Category: Wise SMS
SMS wise words messages collection in hindi,urdu and english
Fate is what we say when lose
Fate Is What We Say When We Lose Something.. Have U Ever Heard Anyone Saying…
Being kind is much more important than
“Being Kind Is Much More Important Than Being Right” For Sometimes Wh8 a Person Needs,…
All that is necessary
All that is necessary for the forces of evil to win in this world is…
Thora jhoot mila lay apni sachi batoon
Thora Thora Jhoot Mila Lay Apni Sachi Batoon Mein Werna Yea Dunia Teray Rehne Kay…
Time is like a river you cant
Time is like a river. You can’t touch the same water twice, Becoz the flow…
Koi b kaam shuru krte wakt aagazbeginning
“koi b kaam shuru krte wakt aagaz(beginning) ka khas khayal kia karo apke kaam ka…
Dont say you dont have enough time
Don’t say You don’t have enough time You have exactly the same number of hours…
Reality sometimes people are nothing you
Reality: “Sometimes people are Nothing….. You make them Something….. & When they become Something….. They…
As We Are, So Shall You Be“
A Meangiful sentence written at a grave yard “ as You Are, So We Were,…
Quot taleem insaan ki rooh k lye wohi
"-Taleem insaan ki Rooh k lye wohi HAKEEKAT rakhti hai jo… Sang-e Marmar k TUKRE…
The funniest thing about life is
The funniest thing about life is ! ?Just when we think we have all the…
A fantastic quote 4 life satisfy
A fantastic Quote 4 Life: Satisfy the person who expect from YoU .. Rather than…
Dunia me 7 kaam asaan hyn or
DUNIA Me 7 Kaam Asaan Hyn Or Mushkil Bhi. 1.DOSTI krna Aasan NIBHANA Mushkil 2.PYAR…
Zindagi kya hai 1 zindagi aik tohfa
Zindagi kya hai? 1-Zindagi aik tohfa hai 2-Zindagi bahaar hai 3-zindagi aik phool hai 4-zindagi…
Respect those people who find time 4
Respect Those People Who Find Time 4 U In Their Time Table. But Love Those…
What is the best part of life
What is the best part of life ? "When your family understands you as a…
In your life,
In your life, problems may start from Haywards 2000 or Haywards 5000, but you must…
todayx thought when iron gets
-=- ToDaYx ThOuGhT -=- When Iron Gets Hot U Can Mold It In Any Shape…
Being a good person is like goal
Being a Good Person Is Like Being a Goal Keeper. No Matter How Many Goals…
Quotlife isnt measure by the number of
"Life Isn’t Measure By The Number Of Breath We Take But By The Moments That…
Mohabbat wo barish hai jise choney ki
Mohabbat Wo Barish Hai.. Jise ChoneY Ki Khwahish Mai.. Hatheliyan To Geeli Ho Jati Hyn…..
No problm will remain a problm only
Kbhi b kamyabi ko dimagh mein aur
KbHi B KaMyaBi Ko DiMaGh MeiN AuR NaKaMi Ko DiL MeiN JaGa Na DeNa. KyuN…
Greatness isnt found in possessions
Greatness Isn?t Found In Possessions .. Power .. Position or Prestige .. It?s Discovered In…
Forget the mistakes of past and
“Forget The Mistakes Of The Past And Press On To The Greater Achievements Of The…
Be stylish but look simple tough
Be Stylish But Look Simple Be Tough But Look Soft Be A Failure But Look…
Muafi maangney ka matlab hargiz yeh nahi
“MUAFI Maangney Ka Matlab Hargiz Yeh Nahi Hota K Aap Ghalat Ho, Balkey IsKa Matlab…
todayzzz thought quotwheneva u
|… ToDaY’zZz ThOuGht …| "wHeNeVa U r AsKeD.. If U CaN Do A JoB.. TeLl’em,…
2dayz thought do wat ur heart
2dAyZ tHoUgHt Do Wat Ur Heart Says Right. But dat May Hurt Some Of Ur…
Remember me and smile for its
Remember me and smile, For it’s better to forget Than Remember me and cry ……
Change doesnt happen when circumstances improve happens
‘Change’ Doesn’t ‘Happen’ When Circumstances ‘Improve’ ‘Change’ ‘Happens’ When “YOU” Decide To ‘Improve’ Your Circumstances……
You don‘t need fancy
You don‘t need fancy highbrow traditions or money to really learn. You just need people…
Quotun logon say ebrat ka sabaq lo
"Un logon say ebrat ka sabaq lo jo auron k halaat say ebrat hasil nai…
Kabhi socha hai hamne 60kg attay
kabhI socha hai Hamne? 60kg Attay ki Bori Jo Utha sakta hai Vo kharid nahi…
If wealth is lost nothing health something
If Wealth is lost, nothing is lost, If Health is lost, something is lost, and…
Excellent positive statement im not totally
Excellent positive statement- “I’m not totally useless, I can still be used as an example…
Aadmi pahaad mountain ki choti par se
If you believe can probably can wont
If YoU bElIeVe YoU cAn, YoU pRoBaBlY cAn. If YoU bElIeVe YoU wOn’t, YoU mOsT…
The inventible truth everyone hurts
ThE iNvEnTiBlE tRuTh . . . EvErYoNe HuRtS yOu SoOnEr Or LaTeR bUt YoU hAvE…
True luv isnt measured in hugs and
True Luv Isn’t Measured In Hugs and Kisses… But In Struggles and Fears… And Those…
Golden word kisi k akhlaq par
GOLDEN WORD Kisi k akhlaq par aetmaad na karo jab tak k usko ghusy main…
Guftagu sy samajh bojh me ezafa hota
“Guftagu sy Samajh bojh me Ezafa hota hay Leikin Tanhai wo madrasa ha Jahan Azeem…
