Category: Quote SMS

Text quotes & Quotes sms messages collection in hindi, urdu and english

Mothers Quotes SMS

Mother is the name for god in

Mother is the name for God in the lips and hearts of little children.  ~William…

Needlework Quotes SMS

Those who sleep under a quilt blanket

Those who sleep under a quilt, sleep under a blanket of love.  ~Author Unknown

Goodbye Quotes SMS

A chord stronger or weaker is snapped

A chord, stronger or weaker, is snapped asunder in every parting, and time’s busy fingers…

Clothing Quotes SMS

When in doubt wear red bill blass

When in doubt, wear red.  ~Bill BlassOPV; rdqqjan2002

Philosophical Quotes SMS

To know the hight sic of a

To know the hight [sic] of a mountain, one must climb it.  ~Augustus William Hare…

Technology Quotes SMS

The factory of the future will have

The factory of the future will have only two employees, a man and a dog. …

Attitude Quotes SMS

The excursion is the same when you

The excursion is the same when you go looking for your sorrow as when you…

Quotations Quotes SMS

But perhaps the excellence of aphorisms consists

But, perhaps, the excellence of aphorisms consists not so much in the expression of some…

Hate Quotes SMS

Hate cages all the good things about

Hate cages all the good things about you.  ~Terri Guillemets

Obama Quotes SMS

Territory is but the body of a

Territory is but the body of a nation.  The people who inhabit its hills and…

Prayer Quotes SMS

God speaks in the silence of heart

God speaks in the silence of the heart.  Listening is the beginning of prayer.  ~Mother…

Women Quotes SMS

God did it on purpose so that

God did it on purpose so that we may love you men instead of laughing…

Jewelry Quotes SMS

The rarest things in the world next

The rarest things in the world, next to a spirit of discernment, are diamonds and…

Quotations Quotes SMS

Unraveling proverbs is a suitable puzzle for

Unraveling proverbs is a suitable puzzle for an old man. I put pieces in order…

Adversity Quotes SMS

May you get what wish for old

May you get what you wish for.  ~Old Chinese Curse

Engagement Quotes SMS

The oriole weds his mottled mate lily

The Oriole weds his mottled mate, The Lily weds the bee; Heaven’s marriage ring is…

America Quotes SMS

We sleep peacefully at night cradled by

We sleep peacefully at night, cradled by the big strong hands of America.  ~Val Saintsbury

Skiing Quotes SMS

Skiing is the only sport where you

Skiing is the only sport where you spend an arm and a leg to break…

Guillemets quotes Quotes SMS

The goal of life simple but not

The goal of life: simple, but not empty.

Pregnancy Quotes SMS

Babies are bits of star dust blown from

Babies are bits of star-dust blown from the hand of God.  Lucky the woman who…

Cats Quotes SMS

I have noticed that what cats most

I have noticed that what cats most appreciate in a human being is not the…

Quotations Quotes SMS

Attend to me sancho i do not

Attend to me, Sancho, I do not say a proverb is amiss when aptly and…

How true Quotes SMS

Nothing is as frustrating arguing with someone

Nothing is as frustrating as arguing with someone who knows what he’s talking about.  ~Sam…

Smoking Quotes SMS

I want all hellions to quit puffing

I want all hellions to quit puffing that hell fume in God’s clean air.  ~Carrie…

Women Quotes SMS

Theres just something about letting a girl

There’s just something about letting a girl have her way with you.  ~A.C. Van Cherub

A rights Quotes SMS

Deer hunting would be fine sport if

Deer hunting would be fine sport, if only the deer had guns.  ~William S. GilbertCDC

Presidents day Quotes SMS

Farming looks mighty easy when your plow

Farming looks mighty easy when your plow is a pencil and you’re a thousand miles…

