Wise SMS

Beautiful thought ek shaks tha jis

BEAUTIFUL THOUGHT…!! Ek shaks tha jis ki adat thi k wo raste mei milne wale…

Wise SMS

When v r angry can change decision

When V r Angry V Can Change Decision But Not Feelings The Changed Decision May…

Wise SMS

Sunehri baat dil aik aaina hai

**Sunehri** **Baat** Dil aik AAINA hai Agar wo BURAE se Pak ho to ISS me…

Wise SMS

3 cheezain 1 jaga parwarish pati hain

3 Cheezain 1 Jaga Parwarish Pati Hain 1-PHOOL 2-Kantay 3-Khushbu 3 Cheezain Her 1 Ko…

Wise SMS

Todayz thought luv wud never b

==ToDaYz ThOuGhT== LuV WuD NeVeR B a PrOmisE Of A RoSe GaRdEn UnLeSs It’S ShOwErEd…

Wise SMS

All you need in this life

All you need in this life is ignorance and confidence, and then success is sure….

Wise SMS

Mst ppl treat d present momnts as

Mst ppl treat d present momnts as if it were an obstacle th8 dey need…

Wise SMS

i have learned excellence

/* i hAvE LeArNeD * Excellence Is Doing Ordinary Things, Extraordinarily Well….

Wise SMS

May the angels protect u sadness 4get

May the angels protect U.. May sadness 4get U.. May goodness surround U.. May happiness…

Wise SMS



Wise SMS

Laugh ur heart out dance in d

Laugh Ur Heart Out Dance In d Rain Cherish d Memories Ignore d Pain Love…

Wise SMS

If you want to enjoy always think

If You want to Enjoy Always think Today is the first day But If You…

Wise SMS

Life is an island in the ocean

Life Is An Island In the Ocean Of Loneliness, An Island Whose Rocks R Hope,…

Wise SMS

Keep away from ppl who try 2

Keep Away From Ppl Who Try 2 Belittle Ur Ambitions. Small Ppl Always Do That,…

Wise SMS

Love urself flirt with ur understandingromance dreamsget

Love urself ,Flirt with ur understanding,Romance with dreams,Get engaged with simplicity,Marry genuiness,Divorce the ego…Thats Good…

Wise SMS

In time of difficulities dontt every say

In Time of Difficulities Dont’t every say "GOD I have a big problem"but instead"Hay problem…

Wise SMS

The path that leads to happiness

“The Path That Leads To Happiness Is So Narrow That Two Cannot Walk On It…

Wise SMS

Laugh so hard dat evn sorrow smiles

Laugh so hard dat evn sorrow smiles @ U ! Live life so well dat…

Wise SMS

To win the hearts of others

“To win the hearts of others …you must lose some colours of your Ego. ….

Wise SMS

Quotaati hay quot mehnat 0 diyanat dari

"Aati Hay . . ." *Mehnat-0-diyanat dari say aati hay.(DOULAT) *Yateem Maskeen ka Maal khanay…

Wise SMS

Destiny is simply da strength of ur

Destiny Is Simply Da Strength Of Ur Desires If U Cry At A Trouble, It…

Wise SMS

Today this impressed me we hate

TODAY THIS IMPRESSED ME: “We Hate Some Persons Because We Do Not Know Them; And…

Wise SMS

We always work for making better tomorow

We always work for making better tomorow When tomorow comes Instead of enjoying we again…

Wise SMS

beautiful quote paighambaron ki baat

” Beautiful Quote ” Paighambaron Ki Baat, BaatoN Ki Paighambar Hoti Hai….

Wise SMS

Make ur mind as iron and nerves

Make Ur Mind As Iron And Ur Nerves Of Steel And Set Out For Ur…

Wise SMS

Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes

Creativity Is Allowing Yourself To Make Mistakes. Art Is Knowing Which Ones To Keep….

