Category: Quotes Sms
Quotes Sms
Put your hand on a hot stove
Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an…
Confidence helps to set some aim
Confidence Helps To Set Some Aim. . . But,Self Confidence Helps to Achieve That Aim….
For good or ill your conversation is
FoR gOoD oR iLl, YoUr CoNvErSaTiOn Is YoUr AdVeRtIsEmEnT … EvErY tImE yOu OpEn YoUr…
What is trust trust a feeling
What is trust ?? Trust is a feeling that a one year child has ,…
Enjoy your life today because yesterday has
Enjoy Your Life Today Because Yesterday Has Gone and Tomorrow May Never Come …
Quote character is like a tree and
QUOTE: Character is like a tree and reputation like a shadow The shadow is what…
The trouble with the world is that
The trouble with the world is that, the stupids are full of confidence and the…
No one will manufacture a lock without
No one will manufacture a lock without a key. Similarly, God wont give problems without…
If a drop of water falls in
if a drop of water falls in a lake; its identity is over. If it…
B satisfied with life always
B Satisfied With LIFE & Always Unsatisfied With The RESULTS You Produce. Thats The Best…
Richard moss the greatest gift
Richard Moss — ”The greatest gift you can give to someone is the purity of…
Do not limit your challenges challenge limits
Do not limit your challenges; challenge your limits?. Born with personality is an accident,but living…
Gussa gussa karne ka matlub hei k
GUSSA… gussa karne ka matlub hei k hum! Dusron ki galtion ka intaqam apne aap…
An economist explains the reason for having
An Economist explains the reason for having 2 wives Monopoly is Always Damaging! And? Competition…
Often when we lose all hope
Often when we lose all hope.. & Think this is the end. Allah smiles from…
World is not a parking place
World Is Not A Parking Place, It Is A Racing Track Keep On Moving. No…
When your comitment is deeper than the
When Your Comitment Is Deeper Than The Sea. . . And Your Ambition Is Taller…
Quote be like a postage stamp stick
Quote: Be Like A Postage Stamp–Stick To One Thing Until You Get There (Josh Billings)…
Wen kids learn 2walk they keep
Wen Kids Learn 2walk, They Keep Falling But 2them Its Not Failing, It?s Learning. So…
Be like a dolphin even
Be Like A Dolphin . . . Even Though There Are Dangerous Sharks Arround That…
Quote the tragedy of life does not
QUOTE: The tragedy of life does not lie in not reaching your goal. The tragedy…
I care not what others think of
I Care Not What Others Think Of Wat I Do,But I Care Vry Much About…
Some people think that black
Some People Think That … BLACK Color As Sentimentaly Bad But They Forget To Know…
Ampquoti have learnt silence from the talkative
"I have learnt silence from the talkative, toleration from the intolerant, and kindness from the…
You dont have to be great
YoU dOn’T hAvE tO bE gReAt To StArT … bUt YoU hAvE tO sTaRt To…
In the fight between wave amp rock
In the fight between wave & rock on seashore, Wave always wins. Not through strength,…
The arms of a man and tears
“The arms of a man” and “The tears of a woman” can do every task…
One step back does not mean
One Step Back Does Not Mean Defeated … It Just Means That You Will Take…
When one door of happiness closes another
When one door of happiness closes, another opens, often we look so long at the…
Dont be afraid of pressure remember
Don’t Be Afraid Of Pressure … Remember That Pressure Is What Turns A Lump Of…
Jab apne walidain ko koi cheez do
“Jab APNE WALIDAIN Ko Koi Cheez Do tou is trha Jese Koi GHULAM Apne AAQA…
Quote a mind like a home is
QUOTE: A mind, like a home, is furnished by its owner, so if ones life…
Its stupid enuf to hate all roses
Its stupid enuf? To hate all roses js bcz u got scratchd by a thorn,…
Life is like riding a bicycle
LiFe iS LiKe rIdInG A BiCyClE. . . YOU dOn?t FaLl oFf uNlEsS yOu sToP…
Some flowers grow best in the
Some Flowers Grow Best In The Sun. Others Do Well In The Shadow. God Knows…
Never hold yourself solely responsible for any
Never hold yourself solely responsible for any misfortune in life because no single raindrop is…
For true success ask yourself these
For True Success Ask Yourself These Four Questionz Why ? Why Not ? Why Not…
jahilon ka tariqa ye hy k
=…= Jahilo’n Ka Tariqa Ye Hy k Jab In Ki Daleel Muqabil k Aage Nahi…
Life is like an ice creameat it before
life is like an ice-cream,eat it before it melts …
Do u know why d cars windscreen
Do u know why d car’s windscreen is so large & the rear view mirror…
Even a small dot can stop big
?Even A Small Dot Can Stop A Big Sentence? But? Few More Dots Can Give…
My father said there are two kinds
My Father Said, ?There Are Two Kinds Of People: Givers And Takers. The Takers May…
Waves are inspiring not because they
Waves are inspiring… . . . NoT because they RiSe and FaLL . BuT ….
