Quotif we all tried to make
"If We All Tried To Make Other People’s Paths Easy, Our Own Feet Would Have…
Work out your own salvation do not
Work out your own salvation. Do not depend on others. ~Buddha
Jo log dard ko samjhty han woh
Jo Log Dard Ko Samjhty Han Woh Kbi Dard Ki Wajah nhi Banty, Aur Jo…
Life me kabhi compromise krna parey tou
Life Me Kabhi Compromise Krna Parey Tou Don’t Hesitate. . . . B’coz Jhukta Wohi…
Youve got a lot of choices if
You’ve got a lot of choices. If getting out of bed in the morning is…
Luck is not in your hands
Luck is not in your hands But work is in your hands Your work can…
Anmol baatein 1 khamoshi gusse ka
ANMOL BAATEIN 1. KHAMOSHI gusse ka behtareen ilaaj hai. 2. SACCHAI ek aisa libaas hai…
Ltltlt1gtgtgt quotnever believe on the kinds deeds
<<<1>>> "Never believe on the kinds deeds by an enemy bcoz… No matter how hot…
Wo kya cheez hay jiski hifazat karna
Wo kya cheez hay jiski hifazat karna, dolat ki hifazat karne se b zyada mushkil…
Your future depends on many things but
Your future depends on many things, but mostly on you. ~Frank Tyger
Dont define ur failure by looking at
Dont Define Ur Failure By Looking At SomeBody’s Success.. & Don’t Define Ur Success By…
It takes 3 years to learn how
It Takes 3 Years To Learn How To Use The Tongue But A Lifetime To…
Never undertake anything for which you wouldnt
Never undertake anything for which you wouldn’t have the courage to ask the blessings of…
I kip d telefone of my mind
I kip d telefone of my mind open to Peace, Harmony, Health, Love & Abundance….
Destny is a combnaton of your own
DeSt?nY Is A CoMb?nAt?oN oF YoUr OwN WoRk & GoD’s PrOtEcTiOn.. YoU CaNnOt S?T St!||…
If you can kill your desire
If You Can Kill Your Desire On One Particular Day, Then Note It In Your…
Trust people and they will be true
Trust People And They Will Be True To You; Treat Them Greatly And They Will…
If you look at what do not
If You Look At What You Do Not Have In Life, You Don?t Have Anything,…
Sometimes you have to run away
Sometimes you have to run away? Not just to create distances? But? Also to see…
Be in today believe behave alive
Be In Today Believe In Today Behave In Today Be Alive In Today Bcoz Yesterday…
Aaj ki baat jo dosroon ko
“Aaj ki Baat” “Jo Dosroon Ko Shakk Ki Nazar SY DekhtY HaY, Woh Apnay Kirdaar…
A few goldn thoughts 1ampgt t hnd3
A FEW GOLDN THOUGHTS~~~~ 1> T? h?nd?3 ur s3?f u$3 ur h3?d, 2 hnd?3 ?th3r$…
Your true character is most accurately measured
Your True Character is Most Accurately Measured by How You Treat Those Who can Do…
Never saw off the branch you are
Never saw off the branch you are on, unless you are being hanged from it. …
Everyone should learn to do one thing
Everyone should learn to do one thing supremely well because he likes it, and one…
People may fail many times but
?People May Fail Many Times, But They Become Failures Only When They Begin To Blame…
Never do something permanently stupid just because
Never Do Something Permanently STUPID Just Because You Are Temporarily UPSET . . .!!!…
Its better to fight for something than
It’s better to fight for something than against something. ~Author Unknown
Quote people who are often in a
QUOTE: People who are often in a hurry imagine they are energetic, when in most…
Xpecting d world to treat u fairly
Xpecting d World to Treat u Fairly coz U r a Gud Person Is like…
Never design ur character like a garden
Never Design Ur Character Like A Garden Where Any1 Can Walk. Design Ur Character Like…
Jes k sub hi dost hon us
“Jes k sub hi “DOST” hon Us k taluq pe nazar saani kro..(Arbi Kahawat) Aasman…
Allaah and looks to the Last Day.“
indeed you have in the Messenger of Allaah an excellent example for the one who…
Kam khana kam bolna aur sona
“…Kam Khana, Kam Bolna aur Kam Sona, zindagi k Behtareen Asool hain…”…
Strength of character means the
Strength of character means… – The ability to overcome resentment against other… – To hide…
Rules which are golden agar baray
life funda love what youve
| LiFe FuNdA | Love…… what you’ve got, Remember……. what you had, Learn from….. your…
Remember if youre headed in the wrong
Remember, if you?re headed in the wrong direction, God allows U-turns! ~Allison Gappa Bottke
Think over it opinions are like
Think Over It Opinions Are Like Wrist Watches. Everyone’s Watch Shows Different Time. But, Everyone…
All the right things r not possible
All the right things r not possible always. All the possible things r not right…
Two golden thoughts 1 dont
Two Golden Thoughts : 1) Don’t Aim To Be A Slave In Heaven, Aim To…
Truth you may forget the
Truth … You May Forget The One With Whom You Have Laughed But Never The…
O lord dont make me among the
O LORD! Dont make me among the talented ones but make me among the blessed…
Time is a great teacher,
Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills all its pupils
Never ask for anything from anyone
Never Ask For Anything From Anyone Untill You Are Not Able To Give Anything To…
Nothing limits achievement like small thinking
“Nothing Limits Achievement Like Small Thinking. . . Nothing Expands Possibilities Like Unleashed Imagination. ….