Attitude Quotes SMS

Impossible is a word only to be

Impossible is a word only to be found in the dictionary of fools.  ~NapoleonMCTO

Misc1 Quotes SMS

The present age for all its cosmopolitan

The present age, for all its cosmopolitan hustle, is curiously suburban in spirit.  ~Norman DouglasCUL

Vegetarianism Quotes SMS

Why does sea world have a seafood

Why does Sea World have a seafood restaurant?  I’m halfway through my fishburger and I…

Carpe diem Quotes SMS

When a man knows he is to

When a man knows he is to be hanged in a fortnight, it concentrates his…

War Quotes SMS

A great war leaves the country with

A great war leaves the country with three armies – an army of cripples, an…

Death Quotes SMS

A man does not die of love

A man does not die of love or his liver or even of old age;…

Fire Quotes SMS

Firelight will not let you read fine

Firelight will not let you read fine stories but it’s warm and you won’t see…

Cancer Quotes SMS

One must not forget that recovery is

One must not forget that recovery is brought about not by the physician, but by…

Quotations Quotes SMS

Euphonic and harmonious expressions forcible just profound

Euphonic and harmonious expressions, forcible and just expressions, profound and comprehensive expressions, and especially apt…

Women Quotes SMS

A mans face is his autobiography womans

A man’s face is his autobiography.  A woman’s face is her work of fiction.  ~Oscar…

Walking Quotes SMS

I have been one acquainted with the

I have been one acquainted with the night. I have walked out in rain –…

Live now Quotes SMS

You can clutch the past so tightly

You can clutch the past so tightly to your chest that it leaves your arms…

Attitude Quotes SMS

There are no menial jobs only attitudes

There are no menial jobs, only menial attitudes.  ~William J. Bennett, The Book of Virtues

History Quotes SMS

History being the record of human action

History being the record of human action is a richly variegated material, and it is…

Fathers Quotes SMS

He didnt tell me how to live

He didn’t tell me how to live; he lived, and let me watch him do…

Marriage Quotes SMS

The total amount of undesired sex endured

The total amount of undesired sex endured by women is probably greater in marriage than…

Yearbook Quotes SMS

The most beautiful discovery true friends make

The most beautiful discovery true friends make is that they can grow separately without growing…

Parties Quotes SMS

Never be the first to arrive at

Never be the first to arrive at a party or the last to go home,…

Homecoming Quotes SMS

Dance till the stars come down from

Dance till the stars come down from the rafters Dance, Dance, Dance till you drop….

Art Quotes SMS

An artist is a dreamer consenting to

An artist is a dreamer consenting to dream of the actual world.  ~George SantayanaSD

Age Quotes SMS

Its a mere moment in mans life

It’s a mere moment in a man’s life between an All-Star Game and an Old-timers’…

Places Quotes SMS

France is and a grand place for

France is France and a grand place for Frenchman.  ~Harry Truman, letter to Bess Wallace,…

Hmmm Quotes SMS

The high cost of living isnt so

the high cost of living isnt so bad if you dont have to pay for…

History Quotes SMS

History like a vast river propels logs

History, like a vast river, propels logs, vegetation, rafts, and debris; it is full of…

Clothing Quotes SMS

Those hot pants of hers were so

Those hot pants of hers were so damned tight, I could hardly breathe.  ~Benny Hill

Birds Quotes SMS

I once had a sparrow alight upon

I once had a sparrow alight upon my shoulder for a moment, while I was…

Smiles Quotes SMS

Smile sunshine is good for your

Smile ? sunshine is good for your teeth. ~Author Unknown

Woman2woman Quotes SMS

Where do you go to get anorexia

Where do you go to get anorexia?  ~Shelley WintersETW

Economic issues Quotes SMS

Who is rich he who rejoices in

Who is rich?  He who rejoices in his portion.  ~The Talmud

Bible Quotes SMS

Therefore i say unto you take no

Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat,…

Freedom Quotes SMS

Freedom has its life in the hearts

Freedom has its life in the hearts, the actions, the spirit of men and so…

Television Quotes SMS

Ninety eight percent of american homes have tv

Ninety-eight percent of American homes have TV sets, which means the people in the other…