Worry is the misuse of imagination
Worry Is The Misuse Of Imagination … Have Confindence That If You Have Done A…
What can you do to promote world
What Can You Do To Promote World Peace ? Go Home And Love Your Family……
As you get older three things happen
As you get older three things happen. The first is your memory goes, and I…
A race horse tht consistantly runs
A Race Horse Tht Consistantly Runs Just 1 Second Faster Thn Others, Worth Millions Of…
Champions r nt superhumansthey just fight 1
Champions r nt superhumans,they just fight 1 extra secnd whn every1 else quit. Remembr, sometimes…
A painful phrase written by boy who
A Painful Phrase Written By A Boy Who Lost His Parents in Tsunami “Sea I…
Success is never permanent failure final
Success Is Never Permanent Failure Is Never Final . . So Always Do Not Stop…
Dont fear for facing failure in the
Don?t Fear For Facing Failure In The First Attempt, Because Even The Successful Maths Starts…
Its not gud for all our wishes
It?s Not Gud For All Our Wishes To Be Fulfilled? Through Sickness We Recognize The…
Never walk on the traveled path because
“Never walk on the traveled path, because it only leads you where the others have…
Self confidence quoti m indeed a
SelF COnfIDEnce. "I M Indeed A King Cuz I Know How To Rule Myself. ….
To fear love is to life and
To fear love is to fear life, and those who fear life are already three…
The great success mantra quoti
The Great Success Mantra , "I m Not In Competition With Anybody But Myself. My…
Champions r not superhumans they just fight
Champions r not superhumans, they just fight for 1 xtra second, when every1 else quit….
Even a correct decision is wrong when
Even A Correct Decision Is Wrong When It?s Taken Too Late. Vision Without Action Is…
Quotstart by doing whats necessary then
"Start By Doing What’s NECESSARY, Then What’s POSSIBLE And Suddenly You Find You Are Doing…
Legendary words by charlie chaplin quotlife
Legendary Words by Charlie Chaplin "Life laughs at u when u r unhappy" "Life smiles…
Abraham lincon states if love is
Abraham Lincon states! ?If Love is your weakest point then you are the strongest person…
In a world filled with hate v
In a world filled with hate, V must still dare to hope In a world…
Ampquotcourage is not the absence of fear
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is…
I believe that if you show people
I Believe That If You Show People The Problems And You Show Them The Solutions…
The best portion of a good mans
The Best Portion Of A Good Man’s Life, His Little, Nameless, Unremembered Acts Of Kindness…
Some people are making such thorough plans
Some People Are Making Such Thorough Plans For Rainy Days That They Aren?t Enjoying Today?s…
Quote do not worry that children never
QUOTE: Do not worry that children never listen to you; worry that they are always…
if you dont get everything want
||~ If You Don’t Get Everything You Want, Think Of The Things You Don’t Get…
If we were born knowing everything
iF we wEre bOrn knOwing eveRythiNg, wAt woUld wE dO alL thiS tiMe oN tHe…
In the hase etween at amp mouse
In The ?hase ?etween ?at & Mouse, The Mouse Mostly Wins ?caz The ?at Is…
Q u o t e effort
Q U O T E “Effort Within The Mind Further Limits The Mind, Because Effort…
Ampquot it is not the answer that
" It is not the answer that enlightens, but the question" (Eugene Ionesco Decouvertes) …
Quotthe greastest pleasure in life is doing
"The GREASTEST pleasure In Life Is Doing… What People Say You Can’t Do." …
Dont take life too seriously youll never
Don’t take life too seriously, you’ll never get out of it alive. — Elbert Hubbard…
Step by step the journey goes on
Step by step the journey goes on, Little by little it may seem so long….
Shakespeare said it is not necessary to
Shakespeare said: It is not necessary to share everything between true friends But It is…
Quote government can easily exist without laws
Quote: Government can easily exist without laws, but law cannot exist without government. (Bertrand Russell)…
Best inspiring msge of the year if
Best Inspiring Msge Of The Year??! ?If U Born Poor, It?s Not Your Mistake, But…
Discussion is the way for gaining knowledge
Discussion is the way for gaining knowledge”… “Argument is the way for gaining enemies…” -Robert…
The trouble with being punctual is that
The trouble with being punctual is that nobody’s there to appreciate it. – Franklin P….
What people says u dont worry
WhAt pEopLe sAyS u doN’t woRRy!! BeCaUsE sHakSpHeRe sAy "v kNoW wHaT v r,bUt v…
The most instructive experiences are those of
The most instructive experiences are those of everyday life." (Friedrich Nietzsche) …
Treat everyone with politenesseven those who are
Treat everyone with politeness,Even those who are rude to U…..Not because they are not nice,But…
Step by step the journey goes on
Step by step the journey goes on, Little by little it may seem so long….
Dont hurt anyone it only takes few
Don`t hurt anyone! It only takes few seconds to hurt people you love and it…
Peace iz not d absence ov conflict
Peace iz not d absence ov conflict, but d ability 2 cope wid conflict by…
The most determinative entence the race
The Most Determinative ??entence; ??The Race Is Not ??ver ??ecause I Havnt Won ??et?? …
Wn feel that allah is rbbing
Wn ? Feel That ALLAH Is R?bbing ? Against ROCKS, Do Not Think That ?…