Category: Quote SMS

Text quotes & Quotes sms messages collection in hindi, urdu and english

Responsibility Quotes SMS

The thorns which i have reapd are

The thorns which I have reap’d are of the tree I planted; they have torn…

Butterflies Quotes SMS

May the wings of butterfly kiss sun

May the wings of the butterfly kiss the sun And find your shoulder to light…

Life Quotes SMS

I hope life isnt a big joke

I hope life isn’t a big joke, because I don’t get it.  ~Jack Handey

Live now Quotes SMS

When i am anxious it is because

When I am anxious it is because I am living in the future. When I…

Nature Quotes SMS

If the sight of blue skies fills

If the sight of the blue skies fills you with joy, if a blade of…

Dancing Quotes SMS

Through dancing many maidens have been unmaidened

Through dancing many maidens have been unmaidened, whereby I may say it is the storehouse…

Sex Quotes SMS

br / What they love to yield they would often rather have stol

What they love to yield they would often rather have stolen.  Rough seduction delights them,…

Happiness Quotes SMS

Let us be grateful to people who

Let us be grateful to people who make us happy, they are the charming gardeners…

Gas prices Quotes SMS

This morning prompted by increasing concerns about

This morning, prompted by increasing concerns about terrorism, oil prices reached a record high as…

Horses Quotes SMS

A horse is the projection of peoples

A horse is the projection of peoples’ dreams about themselves – strong, powerful, beautiful –…

Thinking Quotes SMS

From restless thoughts that like a deadly

From restless thoughts, that, like a deadly swarm Of hornets arm’d, no sooner found alone,…

Smiles Quotes SMS

Every scowling face also contains the shapes

Every scowling face also contains the shapes of engaging smiles, just waiting to be released….

Conformity Quotes SMS

We must not overlook the role that

We must not overlook the role that extremists play.  They are the gadflies that keep…

Age Quotes SMS

As we grow older our capacity for

As we grow older, our capacity for enjoyment shrinks, but not our appetite for it. …

Advertising Quotes SMS

Advertising is the art of making whole

Advertising is the art of making whole lies out of half truths.  ~Edgar A. Shoaff

Women Quotes SMS

I should like to know what is

I should like to know what is the proper function of women, if it is…

Exercise Quotes SMS

Fitness if it came in a

Fitness – if it came in a bottle, everybody would have a great body.  ~Cher

Night Quotes SMS

For the happiest life rigorously plan your

For the happiest life, rigorously plan your days, leave your nights open to chance.  ~Mignon…

Breathing Quotes SMS

The nose is for breathing the mouth

The nose is for breathing, the mouth is for eating.  ~Proverb

Business Quotes SMS

A consultant is a man sent in

A consultant is a man sent in after the battle to bayonet the wounded.  ~Author…

Human Quotes SMS

The belief in a supernatural source of

The belief in a supernatural source of evil is not necessary; men alone are quite…

Simplicity Quotes SMS

Frugality is one of the most beautiful

Frugality is one of the most beautiful and joyful words in the English language, and…

Arizona Quotes SMS

Once it was so damned dry the

Once, it was so damned dry, the bushes followed the dogs around.  ~Nancy Dedera

Decisions Quotes SMS

When you have to make a choice

When you have to make a choice and don’t make it, that is in itself…

Nature Quotes SMS

I know the thrill of grasses when

I know the thrill of the grasses when the rain pours over them. I know…

Perseverance Quotes SMS

The race is not always to the

The race is not always to the swift, but to those who keep on running. …

Heartache Quotes SMS

If we must part forever give me

If we must part forever, Give me but one kind word to think upon, And…

Humorous Quotes SMS

Before you criticize someone should walk a

Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes.  That way, when…

Mind Quotes SMS

When i feel well and in a

When I feel well and in a good humor, or when I am taking a…

Death Quotes SMS

The fear of death follows from the

The fear of death follows from the fear of life.  A man who lives fully…

Media Quotes SMS

Journalists do not live by words alone

Journalists do not live by words alone, although sometimes they have to eat them.  ~Adlai…

Helping Quotes SMS

Our prayers for others flow more easily

Our prayers for others flow more easily than those for ourselves.  This shows we are…

Government Quotes SMS

Democracy is two wolves and a lamb

Democracy is two wolves and a lamb deciding what to have for dinner.  Liberty is…

Health Quotes SMS

Confidence and hope do more good than

Confidence and hope do more good than physic.  ~GalenDCMOO

Perspective Quotes SMS

There is only one pretty child in

There is only one pretty child in the world, and every mother has it.  ~Chinese…

Election day Quotes SMS

If voting changed anything theyd make it

If voting changed anything, they’d make it illegal.  ~Emma Goldman

Grammar Quotes SMS

Grammar checker a software program that

Grammar Checker ? A software program that is not needed by those who know grammar…

America Quotes SMS

The metaphor of the melting pot is

The metaphor of the melting pot is unfortunate and misleading.  A more accurate analogy would…

Business Quotes SMS

Corporation an ingenious device for obtaining profit

Corporation: An ingenious device for obtaining profit without individual responsibility.  ~Ambrose Bierce, The Devil’s DictionaryHHQ

Perspective Quotes SMS

A kind soul knows impoliteness is just

A kind soul knows impoliteness is just preoccupied with distraction. ~Mike Dolan,

Attitude Quotes SMS

Positive anything is better than negative thinking

Positive anything is better than negative thinking.  ~Elbert HubbardAE

Engagement Quotes SMS

What a happy and holy fashion it

What a happy and holy fashion it is that those who love one another should…

Cities Quotes SMS

Suburb a place that isnt city country

Suburb:  a place that isn’t city, isn’t country, and isn’t tolerable.  ~Mignon McLaughlin, The Second…

