Category: Smile SMS

Smile SMS / Smiley Text Messages for your loved ones to Smile

Smile SMS

A smile is an inexpensive

A SMILE ? Is an inexpensive way To change ur looks? Keep smiling ? =)…

Smile SMS

Gun can kill fire burn wind chill

Gun can kill Fire can burn Wind can chill n The mind can learn Anger…

Smile SMS

Kabhi rooth kar mana hans rula

Kabhi Rooth Kar.. Kabhi Mana Kar.. Kabhi Hans Kar.. Kabhi Rula Kar… Hum Ne Tumhari…

Smile SMS

Life is short forgive quickly believe

Life Is Short Forgive Quickly, Believe Slowly, Love Truly, Laugh Uncontrollably, And Never Regret Anything…

Smile SMS

A smile costs less than electricity but

A Smile costs Less than Electricity, But… Gives More Light… so,Always smile.. And… Prove That……

Smile SMS

A smile may be

A Smile ? ! May Be The Ray Of Sunshine That Someone Needs In A…

Smile SMS

Dream makes all thngs possible hope work

?DREAM? makes all thngs possible. ?HOPE? makes all thngs work. ?LOVE? makes all thngs butiful….

Smile SMS

i have never seen a

? I hAvE nEvEr sEEn A sMiliNg fAcE tHaT wAs nOt bEaUtiFul ? ? k33P…

Smile SMS

Heart for sale itsprice is just

.*.*.Heart.*.*. .*.*.*For.*.*.*. .*.*.*.Sale.*.*.*. .*.Its.*.*.Price.*. .*.*.*.*.Is.*.*.*.* .*.*.*.Just.*.*.*. .*.Your.*.*.One.*. *SMILE* …

Smile SMS

A smile may be

A Smile ? ! May Be The Ray Of Sunshine That Someone Needs In A…

Smile SMS

This message is frm smile

This message is frm “Smile & Co.” V r checking if all the “Shweet People”…

Smile SMS

Laughter can be satisfying

LAUGHTER ? ! Can Be Satisfying Than Honor ? More Precious Than Money ? More…

Smile SMS

Most of us miss out lifes big

Most of us Miss Out Life’s Big Prizes. Nobel Oscar Grammys. But we are All…

Smile SMS

If you were not using your smileyou

If you were not using your smile,you are like a man with Million dollars in…

Smile SMS

Find the 1 that makes ur heart

Find The 1 That Makes Ur Heart Smile There r Moments In Life When U…

Smile SMS

A smile is an inexpensive

A SMILE ? Is an inexpensive way To change ur looks? Keep smiling ? =)…

Smile SMS

Always smile because our faces

Always Smile … Because Our Faces Are The Best Billboards, Where The Ads Of Life…

Smile SMS

If life is a gamei pray

If If If If life is a game.I pray u always win. If life is…

Smile SMS

Thousands of languages around this world but

Thousands of languages around this world but “smile” can beat them all. Bcoz “Smile” is…

Smile SMS

Smile is infication u can catch it

Smile is infication U can catch it like the fly When Someone Smiles at me…

Smile SMS

The day in which we have not

The Day In Which We Have Not Laughed. -Charlie Chaplin. Keep Smiling. It Makes Life…

Smile SMS

If you dont start out the day

If You Don’t Start Out The Day With A Smile, It Is Not Too Late…

Smile SMS

The most beautiful thing in this world

The Most Beautiful Thing In This World Is To See Your Parents Smiling & The…

Smile SMS

Never start frowning coz you know

Never Start Frowning Coz You Never Know Who’s Falling In Love With Your Smile ……

Smile SMS

Frend is 1 who tolerates ur worst

“FrEnD” Is 1 Who Tolerates Ur Worst MOOD Manage 2 Smile On Ur Idiotic JOKE…

Smile SMS

Life is all abt waking up each

LifE iS aLL Abt WakinG uP EaCh dAy tO diSCoVer SoMethinG NeW, Abt MeetinG oLd…

Smile SMS

Smile is the electricity amp life

Smile Is The Electricity & Life Is A Battery. . . Whenever U Smile, The…

Smile SMS

Faith makes all things possible love easy

Faith makes all things possible love makes all things easy, hopes makes all things work,…

