Category: Quote SMS

Text quotes & Quotes sms messages collection in hindi, urdu and english

Technology Quotes SMS

Dont get smart alecksy with the galaxy

Don’t get smart alecksy With the galaxy Leave the atom alone. ~E.Y. Harburg, "Leave the…

Courage Quotes SMS

You cant test courage cautiously anne dillard

You can’t test courage cautiously.  ~Anne Dillard

Sex Quotes SMS

We have reason to believe that man

We have reason to believe that man first walked upright to free his hands for…

Perfection Quotes SMS

He that will have a perfect brother

He that will have a perfect brother must resign himself to remain brotherless.  ~Italian Proverb

Trust Quotes SMS

I trust everyone just dont the devil

I trust everyone.  I just don’t trust the devil inside them.  ~Troy Kennedy-Martin, The Italian…

Babies Quotes SMS

Every baby needs a lap henry robin

Every baby needs a lap.  ~Henry Robin

Poetry Quotes SMS

If you got to talking most cowboys

If you got to talking to most cowboys, they’d admit they write ’em.  I think…

Helping Quotes SMS

Great opportunities to help others seldom come

Great opportunities to help others seldom come, but small ones surround us every day.  ~Sally…

Quotations Quotes SMS

We prefer to think that the absence

We prefer to think that the absence of inverted commas guarantees the originality of a…

Internet Quotes SMS

The internet is so big powerful and

The Internet is so big, so powerful and pointless that for some people it is…

Justice Quotes SMS

Having your fate rest in the hands

google_ad_section_start(weight=ignore) Having your fate rest in the hands of a jury is the same as…

Cancer Quotes SMS

Feed your faith and fears will starve

Feed your faith and your fears will starve to death.  ~Author Unknown

Prayer Quotes SMS

When at night you cannot sleep talk

When at night you cannot sleep, talk to the Shepherd and stop counting sheep. ~Author…

Guillemets quotes Quotes SMS

Underneath courage shouts fear but of a

Underneath courage shouts fear but of a hoarse voice.

Integrity Quotes SMS

I thank thee first because was never

I thank Thee first because I was never robbed before; second, because although they took…

Children Quotes SMS

A child can ask questions that a

A child can ask questions that a wise man cannot answer. ~Author Unknown

Weather Quotes SMS

Anyone who says sunshine brings happiness has

Anyone who says sunshine brings happiness has never danced in the rain.  ~Author Unknown

Stress Quotes SMS

We live longer than our forefathers but

We live longer than our forefathers; but we suffer more from a thousand artificial anxieties…

Driving Quotes SMS

No other man made device since the shields

No other man-made device since the shields and lances of the knights quite fulfills a…

Psychology Quotes SMS

Thoughts shut up want air and spoil

Thoughts shut up want air, And spoil, like bales unopen’d to the sun. ~Edward Young,…

Truth Quotes SMS

Truth breeds hatred bias of priene maxims

Truth breeds hatred.  ~Bias of Priene, MaximsLO

Sisters Quotes SMS

Sisters share the scent and smells

Sisters share the scent and smells – the feel of a common childhood.  ~Pam BrownPIH

Rumi Quotes SMS

All day i think about it then

All day I think about it, then at night I say it. Where did I…

Insects Quotes SMS

Deep in the sun searched growths dragonfly hangs

Deep in the sun-searched growths the dragonfly Hangs like a blue thread loosened from the…

Compliments Quotes SMS

Some folks pay a compliment like they

Some folks pay a compliment like they went down in their pocket for it.  ~Kin…

Gossip Quotes SMS

When you are in trouble people who

When you are in trouble, people who call to sympathize are really looking for the…

Election day Quotes SMS

Ohio claims they are due a president

Ohio claims they are due a president as they haven’t had one since Taft.  Look…

Bible Quotes SMS

Stolen waters are sweet and bread eaten

Stolen waters are sweet, and bread eaten in secret is pleasant.  ~Proverbs 9:17

Cats Quotes SMS

The smart cat doesnt let on that

The smart cat doesn’t let on that he is.  ~H.G. Frommer

Inflammation free Quotes SMS

Oh the powers of nature she knows

Oh the powers of nature.  She knows what we need, and the doctors know nothing. …

