Category: Quote SMS

Text quotes & Quotes sms messages collection in hindi, urdu and english

Golf Quotes SMS

I have a tip that can take

I have a tip that can take five strokes off anyone’s golf game:  it’s called…

Courage Quotes SMS

Courage is almost a contradiction in terms

Courage is almost a contradiction in terms.  It means a strong desire to live taking…

Insects Quotes SMS

When the bee comes to your house

When the bee comes to your house, let her have beer; you may want to…

Sports Quotes SMS

Losing streaks are funny if you lose

Losing streaks are funny.  If you lose at the beginning, you get off to a…

Age Quotes SMS

Its important to have a twinkle in

It’s important to have a twinkle in your wrinkle.  ~Author Unknown

Kindness Quotes SMS

The most important trip you may take

The most important trip you may take in life is meeting people halfway.  ~Henry Boye

Fishing Quotes SMS

The fishing was good it the catching

The fishing was good; it was the catching that was bad.  ~A.K. Best

Books Quotes SMS

As a rule reading fiction is as

As a rule reading fiction is as hard to me as trying to hit a…

Body Quotes SMS

This body full of faults has yet

This body, full of faults, Has yet one great quality: Whatever it encounters in this…

Dreams Quotes SMS

Dreams are illustrations from the book your

Dreams are illustrations… from the book your soul is writing about you.  ~Marsha Norman

Psychology Quotes SMS

A psychiatrist asks a lot of expensive

A psychiatrist asks a lot of expensive questions your wife asks for nothing.  ~Joey Adams

Television Quotes SMS

Television has raised writing to a new

Television has raised writing to a new low.  ~Samuel Goldwyn

Solitude Quotes SMS

I never found the companion that was

I never found the companion that was so companionable as solitude.  We are for the…

Dancing Quotes SMS

Dancing the vertical expression of a horizontal

Dancing: the vertical expression of a horizontal desire legalized by music.  ~George Bernard Shaw

Attitude Quotes SMS

I am a little deaf blind impotent

I am a little deaf, a little blind, a little impotent, and on top of…

Be self Quotes SMS

Is life not a hundred times too

Is life not a hundred times too short for us to stifle ourselves.  ~Friedrich Nietzsche

Grief Quotes SMS

If you suppress grief too much it

If you suppress grief too much, it can well redouble.  ~Moliere

Cats Quotes SMS

A cat determined not to be found

A cat determined not to be found can fold itself up like a pocket handkerchief…

Night Quotes SMS

Dawn seemed to follow midnight with indecent

Dawn seemed to follow midnight with indecent haste.  ~J.K. Rowling

Hmmm Quotes SMS

And leave wishes to those foolish enough

…and leave wishes to those foolish enough to make them. ~Terri Guillemets

Horses Quotes SMS

Look back at our struggle for freedom

Look back at our struggle for freedom, Trace our present day’s strength to it’s source;…

History Quotes SMS

Our history is every human history a

Our history is every human history; a black and gory business, with more scoundrels than…

Hang in Quotes SMS

Perhaps everything terrible is in its deepest

Perhaps everything terrible is in its deepest being something helpless that wants help from us. …

God Quotes SMS

If you are bathed in gods forgiveness light

If you are bathed In God’s Forgiveness-Light, Then no dust of earth Will be able…

Family Quotes SMS

Our most basic instinct is not for

Our most basic instinct is not for survival but for family.  Most of us would…

Erotic Quotes SMS

Thou art a flower dear heart fragrant

Thou art a flower, dear heart, a fragrant flower And I, the wandering, hair-clad, amorous…

Attitude Quotes SMS

We must be willing to get rid

We must be willing to get rid of the life we’ve planned, so as to…

Perspective Quotes SMS

An apology for the devil it must

An apology for the Devil:  It must be remembered that we have only heard one…

Adversity Quotes SMS

Sometimes the littlest things in life are

Sometimes the littlest things in life are the hardest to take.  You can sit on…

Social anxiety Quotes SMS

Courage is fear holding on a minute

Courage is fear holding on a minute longer.  ~George Smith Patton, Bottom Line Personal, November…

Labor Quotes SMS

It is better to wear out than

It is better to wear out than to rust out.  ~Richard CumberlandDCMOO

Goodbye Quotes SMS

Adieu i have too grieved a heart

Adieu! I have too grieved a heart to take a tedious leave.  ~William Shakespeare

Adversity Quotes SMS

Sometimes a man is intensely even passionately

Sometimes a man is intensely, even passionately, attached to suffering – that is a fact. …