Equality Quotes SMS

It is well to know something of

It is well to know something of the manners of various peoples, in order more…

Poetry Quotes SMS

I grew up in this town my

I grew up in this town, my poetry was born between the hill and the…

Nature Quotes SMS

A sensitive plant in a garden grew

A sensitive plant in a garden grew, And the young winds fed it with silver…

Guillemets quotes Quotes SMS

When we pray our hearts glow a

When we pray, our hearts glow a glorious joy that lights our souls and all…

Goodbye Quotes SMS

Promise me youll never forget because if

Promise me you’ll never forget me because if I thought you would I’d never leave. …

Cancer Quotes SMS

Mind is everything muscle pieces of

Mind is everything.  Muscle – pieces of rubber.  All that I am, I am because…

Fate Quotes SMS

Angels deliver fate to our doorstep

Angels deliver Fate to our doorstep – and anywhere else it is needed.  ~Jessi Lane…

A rights Quotes SMS

I am not interested to know whether

I am not interested to know whether vivisection produces results that are profitable to the…

Money Quotes SMS

If women didnt exist all the money

If women didn’t exist, all the money in the world would have no meaning.  ~Aristotle…

Morning Quotes SMS

It is in the early morning hour

It is in the early morning hour that the unseen is seen, and that the…

Adversity Quotes SMS

If you dont like something change it

If you don’t like something change it; if you can’t change it, change the way…

Trees Quotes SMS

They kill good trees to put out

They kill good trees to put out bad newspapers.  ~James G. Watt, quoted in Newsweek,…

Housework Quotes SMS

Law of the workshop any tool when

Law of the Workshop:  Any tool, when dropped, will roll to the least accessible corner. …

Sky clouds Quotes SMS

Look up what is that apparition of

Look up! What is that apparition of dazzling brightness rising softly upon the blue sky…

Guillemets quotes Quotes SMS

Pen names are masks that allow us

Pen names are masks that allow us to unmask ourselves.

Taxes Quotes SMS

A person doesnt know how much he

A person doesn’t know how much he has to be thankful for until he has…

Pregnancy Quotes SMS

Those who have lost an infant are

Those who have lost an infant are never, as it were, without an infant child. …

Hang in Quotes SMS

Some luck lies in not getting what

Some luck lies in not getting what you thought you wanted but getting what you…

Desserts Quotes SMS

Ice cream is happiness condensed jessi lane

Ice cream is happiness condensed.  ~Jessi Lane Adams

Philosophical Quotes SMS

Theres more to the truth than just

There’s more to the truth than just the facts.  ~Author Unknown

Men Quotes SMS

Macho doesnt prove mucho zsa zsa gabor

Macho doesn’t prove mucho.  ~Zsa Zsa GaborWRM

Gardens Quotes SMS

Give me odorous at sunrise a garden

Give me odorous at sunrise a garden of beautiful flowers where I can walk undisturbed. …

War Quotes SMS

War grows out of the desire individual

War grows out of the desire of the individual to gain advantage at the expense…

History Quotes SMS

History studies not just facts and institutions

History studies not just facts and institutions, its real subject is the human spirit.  ~Fustel…

Election day Quotes SMS

Democracy consists of choosing your dictators after

Democracy consists of choosing your dictators, after they’ve told you what you think it is…

Beauty Quotes SMS

Beauty to me it is a word

Beauty?… To me it is a word without sense because I do not know where…

Social anxiety Quotes SMS

Nothing so much prevents our being natural

Nothing so much prevents our being natural as the desire to seem so.  ~François, Duc…

Wisdom Quotes SMS

Knowledge is a process of piling up

Knowledge is a process of piling up facts; wisdom lies in their simplification.  ~Martin H….

Dreams Quotes SMS

Huge and mighty forms that do not

Huge and mighty forms that do not live like living men, moved slowly through the…

Pregnancy Quotes SMS

I fell in love with you when

I fell in love with you when you were forming in my womb. Now I…

Art Quotes SMS

It is frequently the tragedy of great

It is frequently the tragedy of the great artist, as it is of the great…

Presidents day Quotes SMS

The courage of life is often a

The courage of life is often a less dramatic spectacle than the courage of a…

Body Quotes SMS

Full nakedness all joyes are due to

Full nakedness! All joyes are due to thee, As souls unbodied, bodies uncloth’d must be,…

Health Quotes SMS

Men that look no further than their

Men that look no further than their outsides, think health an appurtenance unto life, and…

Women Quotes SMS

I expect woman will be the last

I expect Woman will be the last thing civilized by Man.  ~George Meredith

Obama Quotes SMS

Change will not come if we wait

Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. …

Integrity Quotes SMS

What you allow encourage michael josephson whatwillmattercom

What you allow, you encourage.  ~Michael Josephson,

Carpe diem Quotes SMS

We are always getting ready to live

We are always getting ready to live but never living.  ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Weather Quotes SMS

There is nothing in the world more

There is nothing in the world more beautiful than the forest clothed to its very…

Romantic Quotes SMS

When i am with you the only

When I am with you, the only place I want to be is closer.  ~Author…

Adversity Quotes SMS

No man ought to lay a cross

No man ought to lay a cross upon himself, or to adopt tribulation, as is…

Housework Quotes SMS

Old houses mended cost little less than

Old houses mended, Cost little less than new before they’re ended. ~Colley CibberMCTO

Money Quotes SMS

But tell me how did gold get

But tell me:  how did gold get to be the highest value?  Because it is…

Self Quotes SMS

Lets get lost in the dark forget

Let’s get lost in the dark, forget who we were, and resurface as something new. …

Laughter Quotes SMS

Watching a childs laughter teach candles flame

Watching a child’s laughter teach a candle’s flame how to dance.  ~Dr. SunWolf,