Self discovery Quotes SMS

Every one of us has in him

Every one of us has in him a continent of undiscovered character.  Blessed is he…

Food Quotes SMS

Bread and butter devoid of charm in

Bread and butter, devoid of charm in the drawing-room, is ambrosia eating under a tree. …

Birds Quotes SMS

We like to praise birds for flying

We like to praise birds for flying.  But how much of it is actually flying,…

America Quotes SMS

America is the best half educated country in

America is the best half-educated country in the world.  ~Nicholas Murray ButlerLLDT

Teenagers Quotes SMS

Too many of todays children have straight

Too many of today’s children have straight teeth and crooked morals.  ~Unknown high school principal

Gas prices Quotes SMS

Our culture runs on coffee and gasoline

Our culture runs on coffee and gasoline, the first often tasting like the second.  ~Edward…

Books Quotes SMS

Medicine for the soul inscription over door

Medicine for the soul.  ~Inscription over the door of the Library at ThebesCOE

Jobs Quotes SMS

When people go to work they shouldnt

When people go to work, they shouldn’t have to leave their hearts at home.  ~Betty…

Philosophical Quotes SMS

Sometimes the questions are complicated and answers

Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple.  ~Dr Seuss

Computers Quotes SMS

Do files get embarrassed when theyre unzipped

Do files get embarrassed when they’re unzipped?  ~Author Unknown

Art Quotes SMS

Everything in creation has its appointed painter

Everything in creation has its appointed painter or poet and remains in bondage like the…

Risk Quotes SMS

What is more mortifying than to feel

What is more mortifying than to feel you’ve missed the Plum for want of courage…

Alcohol Quotes SMS

Always do sober what you said youd

Always do sober what you said you’d do drunk.  That will teach you to keep…

Age Quotes SMS

Its sad to grow old but nice

It’s sad to grow old, but nice to ripen.  ~Brigitte BardotPIH

Quotations Quotes SMS

A knowledge of general literature is one

A knowledge of general literature is one of the evidences of an enlightened mind; and…

Water Quotes SMS

Praise the sea on shore remain john

Praise the sea; on shore remain.  ~John FlorioMCTO

Be great Quotes SMS

What lies behind us and what before

What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what…

Compliments Quotes SMS

I can live for two months on

I can live for two months on a good compliment.  ~Mark Twain

Exercise Quotes SMS

If your dog is fat youre not

If your dog is fat, you’re not getting enough exercise.  ~Author Unknown

History Quotes SMS

The effects of human wickedness are written

The effects of human wickedness are written on the page of history in characters of…

Jewelry Quotes SMS

The hues of the opal light diamond

The hues of the opal, the light of the diamond, are not to be seen…

Happiness Quotes SMS

One should be either sad or joyful

One should be either sad or joyful.  Contentment is a warm sty for eaters and…

Gardens Quotes SMS

It is utterly forbidden to be half hearted

It is utterly forbidden to be half-hearted about gardening.  You have got to love your…

Teen heart Quotes SMS

The soul would have no rainbow had

The soul would have no rainbow had the eyes no tears.  ~John Vance Cheney

Christmas Quotes SMS

Christmas in bethlehem the ancient dream a

Christmas in Bethlehem.  The ancient dream: a cold, clear night made brilliant by a glorious…

Golf Quotes SMS

Drugs are very much a part of

Drugs are very much a part of professional sports today, but when you think about…