Walking Quotes SMS

Dont let people drive you crazy when

Don’t let people drive you crazy when you know it’s in walking distance.  ~Author Unknown

Complaining Quotes SMS

Man spends his life in reasoning on

Man spends his life in reasoning on the past, in complaining of the present, in…

Clothing Quotes SMS

A dress makes no sense unless it

A dress makes no sense unless it inspires men to want to take it off…

Literature Quotes SMS

A classic is something that everybody wants

A classic is something that everybody wants to have read and nobody wants to read. …

Drugs Quotes SMS

It is difficult to live without opium

It is difficult to live without opium after having known it because it is difficult,…

Adversity Quotes SMS

During the darkest indigo midnight yet will

During the darkest indigo midnight, yet will countless stars blossom. ~Dr. SunWolf,

Miss you Quotes SMS

Why cant we get all the people

Why can’t we get all the people together in the world that we really like…

Places Quotes SMS

The worst of a modern stylish mansion

google_ad_section_end The worst of a modern stylish mansion is that it has no place for…

Perspective Quotes SMS

An exhibitionist is nothing without a voyeur

An exhibitionist is nothing without a voyeur.  ~S.A. Sachs

Confidence Quotes SMS

All of us have wonders hidden in

All of us have wonders hidden in our breasts, only needing circumstances to evoke them. …

Effort Quotes SMS

Be not afraid of going slowly be

Be not afraid of going slowly; be afraid only of standing still.  ~Chinese Proverb

Food Quotes SMS

Good bread is the most fundamentally satisfying

Good bread is the most fundamentally satisfying of all foods; good bread with fresh butter,…

Night Quotes SMS

The night walked down the sky with

The night walked down the sky with the moon in her hand.  ~Frederick L. Knowles

America Quotes SMS

This nation will remain the land of

This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is…

Places Quotes SMS

I think my favorite sport in the

I think my favorite sport in the Olympics is the one in which you make…

Risk Quotes SMS

Do not be too timid and squeamish

Do not be too timid and squeamish about your actions.  All life is an experiment. …

Justice Quotes SMS

Somebody recently figured out that we have

Somebody recently figured out that we have 35 million laws to enforce the ten commandments. …

Flowers Quotes SMS

Being perfect artists and ingenuous poets the

Being perfect artists and ingenuous poets, the Chinese have piously preserved the love and holy…

Best friends Quotes SMS

Friends are like walls sometimes you lean

Friends are like walls.  Sometimes you lean on them, and sometimes it’s good just knowing…

Golf Quotes SMS

Trevino is in a league by himself

Trevino is in a league by himself.  We don’t even count him.  We figure when…

Books Quotes SMS

Books can be dangerous the best ones

Books can be dangerous.  The best ones should be labeled "This could change your life." …

Letters Quotes SMS

What a lot we lost when stopped

What a lot we lost when we stopped writing letters.  You can’t reread a phone…

Goodbye Quotes SMS

Love reckons hours for months and days

Love reckons hours for months, and days for years; and every little absence is an…

Bk fc Quotes SMS

By this time next week each guy

By this time next week, each guy on the Assault Committee has to pick a…

Arizona Quotes SMS

I am enamored with desert dew because

I am enamored with desert dew because it’s usually the closest thing we get to…

Conformity Quotes SMS

Nobody realizes that some people expend tremendous

Nobody realizes that some people expend tremendous energy merely to be normal.  ~Albert Camus

Bible Quotes SMS

For he is our peace who hath

For he is our peace, who hath made both one, and hath broken down the…

Nurses Quotes SMS

Nursing is not for everyone it takes

Nursing is not for everyone.  It takes a very strong, intelligent, and compassionate person to…

Violence Quotes SMS

The state calls its own violence law

The state calls its own violence law, but that of the individual crime.  ~Max Stirner