Smile SMS

Only 2 persons r very happy in

Only 2 persons r very happy in dis world, 1 is MAD & another is…

Smile SMS

Sun glows 4 a day candle

Sun glows 4 a day, Candle 4 an hour Matchstick 4 a minute, But A…

Smile SMS

Best linez by a best frnd

Best linez by a best frnd: “It hurts me wen u talk to s0me0ne else…

Smile SMS

Test ur bp with out any machine

Test Ur B.P With out any machine Put ur left hand on Ur heart Close…

Smile SMS

Rose is famous 4 grace advocate

Rose is famous 4 Grace… Advocate is famous 4 his Case.. Horses are famous 4…

Smile SMS

Sharp is ur memory sweet name deep

Sharp is ur memory, sweet is ur name, deep in my heart u?ll always remain….

Smile SMS

Everyday is a happy day as long

EvErYdAy Is A hApPy dAy As LoNg As yOu tEXt Me oNcE A dAy. I…

Smile SMS

Wonderful coupels in dis world heart

Wonderful coupels in dis world… Heart & Beat, Night & Sleep, Moon & Stars, Sky…

Smile SMS

Happiness is lyk a radio station broadcasting

Happiness Is Lyk A Radio Station Broadcasting All d Tym U Just Have 2 Learn…

Smile SMS

Always wear a smile on ur face

Always wear a smile on ur face while talking to others, It cost u nothing…

Smile SMS

Smile is the 2nd best thing you

Smile is the 2nd best thing you can do with your Lips. What is first…

Smile SMS

Beauty is power a smile its

Beauty Is Power A Smile Is Its Sword Keep SmiLing GoodMorning…

Smile SMS

Anger is a condition in which tongue

“Anger” is a condition in which tongue works faster than the mind & “Smile” is…

Smile SMS

A smile makes us look younger

A Smile Makes Us Look Younger … While Prayerz Make Us Feel Strong … And…

Smile SMS

Always keep smiling u know y

Always keep Smiling. u know Y? Bcoz "Hanso! Jiyo! Aur Muskurao! Kya Pata . ….

Smile SMS

Keep the smile leave tear think

Keep the smile, Leave the tear, Think of joy, Forget the fear, Hold the laugh,…

Smile SMS

Hey sumthing missing in u but

Hey! Sumthing Missing In U, But Wat & Whr?Lets Search In Ur Bag NO In…

Smile SMS

Some joyz r better xpressed in silence

Some joyz r better xpressed in silence As a smile holds more meaning than words…

Smile SMS

Mere dost tanhai me na waqt bitaya

Mere dost tanhai me na waqt bitaya karo kabhi kabhi mehfilon me bhi aaya kro…

Smile SMS

Cream se agar cake itna meeta ho

Cream se agar cake itna meeta ho sakta ha Ek dori agr gubare ko upar…

Smile SMS

If u see some one without a

If u see some one without a smile give him one of yours because you…

Smile SMS

Today i caught myself smiling for no

Today I caught myself smiling for no reason…

Smile SMS

A smile is a curve

A Smile 🙂 Is a Curve Dat Sets Everything Straight & Wipes Da Wrinkles Away…

Smile SMS

Yun aaino se kab tak dil behlao

Yun Aaino se kab tak Dil behlao gay Jab andhera hoga khud ko tanha paoge…

Smile SMS

When i smile think of u u

When I smile, I think of u, When I think of U, I smile, Is…

Smile SMS

Im not your friend if you whould

Im not your friend if? You whould rather keep quiet when you really waana talk!…

Smile SMS

A smile is the light in

A SmIlE iS The LiGhT iN Ur WinDow Th8 tElLs OthEr’S Th8 ThErE iS A…

Smile SMS

You can hide alot behind a smile

You Can Hide Alot… Behind A SMILE A B r o k e n H…

Smile SMS

Silent lips may avoid many problems but

Silent lips may avoid many problems, But smiling lips wil solve many problems so Hr…