6 chezen amal ko zaya kar deti
6 chezen amal ko zaya kar deti hen, 1.Logon k aib talash karna 2.Dil ki…
Good thoughts kill the stress b4 kills
Good thoughts: Kill the stress b4 stress kills u, Reach the goal b4 goal kicks…
When god drops needles and pins along
When GOD drops needles and pins along ur path in LIFE, dont stay away,, instead…
The real art of conversation iz nt
The Real Art Of Conversation Iz Nt Only To Say The Right Thing At The…
2 batein tbaho brbad krny k leay kafi
2-BATEIN Tbaho-Brbad Krny K Leay Kafi Hain 1-Maayoosi 2-Khud-Psndi Yani Hmesha Apni Hi Zat Ki…
Quotif you desire to blossom like
"iF yOu DeSiRe To BlOsSoM lIkE a RoSe In ThE gArDeN fIrSt LeArN tHe ArT…
Nice wordsquotworries are like birds let them
Nice words:"Worries are like birds, let them fly over you. But, dont make them build…
U can close windows amp darken ur
U Can Close Windows & Darken Ur Room Or U Can Open Windows & Let…
Mistakes are painful when they happenbut years
Mistakes are painful when they happen,But years later a collection of mistakes called Experience Which…
Talk happiness faith health say you are
Talk Happiness Talk Faith Talk Health Say You Are Well, And All Is well With…
The most important single ingridient in
The Most Important Single Ingridient In The Formula Of Success Is Knowing How To Get…
(Thomas A.Kempis)
Be at peace with yourself first and then you will be able to bring peace…
Wellwisher is not who meets u everyday
Wellwisher is not who meets U everyday & talk with U everyday. Wellwisher is 1…
Being happy doesnt mean that everythng is
Being happy doesn?t mean that everythng is perfect. It means that u have decided 2…
ultimate truth time makes us
. . . Ultimate Truth . . . TIME Makes Us FORGET Some PEOPLE But…
Ur feelings have no market in this
Ur FEeLings hAve nO mArKeT iN ThIs WOrLd.. So NEvEr AdvErTiSe THeM… (:…
The company of good people is like
The company of good people is like the shop of perfume’ Whether u have bought…
Delay is the enemy of efficiency and
Delay is the enemy of efficiency, and waiting is the enemy of utilization. So? don?t…
Time is a rare luxury which can
?TIME? is a rare luxury which can never be purchased at any cost. So when…
The audience see a joker as a
The Audience see a Joker As A Joker, But the Joker Sees Himslf As a…
Qeemati alfaz 1 jo log khudgharz
“QEEMATI ALFAZ” 1/ Jo log khudgharz hotay hen wo kabhi achay dost nahi hotay !…
Giving up doesnt always mean u r
GiViNg Up DoEsN?t AlWaYs MeAn U r WeAk? SoMeTiMeS It MeAnS ThAt YoU r StRoNg…
Ltlt nice thought gtgt a person
<<|| Nice Thought ||>> A Person Dreaming Of An Ambition Without Effort, Is Much Similar…
Mzboot bnna hy to jo muysr
MZBOOT Bn’na Hy? To Jo Muysr Ho Uspr Sbr OR Usy Behtr Bnany Ki Koshish…
Passonate aj humain koi problem hoti
PaSS|oNaTe Aj humain koi problem hoti hai to hum bohat tension lete hain, Magar Kal…
Buffalo pr bethe 1 pathan ko traffic
Buffalo pr bethe 1 pathan ko Traffic police ne roka or pucha apka helmet kaha…
Truth is always like oil in water
Truth is Always Like Oil in Water; No Matter How Much of Water You Add,…
Value of a woman this couldnt be
VALUE OF A WOMAN: This couldn’t be said more beautifully… Be careful not to make…
Broken hearts are never healed.
Broken hearts are never healed. They haunt us for a lifetime even if we find…
Once a person asked to godquotwhat surprises
Once a person asked to God,"What surprises you the most about mankind?". God replied, They…
1 jis gunah say umar kam
(1) Jis Gunah Say Umar Kam Hoti Hai, Wo Rizzaq ke behurmati hai. (2) Jis…
Strong people make mistakes like weak
Strong People Make Mistakes Like Weak People Do, The Difference Is Strong People Admit Them,…
Insan apni zindagi main har cheez kay
Insan Apni Zindagi Main Har Cheez Kay Peechy Bhagay Ga Magar 2 Cheezain Insan Ka…
Thought of the day her meethi
Thought of the day”” Her meethi cheez siwaye Shehad k zahar ha. Aur her karwi…
Donot worry over what other people
Donot Worry Over What Other People Are Thinking About You. They Are Busy Worrying Over…
Sometimez road travelled turns out to
SoMeTiMeZ rOaD tRaVeLlEd TuRnS oUt To B MoRe BeAuTiFuL tHaN dEsTiNaTiOn ReAcHeD EnJoY lEaDiNg YoUr…
When a love comes to an end
When A Love Comes To An End Weak Cry Efficient Ones Instantly Find Another Love…
Life is like a cardiogram it always
Life Is Like A Cardiogram… It Always Has Up & Down Graph. If Its Steady,…
John keats said quotspeak less to
John Keats said: "Speak less to people you love the most……because if they cannot understand…
The duck looks smooth and calm on
The Duck Looks Smooth And Calm On Top Of Water But Underneath There Is Restless…
Common sense is common but the
Common Sense Is Common, But… The Use Of Common Sense Is Uncommon !!!! …