Category: Quote SMS

Text quotes & Quotes sms messages collection in hindi, urdu and english

Writing Quotes SMS

The difference between the almost right word

The difference between the almost right word and the right word is really a large…

Justice Quotes SMS

Any society that needs disclaimers has too

Any society that needs disclaimers has too many lawyers.  ~Erik Pepke

Justice Quotes SMS

Only the man who has enough good

Only the man who has enough good in him to feel the justice of the…

Smiles Quotes SMS

Ive never seen a smiling face that

I’ve never seen a smiling face that was not beautiful.  ~Author Unknown

God Quotes SMS

How many stanzas in the springtime breeze

How many stanzas in the springtime breeze? How plenty the raindrops? As He doth please….

Letters Quotes SMS

In an age like ours which is

In an age like ours, which is not given to letter-writing, we forget what an…

Human Quotes SMS

Be a good animal true to your

Be a good animal, true to your animal instincts.  ~David Herbert Lawrence, White Peacock, 1911PMB

Attitude Quotes SMS

True contentment depends not upon what we

True contentment depends not upon what we have; a tub was large enough for Diogenes,…

Light Quotes SMS

What is to give light must endure

What is to give light must endure burning.  ~Viktor Frankl

Experience Quotes SMS

Idealism is what precedes experience cynicism follows

Idealism is what precedes experience; cynicism is what follows.  ~David T. Wolf, as said to…

Marriage Quotes SMS

Sometimes i wonder if men and women

Sometimes I wonder if men and women really suit each other.  Perhaps they should live…

Goals Quotes SMS

It is never too late to be

It is never too late to be who you might have been.  ~George Eliot

Summer Quotes SMS

If it could only be like this

If it could only be like this always – always summer, always alone, the fruit…

Quotations Quotes SMS

Quotations will tell the full measure of

Quotations will tell the full measure of meaning, if you have enough of them. ~James…

Art Quotes SMS

Science is out of the reach morals

Science is out of the reach of morals, for her eyes are fixed upon eternal…

Attitude Quotes SMS

Why not learn to enjoy the little

Why not learn to enjoy the little things – there are so many of them. …

Music Quotes SMS

Music is the literature of heart it

Music is the literature of the heart; it commences where speech ends.  ~Alphonse de LamartineCOE

Risk Quotes SMS

This nation was built by men who

This nation was built by men who took risks – pioneers who were not afraid…

Soul Quotes SMS

I believe that the soul consists of

I believe that the soul consists of its sufferings.  For the soul that cures its…

Letters Quotes SMS

Your letteryour dear warm true hearted letter

[Y]our letter?your dear, warm, true-hearted letter ? was put in my hand. I kissed it…

Marriage Quotes SMS

Our marriage has always been a 50 50

Our marriage has always been a 50-50 proposition – with the possible exception of closet…

Food Quotes SMS

Did you ever stop to taste a

Did you ever stop to taste a carrot?  Not just eat it, but taste it? …

Attitude Quotes SMS

Attitudes are contagious are yours worth catching

Attitudes are contagious.  Are yours worth catching?  ~Dennis and Wendy Mannering

Yoga Quotes SMS

Sun salutations can energize and warm you

Sun salutations can energize and warm you, even on the darkest, coldest winter day.  ~Carol…

Literature Quotes SMS

Every mans memory is his private literature

Every man’s memory is his private literature.  ~Aldous Huxley

Presidents day Quotes SMS

He guided the passions of others because

He guided the passions of others, because he was master of his own.  ~Ebenezer Grant…

Alcohol Quotes SMS

Draft beer not people author unknown

Draft beer, not people.  ~Author Unknown

Vegetarianism Quotes SMS

Vegetarians taste better author unknown

Vegetarians taste better.  ~Author Unknown

Horses Quotes SMS

The hooves of horses oh witching and

The hooves of horses! Oh! witching and sweet Is the music earth steals from the…

Adversity Quotes SMS

They say a reasonable amount o fleas

They say a reasonable amount ‘o fleas is good fer a dog – keeps him…

Justice Quotes SMS

It is easier to commit murder than

It is easier to commit murder than to justify it.  ~Aemilius Papinianus (Papinian), quoted in…

Excuses Quotes SMS

Dont do what youll have to find

Don’t do what you’ll have to find an excuse for.  ~Proverb

Economic issues Quotes SMS

Credit buying is much like being drunk

Credit buying is much like being drunk.  The buzz happens immediately and gives you a…

Dental Quotes SMS

My health plan doesnt cover dental so

My health plan doesn’t cover dental, so I enrolled my teeth as 32 dependents, each…

Summer Quotes SMS

Then followed that beautiful season summer filled

Then followed that beautiful season… Summer…. Filled was the air with a dreamy and magical…

Confidence Quotes SMS

Aerodynamically the bumblebee shouldnt be able to

Aerodynamically the bumblebee shouldn’t be able to fly, but the bumblebee doesn’t know that so…

Life Quotes SMS

You live and learn at any rate

You live and learn.  At any rate, you live.  ~Douglas Adams

Kindness Quotes SMS

When your suffering is a little greater

When your suffering is a little greater than my suffering I feel that I am…

Christmas Quotes SMS

Christmas the very word brings joy to

Christmas!  The very word brings joy to our hearts.  No matter how we may dread…

Life Quotes SMS

The art of living is more like

The art of living is more like wrestling than dancing.  ~Marcus Aurelius, MeditationsLCD

Television Quotes SMS

If you surveyed a hundred typical middle aged

If you surveyed a hundred typical middle-aged Americans, I bet you’d find that only two…

