops needles and pins along
When GOD drops needles and pins along ur path in LIFE, dont stay away,, instead…
If the road is beautiful then worry
If the Road is Beautiful then, Worry About the Destination, But if the Destination is…
You dont become a better person
You Don’t Become A Better Person Because U Are Suffering; But You Become A Better…
We take everything for granted
We Take Everything For Granted, – A Constantly Worried Mom, – A Strict Dad, –…
I always feel sorry for people who
I Always Feel SORRY For People Who Think More About A Rainy Day Ahead Than…
Coincidence decides whom u meet in lifeur
Coincidence decides whom u meet in life,Ur heart decides whom u want to stay in…
Pain is such an uncomfortable feeling
Pain iS SuCh An UnComFortAble fEEling That EvEn A Tiny Amount Of It iS EnoUgh…
aaj 15 rajab ko 10 martaba SURA-E-FATIHA zarur parhen.. is ka sawaab ( ZAMEEN KE…
Use your energy for good and it
Use your energy for good and it will be replenished with more good energy, use…
Zayada ammarat aor ghurbat 2no gunaah
Zayada Ammarat Aor Zayada Ghurbat 2no GunaaH ka Baais bn skty hain..! …
Fact of life when someone is
Fact Of Life “When Someone Is So Sweet To You … Don’t Expect That …They…
lovely though,
lovely though, Death is not the greatest loss in life . the greatest loss of…
Be amal aalim gidh ki tarah hota hai
Be-amal AALIM gidh ki tarah hota hai jo Udta to oonchi udaan hai magar khata…
A beautiful thought person who can
A Beautiful thought :- A person who can explain the meaning of Colour to a…
What a strange narrowness of mind now
What a strange narrowness of mind now is that, to think the things we have…
Do not confuse your vested interests with
Do not confuse your vested interests with ethics. Do not identify the enemies of your…
In life when u get troubles
In life when U get troubles, Don"t get nervous… Just close Ur eyes and follow…
Just 3 teps to nd ur tensions
Just 3 ?teps To ?nd Ur Tensions: Ctrl+Alt+Del Control urself, Look For Alternate ?olution &…
Continuing to fill a pail after
Continuing to fill a pail after it is full, water will be wasted Continuing to…
Every day is conquerable by its hours
Every day is conquerable by its hours, and every hour by its minutes. ~Robert Brault,…
Sunehri kaul quotphal dar darakht hamesha
**Sunehri** ***Kaul*** "Phal dar darakht hamesha zameen ki taraf jhuka rehta hai. Bada admi bhi…
Heated god becomes ornament beated copper
HeateD Go|d BeCoMes OrNamEnT BeaTeD CoPpeR BeCoMeS WiRe DeP|eTeD StOnE BeCoMeS StATuE So ThE MoRePaIn…
Teach a man and you have taught
Teach a man and you have taught only one, but teach a woman and you…
Its easy to have faith in yourself
Its Easy To Have Faith In Yourself When You’re A Winner What You’ve Got To…
Keep ur head up so that people
Keep ur HEAD up so that people know you are afraid of no one, But……
The hardest challenge is to be
The Hardest Challenge Is To Be Yourself In The World Where Everybody Is Trying To…
Kuch waqton main kya se hojata hy
Kuch waqton main kya se kya hojata hy. “Zindagi Wo Nahi Hai Jo Hum Sochte…
Smile a while while you
Smile a while & While you Smile Another Smile, Soon there’s miles & miles …Of…
Life is like a coin pleasure
Life is like a coin. Pleasure and pain are the 2 sides Only 1 side…
We always feel bad amp think that
We Always Feel Bad & Think That Good Things Happen Only To Others But V…
Itz not the will to win
It’Z nOt ThE WiLl To WiN BuT ThE wIlL tO PrEpArE tO wIn ThAt MaKeS…
In life when u get troubles
In life when U get troubles, Don"t get nervous… Just close Ur eyes and follow…
If you surrender to the wind can
If you surrender to the wind, you can ride it. ~Toni MorrisonCD
Truest fact whn women love us
Truest Fact Whn Women Love Us, They 4give Us Evrything, Even Our Crimes… But When…
Nice thoughts dont compare yourself
*Nice thoughts* => Don’t compare yourself wid any one in dis world. If you do…
Try understndin diz msg dn u
Try Understndin Diz Msg, Dn U Cn Reach Any Height In Ua Lyf ?An Inch…
Speak what you think to day in words
Speak what you think to-day in words as hard as cannon-balls and to-tomorrow speak what…
Any man who laughs at womens
Any Man Who Laughs At Women’s Clothes ! ! ! Has Never Paid The Bill…
if someone points out your mistake
~ If someone points out your Mistake; Be Happy That Atleast soneone is there, Who…
The breeze has awakened the earth sun
The breeze has awakened the earth, The sun gave brightness to the earth, Birds gave…
Snrise btterfly pictre msic natre all
S_nrise B_tterfly Pict_re M_sic Nat_re all r waitng 4 ” U U U U U…
Some time prayer doesnt change the situation
‘Some Time Prayer Doesnt Change The Situation.! ‘But it Changes Our Attitude Towards The Situation,…
appy sweet sweet
*¡”’¡___¡”’¡*.€ *¡ APPY€ *¡__¡””’¡__¡*.€ *SWEET SWEET* *.*.MORNING.*.* *.__.*.COOL*._.* *.__.*.DAY.*.__* SALAM Good Morning (¯`v´¯) `*.¸.*´ LoVeR…
Stars r seen 2gether yet they
Stars r seen 2gether, yet they r Stars r seen 2gether, yet they r so…
Slow down a bit ur day is
Slow down a bit. Ur day is frm mrning til nYt. Life is so brief….