Wise SMS

8206 t h o u g

‎~ T h O u G h T p R o V o K i…

Wise words Quotes SMS

We are cups constantly and quietly being

We are cups, constantly and quietly being filled.  The trick is, knowing how to tip…

Wise words Quotes SMS

The future lies before you like paths

The future lies before you, like paths of pure white snow.  Be careful how you…

Wise words Quotes SMS

You cant truthfully explain your smallest action

You can’t truthfully explain your smallest action without fully revealing your character.  ~Mignon McLaughlin, The…

Wise SMS

L i f e is not an

‘L i f e’ Is not an ‘i – P o d’ To listen your…

Wise SMS


ALHADEES: ‘kisi shaks k liye halaal(YANI JAIZ)nahi k 2 admio k darmian inki ijazat k…

Wise SMS

With a bad attitude u can never

With a BAD attitude u can never have a Positive Day. & With a POSITIVE…

Wise SMS

Life is a book we all read

Life is a BOOK We all read it, Love is BLESSING we all need it,…

Wise SMS

To prevent your defeat ask idea from

“To PrEvEnT YoUr DeFeAt AsK IdEa FrOm 1St BeNcH PeOpLe . To AcHiEvE YoUr SuCcEsS…

Wise SMS

Sometime in our life we play with

SomeTime in our Life we Play with LOVE. But When the Time comes and you…

Wise SMS

Kisi insan ki azmat jannay ka aakhari

“kisi Insan ki azmat Jan’nay ka aakhari pymana ye hy k.. uska rawayya un logon…

Wise SMS

A wise man once sat in an

A Wise Man Once Sat In An Audience And Cracked A Joke .. All Of…

Wise SMS

1 tree can make 10000 matchsticks but

1 Tree can make 10000 maTchsTicks BuT 1 maTchsTick can burn 10000 Trees! So,Never under-esTimaTe…

Wise SMS

1 mard ka imtihan aurat hai

1=> MARD Ka Imtihan Aurat Hai 2=> Sharam Mardon K liye Khoob Or aurton K…

Wise words Quotes SMS

All philosophy in two words sustain

All philosophy in two words, – sustain and abstain.  ~EpictetusMCTO, appetite section

Wise SMS

Wen u keep sayng r busy thn

Wen U Keep Sayng U R Busy, Thn U R Nevr Free,Wen U Kep Sayng…

Wise SMS

We cant achieve the real success and

we can’t achieve the real success and happiness until we learn the art of having…

Wise words Quotes SMS

The winds of grace are always blowing

The winds of grace are always blowing, but you have to raise the sail.  ~Ramakrishna

Wise SMS

Fact of life by the time you

Fact of Life: ?By the time You realise what your parents said was right? You…

Wise words Quotes SMS

Now and then it is a joy

Now and then it is a joy to have one’s table red with wine and…

Wise words Quotes SMS

The three great essentials to achieve anything

The three great essentials to achieve anything worth while are, first, hard work; second, stick-to-itiveness;…

Wise SMS

Two golden phrases of friendship dont

TWO GOLDEN PHRASES OF FRIENDSHIP: *_-_(Don’t believe the doubted one & Dont doubted the believed…

Wise SMS

War doesnt determine who is right

WAR Doesn’t Determine Who Is RIGHT, It Only Determines Who Is LEFT….

Wise SMS

We came with the fear of not

We Came With The Fear Of Not Knowing Anybody? But in The End? We Go…

Wise SMS

A wise man once sat in an

A Wise Man Once Sat In An Audience And Cracked A Joke .. All Of…

Wise SMS

Be nice to everyone

Be nice to everyone on your way to the top because you pass them all…

Wise SMS

Think about yourself atleast once in your

“Think about yourself atleast once in your life time… Otherwise you may miss the best…

Wise SMS

Yesterday i was clever so wanted

“Yesterday i was clever, so i wanted to change the world. Today i am wise,…

Wise SMS

Japan3s3 prov3rb ampgt if one can do it

Japan3s3 Prov3rb:-> ?If One Can Do It, . . . . U Too Can Do…

Wise SMS

It takes less time to do things

It Takes Less Time To Do Things Right Than To Explain Why You Did It…

Wise SMS

Six principles to success 1 control

Six principles to success 1. Control your destinity, or someone else will. 2. Face reality…

Wise SMS

Nice words only for u

(Nice -words) ONLY for == U == -{ Jisko Tujh se Sachi Mouhabbat ho gi…

Wise SMS

principles of life winning

~ Principles Of Life ~ – Winning Isn’t Everything, But Wanting To Win Is ….

