Wise SMS

Quotalways remember money isnt everything but make

"Always reMeMber MONEY isn’T everyThing; BuT make sure ThaT you’ve made loT of iT before…

Wise SMS

It is risky not to take riskif

It is risky not to take risk.If you don’t take risk,risk will take you. (Archbishop…

Wise SMS

In walk of life dont worry

In Walk Of Life Dont Worry Of Ppl Moving Ahead Of U . . Take…

Wise SMS

Treat everyone with politenesseven those who are

Treat everyone with politeness,Even those who are rude to U…..Not because they are not nice,But…

Wise SMS

Just two people r happiest in this

Just Two people r Happiest in this World: > One is Mad > Other is…

Wise SMS

Sar jhukane se namazein ada nhi hoten

Sar jhukane se namazein Ada nhi hoten Dil jhukana parta hy ibadat k liye Ghalib…

Wise SMS

Life is a roller coaster you can

Life is a “Roller Coaster” You can either scream everytime you hit a bump Or…

Wise SMS

What a strange narrowness of mind

What A Strange Narrowness Of Mind Now Is That To Think The Things We Have…

Wise SMS

Its important to be loved by someone

It’s important to be loved by someone but it’s more important if we love someone…

Wise SMS

Tumhri ankh mai nafrat h0

TUmHrI ANkh mAi nAfRat H0 , DOsRoN K LIyE, TM APni zAt sE ITnA b…

Wise SMS

When we multiply tiny pieces of time

When We Multiply Tiny Pieces Of Time With Small Increments Of Daily Effort We’ll Find,…

Wise SMS

Life is like a vu frm d

Life Is Like A Vu Frm D Window U Can’t Chnge The Window Even If…

Wise SMS

Success hurts when you dont have a

SuCcEsS hUrTs WhEn YoU dOn’T hAvE a LoVeD oNe To ShArE iT wItH… BuT fAiLuRe…

Wise SMS

Those who are most slow in

?Those Who Are Most Slow In Making A Promise, Are The Most Faithful In Fulfillng…

Wise SMS

Life is only traveled oncetodays moment becomestomorrows

Life is only traveled ONCE,Today’s MOMENT becomesTOMORROW’s MEMORY.Enjoy every moment, good or bad, because the…

Wise words Quotes SMS

Fear less hope more eat chew whine

Fear less, hope more; eat less, chew more; whine less, breathe more; talk less, say…

Wise SMS

pearl of the day no

~*~ Pearl Of The Day ~*~ No Ma88er How Noble Our Intentions r But The…

Wise words Quotes SMS

Sometimes its more important to be human

Sometimes it’s more important to be human, than to have good taste. ~Brecht

Wise SMS

A girls eye is faster den google

A Girls Eye Is Faster den Google, in Serchin A Handsome Boy In A Crowd…..

Wise SMS

hurt leads to bitterness bitterness

‘ Hurt Leads To Bitterness, Bitterness To Anger, Travel Too Far That Road And The…

Wise words Quotes SMS

Where you find quality will a craftsman

Where you find quality, you will find a craftsman, not a quality-control expert.  ~Robert Brault,…

Wise SMS

Quotgolden tipsquot paon beshak phisal jayelekin

"GOLDEN TIP’s" Paon Beshak Phisal Jaye,Lekin Zaban Ko Na Phisalne 2. Aj Amal Hy,Hisab Nai,Lekin…

Wise words Quotes SMS

Just remember theres a right way and

Just remember, there’s a right way and a wrong way to do everything and the…

Wise SMS

Greatness is not found in possession power

Greatness is not found in Possession, Power, Position Or Prestige It is discovered in Humility,…

Wise SMS

He who asks questions is a fool

He Who Asks Questions Is A Fool For Five Minutes; But One Who Do Not…

Wise SMS

Needing someone is like a parachute

NeEdInG sOmEoNe Is LiKe NeEdInG a PaRaChUtE … If He IsN’t ThErE tHe FiRsT tImE…

Wise words Quotes SMS

When you start treating people like people

When you start treating people like people, they become people.  ~Paul Vitale

Wise SMS

Care is the sweetest form of love

Care is the sweetest form of love, so wen any1 says "TAKE CARE" its as…

Wise SMS

If u want to knw ur past

If U Want To Knw Ur Past. . . Look Into Ur Present Conditions &…

Wise SMS

Coincidence decides whom u meet in lifeur

Coincidence decides whom u meet in life,Ur heart decides whom u want to stay in…

Wise SMS

An education isn‘t how much you

An education isn‘t how much you have committed to memory, or even how much you…

Wise SMS

Aqwalezaren apne khayalon ki hifazat karo kyun

AQWAL.E.ZAREN: Apne khayalon ki hifazat karo kyun k yeh tumhare alfaz ban jate hain, Apne…