Man is born in a day and
Man is born in a day, and He dies in a day, and the thing…
Awl morning r lyk a painting u
Awl Morning r Lyk A Painting U Need A Little Inspiration To Get U Going…
Whenever i look at my palm palmi
Whenever I look at my palm Whenever I look at my palm,i wonder which of…
Dont simply thank god that you have
Don’t simply thank God that you have much while others have little. Thank Him because…
Subha soraj ka sath ho prindon
Subha Subha Soraj ka Sath ho, Prindon ki Awaz ho, Hathon men Quran Aur Yodon…
Welc me a new m rning with smile n
Welc(-.-)Me A New M(-.-)Rning With A Smile(-,-)N Ur Face L(-.-)Ve In Ur Heart Gud Th(-,-)Ughts…
I was on a ship thinking of
I was on a ship thinking of U… I was on a ship thinking of…
Dear customer your remaining sleeping time
Dear Customer, Your remaining Sleeping time Has expired. SO Plz Leave ur bed And get…
I woke up a few tym ago
I Woke Up a Few Tym Ago But Somehow I Feel Incomepletness Till I Remembered…
I woke up today smiling as recall
I woke up today smiling as I recall our friendship because I know that years…
Perfect relationship is not that you never
Perfect relationship is not that you never get angry, upset or irritated with each other….
Zindagi tu hi bata kaisey tujy
‘Zindagi’ Tu hi Bata Kaisey Tujy ‘Piyar’ Karoon. . ? Teri Har ‘SUBA’ Meri Umar…
Baa adab ba mulahiza hoshiar shehnshahon
baa adab ba mulahiza hoshiar… shehnshahon ke shehnshah sultan ibn-e-sultan zeenat-e-takht-o-taaj-e-Pakistan Muhaballi Baba Rehman uth…
¡”’¡____¡”’¡ * * ¡ ===( appy) * ¡___¡””¡___¡ * * *GOOD* ¡”’ /””¡ ¡__¡’v’¡__¡ orning…
A night hug warms the heart kiss
A night hug warms the heart, A night kiss brightens the day, and A good…
Athisa aisa athea awaya atoa atella ayoua
Athisa Aisa Athea Awaya Atoa Atella Ayoua Aguda Am0rninga Aina Aaa Anewa Astylea 😉 Didnt…
This warm good morning is sent to
ThIs wArM GoOd MoRnInG iS sEnT tO lEaVe A SMILE oN uR FaCe DrOp Ur…
A day aint a till you have
A day ain’t a day till you have said hello 2 the people you care…
Snrise btterfly pictre msic natre all
S_nrise B_tterfly Pict_re M_sic Nat_re all r waitng 4 ” U U U U U…
Aslamoalikum shortest solution of every problem is
Aslam’o’alikum. Shortest solution of every problem is to minimize distance between forehead & floor. ‘Those…
G o d m r n
(G), ‘*,(O), ‘*,(O), ,(D),*’ (M)’*, ‘*,(O), ‘*,(R) ,(N),*’ (I),*’ ‘*,(N), ‘*,(G) Apka har Pal, Har…
Hope is important coz it can make
HoPe Is ImPoRtAnT CoZ It CaN mAkE tHe PrEsEnT MoMeNtS LeSs DiFfIcUlT tO bEaR If…
Subah ka mosam or aapki yad
Subah ka mOsam oR Aapki YaD, Halki si Barish oRChai ki Pyas, ApnOn ka Pyar…
SMS# 346197
;*” ”*.’*;_ _ ‘*; *:, .;* UBH BAKHAIR. *’Have’*’*a Nice’*’*Day’*’ ,¤”¤, ! ,–.’¤,,,,¤’OOD ‘MORNING.
Always be good with the but never
‘Always be good with the good but Never be bad with the bad because You…
In a cool cool morning hot coffee for
In A Cool-Cool Morning A Hot Coffee For U There Is No Cup & Coffee……
Mirror is my best friend because when
”Mirror is my best friend, because when I cry ;( it never laughs:D ‘Good Morning:p’