Wise SMS

Concentrate on this sentence to get

Concentrate on this sentence: “To get something u never had, u have to do something,…

Wise SMS

Beware of ego its a sword

Beware Of “EGO” Its A Sword With Two Edges … …The OUTER Edge Cuts Your…

Wise SMS

Soft speech clean heart peaceful eyes focused

Soft Speech, Clean Heart, Peaceful Eyes, Focused Mind, Faith On ALLAH & Determined Decision Always…

Wise SMS

A poster showing fish caught on

A Poster Showing A Fish Caught On A Hook With The Caption Read: …”Even A…

Wise SMS

People say we r crazy when

People Say We r Crazy When We Smile 4 No Reason When …We r Alone…..

Wise SMS

Patience and silence are two powerful energies

Patience And Silence Are Two Powerful Energies. Patience Makes You Mentally Strong. Silence Makes You…

Wise SMS

Dont be afraid your life will

Don’t Be Afraid Your Life Will End … Be Afraid That It Will Never Begin…

Wise SMS

Never blame a day in ur life

Never Blame A Day In Ur Life Gud Days Gives Happiness Bad Days Give U…

Wise SMS

Jo shaks tumhe tumhare aeb se matla

Jo shaks tumhe tumhare Aeb se matla kar de wo uss shaks se behtar hai…

Wise SMS

True fact people dont change

“T^r^u^e F^a^c^t ” People Don’t CHANGE When You Tell Them A Better OPTION, But They…

Wise SMS

Dont walk as if u rule the

Don’t walk as if u rule the world Walk as if u don’t care who…

Wise SMS

In life love is never planned nor

In life LOVE is never planned nor does it happen for a reason.But when LOVE…

Wise SMS

No amp yes r 2 short wrds

NO & YES R 2 Short Wrds Which Need A Long Thought Most Of D…

Wise SMS

Shakayat mat kar 1 apni kismat ki

SHAKAYAT MAT KAR: 1: apni kismat ki. 2: ulad k samne apne baron ki. 3:…

Wise SMS

If you do not have a girl

If you do NOT have a Girl Friend – you are missing SOME Thing in…

Wise SMS

Todayz thought never get so much

|….ToDaYz ThOuGhT….| Never Get So Much Indulge In Others That U Lose Ur Own Identity…..

Wise SMS

Xpecting d world to treat u fairly

Xpecting d World to Treat u Fairly coz U r a Gud Person Is like…

Wise SMS

Thought which impressed me quotwe

THOUght whICh imPRESsed me. . "wE HAte soME PErsONS CUz wE DO not kNOw them….

Wise SMS

When you keep saying are busy

When you keep saying you are busy, Then you are never free. When you keep…

Wise SMS

3aachi baten 1kisi ki sharafat ko

3.Aachi Baten 1.Kisi ki sharafat ko uski buzdli na smjna.. 2.Kisi ki sachai ko uski…

Wise SMS

L i f e is like a

“L I F E Is Like A M I R R O R ! Just…

Wise SMS

Flirting is d only job in the

Flirting Is D Only Job In The World That A Man Can Not Include In…

Wise SMS

Agr kisi k zarf ko azmna ho

Agr Kisi K Zarf Ko Azmna Ho to Usko izat Do, Wo aala Zarf Hua…

Wise SMS

Tajurba insan ko ghalat faisle se bachata

“Tajurba Insan Ko Ghalat Faisle Se Bachata Hai . . . Magar . . ….

Wise SMS

F a c t s in

~F a c t s~ In Life V ‘Hide’ Coz V Wanna B ‘Missed’ ……

Wise SMS

A quote which means a lot

A Quote Which Means a Lot.. . . . . “Be with SomeOne Who Knows…

Wise SMS

Diamond cant b polish widout friction gold

DiamonD Cant B Polish WidouT FricTion. Gold CanT B Purified WidouT Fire. Good Ppl Go…

Wise SMS

When u read a love quote

When U read a love quote… U never think of d person who has written…

Wise SMS

Our prime purpose in dix life is

OuR pRiMe PuRpOsE iN dIx LiFe Is To HeLp OtHeR… AnD If YoU cAn’T hElP…