Wise SMS

aqalmand ki pehchan yeh hai k wo

:-)AQaLmAnD:-) ki PehChaN YeH hai k wo ird-gird Aise LOGON ko jama kar leta hai…

Wise SMS

Todays new paper is tomorrows waste

Today’s new paper is tomorrow’s waste paper Life is a test paper friendship is the…

Wise SMS

Its more dangerous to weep inside

Its More Dangerous To Weep Inside Than …To Weep In Open… The Open Tear Can…

Wise SMS

Zindagi aek dish hay isay pyar k

ZINDAGI, aek dish hay. ISAY, PYAR k ghee main pakao, MUSKURAHAT ki aanch tez rakho,…

Wise SMS

t h o u g

~*~ T H O U G H T P R O V O K I…

Wise SMS

Strange world when parents care it

STRANGE WORLD: “When Parents care, it is restriction But When Boyfriend 0r Girlfriend restrict, It…

Wise SMS

Even a big pot full of water

Even a Big Pot Full Of Water Can Be Emptied By A Small Hole. So…

Wise SMS

Jab tawajju ka markaz apni hi

Jab Tawajju Ka Markaz “Apni Hi Zaat” Ki Khoobiyaan Hon, To “INSAN” Apni Islaah Mein…

Wise SMS

Quotull never know true happiness untill uve

"U’ll Never Know True Happiness Untill U’ve Truly Loved And U’ll Never Understand What Pain…

Wise SMS

You cannot finish the book of life

You Cannot Finish The Book Of Life Without Closing It’s Chapters If You Want To…

Wise SMS

Any degree of shaterring battering tattering

Any Degree Of Shaterring, Battering, Tattering Will Nullify My Spirit … ? I’m Like Those…

Wise SMS

Success without honor is an unseasoned dish

Success Without Honor Is An Unseasoned Dish It Will Satisfy Your Hunger But It Will…

Wise SMS

Lfe is the art of drawing widout

L!FE Is The Art Of DRAWING WidOut Eraser.. So.. Be Carefull While Taking Any Small…

Wise SMS

Eventually tongue is the very softest part

Eventually tongue is the very softest part of our body bt we people use the…

Wise SMS

Ek roz roshni k hazaar sitaray honge

Ek Roz Roshni k Hazaar Sitaray honge Or Apki Ankhon main Hasin Nazare honge Qayamat…

Wise SMS

Success formula sleep 8 hours work

Success Formula- Sleep 8 hours?. Work 8 hours?. & make sure they are not the…

Wise words Quotes SMS

The first and greatest victory is to

The first and greatest victory is to conquer yourself; to be conquered by yourself is…

Wise SMS

There r two kind of people

There r Two Kind Of People In This World 1-Those Who Remember Names n 2-Those…

Wise SMS



Wise SMS

Life is a 1 way street no

Life Is A 1-Way Street No Matter How Many Detours You Take None Of Them…

Wise SMS

Go0d deed never feed ur requirnments in

Go0d deED nEvEr fEeD Ur REQUIrnMeNts in This wOrld. . . bUT My deAr u…

Wise SMS

Each moment of ur life is a

Each moment of ur life is a picture which u had never seen before. And…

Wise SMS

Quotalways compare ur present wid past

"Always Compare Ur Present wid Ur Past. . . It’ll Show U Ur Actual Progress…

Wise SMS

Har giz aise shakhs ki dosti ikhtiyar

“Har giz Aise Shakhs Ki Dosti Ikhtiyar Na Karo Jo Tumhari buraiyon Ko Yad Rakhay…

Wise SMS

One of the best victories you can

”One Of The Best Victories You Can Gain Over Someone Is To Beat Them At…

Wise SMS

Interesting fact the famous painting of

Interesting Fact The famous painting of ‘Mona Lisa’ …has an odd quirk about it. The…

Wise words Quotes SMS

You can tell more about a person

You can tell more about a person by what he says about others than you…

Wise SMS

Todays thought promises are like babies

TODAY’s THOUGHT… Promises are like babies… Fun to make but hell to deliver . ….