Life Quotes SMS

Chance is always powerful let your hook

Chance is always powerful, let your hook always be cast; in the pool where you…

Life Quotes SMS

Most men make the voyage of life

Most men make the voyage of life as if they carried sealed orders which they…

Age Quotes SMS

Middle age is having a choice between

Middle age is having a choice between two temptations and choosing the one that’ll get…

Beauty Quotes SMS

As we grow old the beauty steals

As we grow old, the beauty steals inward.  ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Politics Quotes SMS

If the person you are trying to

If the person you are trying to diagnose politically is some sort of intellectual, the…

Truth Quotes SMS

The greatest enemy of any one our

The greatest enemy of any one of our truths may be the rest of our…

Writing Quotes SMS

I write because im afraid to say

I write because I’m afraid to say some things out loud. ~Gordon Atkinson,

Writing Quotes SMS

There are men that will make you

There are men that will make you books, and turn them loose into the world,…

Chakras Quotes SMS

Lets not forget that the little emotions

Let’s not forget that the little emotions are the great captains of our lives and…

Parents Quotes SMS

The one thing children wear out faster

The one thing children wear out faster than shoes is parents.  ~John J. Plomp

Tv turnoff week Quotes SMS

We cannot blame the schools alone for

We cannot blame the schools alone for the dismal decline in SAT verbal scores.  When…

Goodbye Quotes SMS

May the sun shine all day long

May the sun shine, all day long, everything go right, and nothing wrong. May those…

Guillemets quotes Quotes SMS

X rays surprise god all the things he

X-rays surprise God: all the things he can see that a machine can’t.

St patricks day Quotes SMS

Wandered from the antrim hills killalas rills

Wandered from the Antrim hills, Wandered from the Killalas rills, Patrick heard upon the breeze…

Marriage Quotes SMS

Marriage is three parts love and seven

Marriage is three parts love and seven parts forgiveness of sins.  ~Langdon MitchellRDM

Contest 2024 Quotes SMS

I ask of life to recognise my

I ask of life to recognise my struggles and reward me not on my troubles….

Honesty Quotes SMS

A lie may take care of the

A lie may take care of the present, but it has no future.  ~Author Unknown

Life Quotes SMS

There is no finish line nike advertisement

There is no finish line.  ~Nike advertisementDCD

Cats Quotes SMS

Kittens are born with their eyes shut

Kittens are born with their eyes shut.  They open them in about six days, take…

Risk Quotes SMS

It is only in adventure that some

It is only in adventure that some people succeed in knowing themselves – in finding…

Poetry Quotes SMS

Poetry is the journal of sea animal

Poetry is the journal of the sea animal living on land, wanting to fly in…

Hope Quotes SMS

Hope is that thing with feathers perches

Hope is that thing with feathers that perches in the soul and sings the tune…

Perseverance Quotes SMS

Perseverance is not a long race it

Perseverance is not a long race; it is many short races one after another.  ~Walter…

Housework Quotes SMS

My second favorite household chore is ironing

My second favorite household chore is ironing.  My first being hitting my head on the…

Writing Quotes SMS

Loafing is the most productive part of

Loafing is the most productive part of a writer’s life.  ~James Norman HallCUL

Sky clouds Quotes SMS

Without a wish without will i stood

Without a wish, without a will, I stood upon that silent hill And stared into…

Science Quotes SMS

A new scientific truth does not triumph

A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing opponents and making them see the…

Advertising Quotes SMS

Dont tell my mother i work in

Don’t tell my mother I work in an advertising agency – she thinks I play…

Feminism Quotes SMS

You know when i first went into

You know, when I first went into the movies Lionel Barrymore played my grandfather.  Later…

Places Quotes SMS

California can and does furnish the best

California can and does furnish the best bad things that are obtainable in America.  ~Hinton…

Age Quotes SMS

To the loved ones with snowy crowns

To the loved ones with snowy crowns, I bequeath the happiness of old age, the…

Change Quotes SMS

The man who never alters his opinion

The man who never alters his opinion is like standing water, and breeds reptiles of…

Feminism Quotes SMS

Sensible and responsible women do not want

Sensible and responsible women do not want to vote.  The relative positions to be assumed…

Change Quotes SMS

You must welcome change as the rule

You must welcome change as the rule but not as your ruler.  ~Denis Waitley

Happiness Quotes SMS

The best way to cheer yourself up

The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up. …

Integrity Quotes SMS

Every wrong seems possible today and is

Every wrong seems possible today, and is accepted.  I don’t accept it.  ~Pablo CasalsCUL

Yearbook Quotes SMS

How did it get so late soon

How did it get so late so soon? It’s night before it’s afternoon. December is…

Haste Quotes SMS

God made time but man haste irish

God made time, but man made haste.  ~Irish ProverbCUL

Fishing Quotes SMS

Bragging may not bring happiness but no

Bragging may not bring happiness, but no man having caught a large fish goes home…

Pregnancy Quotes SMS

For far too many pregnancy and birth

For far too many, pregnancy and birth is still something that happens to them rather…

Golf Quotes SMS

If i can hit a curveball why

If I can hit a curveball, why can’t I hit a ball that is standing…

Night Quotes SMS

There they stand the innumerable stars shining

There they stand, the innumerable stars, shining in order like a living hymn, written in…

America Quotes SMS

We are quite rich enough to defend

We are quite rich enough to defend ourselves, whatever the cost.  We must now learn…

Bible Quotes SMS

Watch and pray that ye enter not

Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but…

Sky clouds Quotes SMS

The sky above the port was color

The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead station. …

Quotations Quotes SMS

When you see yourself quoted in print

When you see yourself quoted in print and you’re sorry you said it, it suddenly…

Politics Quotes SMS

Politics is the gentle art of getting

Politics is the gentle art of getting votes from the poor and campaign funds from…