Each of us makes our own weather
Each Of Us Makes Our Own Weather, Determines The Color Of The Skies In The…
Every king was once a helpless baby
Every king was once a helpless baby And every great structure once a Blueprint?.! Its…
Agar apki ankh khobsurat hai to apko
Agar apki ankh Khobsurat hai to apko dunya achi lage gi, > Lakin >>
Do not count what u have lost
Do not count what u have lost.. Just see what u have now, because past…
Life is like a pianothe white keys
Life is like a piano,the white keys represent happiness & black shows sadness but as…
4 qism ki batien jahil pehchaan hai
4 qism ki batien jahil ki pehchaan hai. 1= bila waja gussa 2= jhoti baton…
A heart touching thought in the
..A HeArT ToUcHiNg ThOuGhT.. In The Silence Of Night I’ve Often Wished For Just A…
Burning woods gave a person promises of
Burning Woods Gave A Person Promises Of Luv, Happiness & Care 4ever Same Burning Woods…
Develop an attitude 0f gratitude give thanks
^DeveLop An Attitude 0f Gratitude,& Give Thanks f0r everything That HappeNs To You, Knowing That…
The companions of our childhood alwayz
The Companions Of Our Childhood Alwayz Possess A Certain Power Over Our Mind Which Hardly…
Some ppl seem to walk through lyf
Some ppl seem to walk through lyf wid a simple word & a gentle smile…
2dayz thought quotno 1 can promise theyll
2dAyZ tHoUgHt "No 1 Can Promise They’ll Neva Hurt U, Coz At 1 Time Or…
Let us not worry about the future
Let Us Not Worry About The Future Let Us Only Do The Right Thing Today,…
Fact of life never get too
Fact Of Life Never Get Too Attached To Anyone, Bcoz Attachments Always Lead To Expectation…
Good behaviour does not have any monetary
“Good behaviour does not have any monetary value But It has a power to purchase…
If you have to do it every
If you have to do it every day, for God’s sake learn to do it…
I respect blind people more than others
I Respect Blind People More Than Others. Because They Judge 0thers By Their Personality, Not…
Thousand of candle can b lightd frm
Thousand Of Candle Can B Lightd Frm A Single Candle & The Life Of The…
Dont accept others definition of life its
Don’t Accept Others Definition Of Life.. Its Your Life, Define It Yourself, The Way You…
Do not condemn the judgment of another
Do not condemn the judgment of another because it differs from your own. You may…
If you keep rephrasing the question it
If you keep rephrasing the question, it gradually becomes the answer. ~Robert Brault, www.robertbrault.com
Love your friends not their sisters
Love Your Friends Not Their Sisters , Love Your Sisters Not Their Friends. . ….
The funniest thing about life is
The funniest thing about life is ! ?Just when we think we have all the…
4 hardest tasks on earth r neither
4 hardest tasks on earth r neither physical nor intellectual feats but they r spiritual…
We have two eyes and just one
We have two eyes and just one tongue, which means we need to look twice…
The real power behind
The real power behind whatever success I have now was something I found within myself…
Baap ka din yani father day wo
baap ka din yani father day wo baap jis na shab_wo_rooz mohabat kar k hamari…
Some golden sentences zubaan ka ladkadaana
Some golden sentences. zubaan ka ladkadaana paaho k ladkadaane se ziada katarnaak hai. jise allah…
To handle yourself useyour head others
To Handle Yourself, Useyour Head To Handle Others, Use Your Heart….
Insan ki tamam pareshanian 2 wajohat waja
Insan ki Tamam Pareshan’ian 2 Wajohat ki Waja ?e Hain… 1. Taqdeer ?e Zayada ?hahta…
Sunehri baat hakeer se pesha
Life is a unique combination of
Life is a unique combination of "Want to" And "How to" And We need to…
Logo k khayl me open or close
Logo k khayl me OPEN or CLOSE ek dosre k oposite words hein. Lekin, Aap…
A day is eternitys seed and we
A day is Eternity’s seed, and we are its Gardeners. ~Erika Harris, empathicwriter.com