Smile SMS

Muje apk honto pr bs

Muje apk honto pr ? Bs 1 bar ? PLZ Bs 1 bar ? Bohat…

Smile SMS

Smile is the 2nd best thing you

Smile is the 2nd best thing you can do with your Lips. What is first…

Smile SMS

Thought of the day no smile

Thought Of The Day No smile is better than fake smile coz fake smile shows…

Smile SMS

Ek to aap sharmati boht ho agar

Ek To Aap Sharmati Boht Ho! Agar Baat Karty Ho To Ghabrati Boht Ho! Dil…

Smile SMS

Among those whom i like or admire

Among those Whom I like or admire I can find no common denominator But Among…

Smile SMS

Its not that u stop smiling as

Its not that u stop smiling as u grow old. The real thing is u…

Smile SMS

Faith makes all things possible love easy

Faith makes all things possible love makes all things easy, hopes makes all things work,…

Smile SMS

excuses are the nails used to build

-Excuses are the nails used to build a house of failure. -Hope puts a smile…

Smile SMS

Hum aap k acount main add ker

Hum aap k acount main add ker rahey hain. DIL JAAN PYAR MOHABAT KHUSHI HANSI…

Smile SMS

A smile gives red color 2 ur

A smile gives red color 2 ur cheeks white color 2 ur teeth pink color…

Smile SMS

Yar msg padhte hua muskura q rahe

Yar msg padhte hua muskura q rahe ho? Aray phir se muskura rahe ho! Abhi…

Smile SMS

Aapki dosti aapki har wafa kaafi hai

Aapki dosti aapki har wafa kaafi hai, Tamam umar yeh aasra kaafi hai, Jahan kabhi…

Smile SMS

Here i would like to share a

Here I would like to share a collection of smile quotes which makes me smile…

Smile SMS

Nothing comes free of cost in dis

Nothing Comes Free Of Cost In Dis World Including My Message; So I?ve Decided 2…

Smile SMS

Whatever happens to ur day just relax

WhatEver Happens To Ur Day… Just Relax & Manage To Make Smile… Life Isn’t A…

Smile SMS

Little keys can open big locks simple

Little keys can open big locks, simple words can express great thoughts. A text from…

Smile SMS

Wo rootha sa lagta hai koi

Wo Rootha Rootha Sa Lagta Hai,,, Koi Tarkeeb Batao Manane Ki,,, Main Zindagi Girwi Rakh…

Smile SMS

Once a man askd fallen rosedont you

Once a man askd a fallen rose,”Don’t you get hurt when you are plucked?” The…

Smile SMS

Smile is da jam on toast of

Smile is da jam on da toast of life it adds flavor keeps it frm…

Smile SMS

A smile is an inexpensive

A SMILE ? Is an inexpensive way To change ur looks? Keep smiling ? =)…

Smile SMS

Girls misuse it models sell photograhers cage

Girls misuse it! models sell it! photograhers cage it! doctors advice it! death freezes it!…

Smile SMS

Earth want water flower due i

earth want water, flower want due i want nothing but a smile from u…

Smile SMS

Uuffoohh dosti ka sara kaam mujhe he

Uuffoohh!! Dosti Ka Sara Kaam Mujhe He Karna Parta Hai Love Bhi Miss Bhi Care…

Smile SMS

Rahat bhi apse aati he chahat

“RaHaT” Bhi Apse Aati He, “ChaHaT” Bhi Apse Aati He, “HuMsE” Kabhi Ruthna Nahi, Kyun…

Smile SMS

A gun kill s0meone fire can

A gUN kILL s0mEoNe FIrE cAn bUrN s0mEoNe wINd cAn cHILL AngEr cAn rAgE tILL…

Smile SMS

U maybe tired of many greetings

U Maybe Tired of many greetings like Hi Hello Gud Morning Gud Noon Hav A…

Smile SMS

I m looking for new friends quot

I m looking for new friends " A friend is one who sees ur 1st…

Smile SMS

Roses r famous for grace advocates

Roses r famous for grace Advocates r famous for case, Horses r famous for Race;…

Smile SMS

An honest smile from a smiling heart

An Honest Smile From A Smiling Heart Crossing Many Kilometers Has Just Reached Ur Inbox…..

Smile SMS

We re not too close in distance

We re not too close in distance. We re not too near in miles. But…

Smile SMS

If i cud reach up and hold

If i cud reach up and hold a star 4 every time u made me…