Wise SMS

Everybody tells mistake is d 1st step

Everybody Tells, Mistake Is D 1st Step Of Success Bt It Is Not True. ?The…

Wise SMS

Zindagi k bade ghamo ko chota aur

Zindagi k bade ghamo ko chota aur choti khushiyo ko bada karna sekho…!…

Wise words Quotes SMS

See everything overlook a great deal correct

See everything; overlook a great deal; correct a little. ~Pope John XXIIIPIH

Wise SMS

The most selfish 1letter i avoid it

The most selfish 1letter I Avoid it. Most satisfactory 2letters ‘WE’- Use it. Most poisonous…

Wise SMS

If u want to shine like sun

“If U Want To Shine Like Sun, First You Have To Burn Like It…”…

Wise SMS

1 mard ka imtihan aurat hai

1=> MARD Ka Imtihan Aurat Hai 2=> Sharam Mardon K liye Khoob Or aurton K…

Wise SMS


AGE OF DRINKS : *1-5 breast Milk, *5-15 Horlicks, *15-25 beer, *25-32 Fresh Milk, *32-40…

Wise SMS

An interesting quote in patrol bunk

An Interesting Quote In PATROL BUNK “SPEED” Is A Five Letter Word …And So Is…

Wise SMS

If a statue in the park of

If a statue in the park of a person on a horse has both front…

Wise words Quotes SMS

It is better to stir up a

It is better to stir up a question without deciding it, than to decide it…

Wise SMS

Anger, if not restrained,

Anger, if not restrained, is frequently more hurtful to us than the injury that provokes…

Wise SMS

Wen v really want 2 forget smthng

Wen V Really Want 2 Forget Smthng Intentionally V Came 2 Knw How Powerful Our…

Wise SMS

Jis tarah bemar shaks laziz o pakiza

“Jis tarah Bemar Shaks laziz o Pakiza Ghizaon se Lazzat nae Utha sakta Isi Tarah…

Wise words Quotes SMS

Giving up doesnt always mean you are

Giving up doesn’t always mean you are weak.  Sometimes it means that you are strong…

Wise SMS

The real art of conversation iz nt

The Real Art Of Conversation Iz Nt Only To Say The Right Thing At The…

Wise SMS

Fantastic quote about life everything is

Fantastic Quote About LIFE:- Everything Is ?Prewritten? And Nothing Can B Re-Written!? So Live The…

Wise SMS

Bills travel through the mail at

Bills Travel Through The Mail At Twice The Speed Of Checks Be Careful Of Your…

Wise SMS

Money cant buy happiness but

Money Can?t Buy Happiness. . . But Somehow iT?s More Comfortable To Cry iN A…

Wise words Quotes SMS

Half the failures in life arise from

Half the failures in life arise from pulling in the horse as he is leaping. …

Wise SMS

In prosperity our friends know us

In Prosperity, Our Friends Know Us In Adversity, We Know Our Friends….

Wise SMS

Its gud 2 dream but better dream

It’s Gud 2 Dream, But It’s Better 2 Dream & Work Faith Is Mighty, But…

Wise SMS

1 mard ka imtihan aurat hai

1=> MARD Ka Imtihan Aurat Hai 2=> Sharam Mardon K liye Khoob Or aurton K…

Wise SMS

Love urself flirt with ur understandingromance dreamsget

Love urself ,Flirt with ur understanding,Romance with dreams,Get engaged with simplicity,Marry genuiness,Divorce the ego…Thats Good…

Wise SMS

To err is human to blame someone

To err is human, to blame someone else shows real management potential. …

Wise SMS

L i n e s to

L i n e s To R e m e m b e r “Although…

Wise SMS

Quotits better to lose ur prde wid

"It’S BeTtEr To LoSe Ur Pr!dE WiD SoMe0nE U LoVe rAtHeR ThAn To LoSe ThAt…

Wise SMS

Yesterday is a cancelled cheque tommorow

YesterDay Is A Cancelled Cheque. Tommorow Is A Promissory Note. Today Is The Only Cash…

Wise SMS

Gud relationship is like a tree it

Gud relationship is like a tree It demands attention & care inthe begining But once…