Carpe diem Quotes SMS

Regret for wasted time is more time

Regret for wasted time is more wasted time.  ~Mason Cooley

Marriage Quotes SMS

And when will there be an end

And when will there be an end of marrying?  I suppose, when there is an…

Butterflies Quotes SMS

Love is like a butterfly it goes

Love is like a butterfly:  It goes where it pleases and it pleases wherever it…

Violence Quotes SMS

And so to the end of history

And so, to the end of history, murder shall breed murder, always in the name…

Life Quotes SMS

The philosophy of mine earth can be

The philosophy of mine earth can be summed up as this:  Sunshine creates happiness, and…

Poetry Quotes SMS

Like a piece of ice on hot

Like a piece of ice on a hot stove the poem must ride on its…

Government Quotes SMS

The worst thing in this world next

The worst thing in this world, next to anarchy, is government.  ~Henry Ward Beecher, Proverbs…

Bible Quotes SMS

For we must needs die and are

For we must needs die, and are as water spilt on the ground, which cannot…

Election 2024 Quotes SMS

Democracy is being allowed to vote for

Democracy is being allowed to vote for the candidate you dislike least.  ~Robert Byrne

Money Quotes SMS

A nickel aint worth a dime anymore

A nickel ain’t worth a dime anymore.  ~Yogi BerraCUL

Sleep Quotes SMS

The amount of sleep required by the

The amount of sleep required by the average person is five minutes more.  ~Wilson Mizener

Effort Quotes SMS

You cannot plough a field by turning

You cannot plough a field by turning it over in your mind.  ~Author Unknown

Nature Quotes SMS

Fieldes have eies and woods eares john

Fieldes have eies and woods have eares.  ~John Heywood, 1565

Gossip Quotes SMS

To a friend who asked him how

To a friend, who asked him how to find out a girl’s faults, he gave…

Gratitude Quotes SMS

There is no such thing as gratitude

There is no such thing as gratitude unexpressed.  If it is unexpressed, it is plain,…

Misc1 Quotes SMS

None are so blind as those who

None are so blind as those who will not see.  ~Author Unknown

Perspective Quotes SMS

Every man regards his own life as

Every man regards his own life as the New Year’s Eve of time.  ~Jean Paul…

War Quotes SMS

A visitor from mars could easily pick

A visitor from Mars could easily pick out the civilized nations.  They have the best…

Pregnancy Quotes SMS

Rigid plans work best if youre building

Rigid plans work best if you’re building a skyscraper; with something as mysteriously human as…

Self discovery Quotes SMS

They must often change who would be

They must often change, who would be constant in happiness or wisdom.  ~Confucius

Life Quotes SMS

Life is a ticket to the greatest

Life is a ticket to the greatest show on earth.  ~Martin H. FischerFFM

Excuses Quotes SMS

It is wise to direct your anger

It is wise to direct your anger towards problems – not people, to focus your…

Feminism Quotes SMS

Be plain in dress and sober your

Be plain in dress, and sober in your diet; In short, my deary, kiss me,…

Sky clouds Quotes SMS

We all live under the same sky

We all live under the same sky, but we don’t all have the same horizon. …

Parents Quotes SMS

In bringing up children spend on them

In bringing up children, spend on them half as much money and twice as much…

Cancer Quotes SMS

Adversity is like a strong wind it

Adversity is like a strong wind.  It tears away from us all but the things…

Weather Quotes SMS

O the snow beautiful filling sky and

O the snow, the beautiful snow, Filling the sky and earth below; Over the house-tops,…

Cancer Quotes SMS

It isnt our position but disposition which

It isn’t our position but our disposition which makes us happy.  ~Author Unknown

Election day Quotes SMS

If god wanted us to vote he

If God wanted us to vote, he would have given us candidates.  ~Jay LenoBTSG

Change Quotes SMS

If you want to make enemies try

If you want to make enemies, try to change something.  ~Woodrow WilsonCUL

Singing Quotes SMS

Little dew drops of celestial melody thomas carlyle

Little dew-drops of celestial melody.  ~Thomas Carlyle

Justice Quotes SMS

Bad laws are the worst sort of

Bad laws are the worst sort of tyranny.  ~Edmund Burke