Cows Quotes SMS

Condensed milk is wonderful i dont see

Condensed milk is wonderful.  I don’t see how they can get a cow to sit…

Quotations Quotes SMS

For i often please myself with the

For I often please myself with the fancy, now that I may have saved from…

Attitude Quotes SMS

Wag more bark less author unknown

Wag more.  Bark less.  ~Author Unknown

Simplicity Quotes SMS

Material blessings when they pay beyond the

Material blessings, when they pay beyond the category of need, are weirdly fruitful of headache. …

Sleep Quotes SMS

Insomnia is a gross feeder it will

Insomnia is a gross feeder.  It will nourish itself on any kind of thinking, including…

Cancer Quotes SMS

Ive got dreams in hidden places and

I’ve got dreams in hidden places and extra smiles for when I’m blue.  ~Author Unknown

Gratitude Quotes SMS

If a fellow isnt thankful for what

If a fellow isn’t thankful for what he’s got, he isn’t likely to be thankful…

Misc1 Quotes SMS

Preach not to others what they should

Preach not to others what they should eat, but eat as becomes you and be…

Science Quotes SMS

Science has made us gods even before

Science has made us gods even before we are worthy of being men.  ~Jean Rostand

Kisses Quotes SMS

A kiss is just a pleasant reminder

A kiss is just a pleasant reminder that two heads are better than one.  ~Author…

Happiness Quotes SMS

We cannot be happy if we expect

We cannot be happy if we expect to live all the time at the highest…

Desserts Quotes SMS

Vegetables are a must on diet i

Vegetables are a must on a diet.  I suggest carrot cake, zucchini bread and pumpkin…

Programming Quotes SMS

All programmers are playwrights and all computers

All programmers are playwrights and all computers are lousy actors.  ~Author Unknown

Teen drivers Quotes SMS

Safety is a cheap and effective insurance

Safety is a cheap and effective insurance policy.  ~Author Unknown

Smoking Quotes SMS

Id rather kiss a mad cow on

I’d rather kiss a mad cow on the muzzle than a smoker on the mouth. …

Beauty Quotes SMS

Inner beauty too needs occasionally to be

Inner beauty, too, needs occasionally to be told it is beautiful.  ~Robert Brault,

America Quotes SMS

America is a country that doesnt know

America is a country that doesn’t know where it is going but is determined to…

Society Quotes SMS

On an average day 7 minutes of

On an average day 7 minutes of news happens.  Yet there are currently three full-time,…

Life Quotes SMS

We tear life out of to use

We tear life out of life to use it for looking at itself.  ~Antonio Porchia,…

Leadership Quotes SMS

I suppose that leadership at one time

I suppose that leadership at one time meant muscle; but today it means getting along…

Worry Quotes SMS

Worry ducks when purpose flies overhead terri

Worry ducks when purpose flies overhead.  ~Terri Guillemets

Trees Quotes SMS

It is difficult to realize how great

It is difficult to realize how great a part of all that is cheerful and…

Names Quotes SMS

Whats in a name that which we

What’s in a name?  That which we call a rose By any other name would…

Presidents day Quotes SMS

America did not invent human rights in

America did not invent human rights.  In a very real sense… human rights invented America. …

Poetry Quotes SMS

Mr witwould 34pray madam do you pin

Mr Witwould:  "Pray, madam, do you pin up your hair with all your letters?  I…

Tea Quotes SMS

There are few hours in life more

There are few hours in life more agreeable than the hour dedicated to the ceremony…

Arizona Quotes SMS

You know youre from arizona when you

google_ad_section_start You know you’re from Arizona when you feed your chickens ice cubes to keep…

Speaking Quotes SMS

Most conversations are simply monologues delivered in

Most conversations are simply monologues delivered in the presence of a witness.  ~Margaret Millar

Truth Quotes SMS

Truth is after all a moving target

Truth is after all a moving target Hairs to split, And pieces that don’t fit…

Perspective Quotes SMS

The rich would have to eat money

The rich would have to eat money if the poor did not provide food.  ~Russian…

Teacher Appreciation Quotes SMS

No one is more cherished in this

No one is more cherished in this world than someone who lightens the burden of…

Silence Quotes SMS

Silence is medication for sorrow arab proverb

Silence is medication for sorrow.  ~Arab Proverb

Smiles Quotes SMS

A smile is like tight underwear

A smile is like tight underwear – it makes your cheeks go up.  ~Author Unknown

Clothing Quotes SMS

But i do mean to say have

But I do mean to say, I have heard her declare, When at the same…

Perspective Quotes SMS

The shadows some hide others reveal antonio

The shadows:  some hide, others reveal.  ~Antonio Porchia, Voces, 1943, translated from Spanish by W.S….

God Quotes SMS

How important the concept of god is

How important the concept of God is, and how instead of valuing what has been…

Society Quotes SMS

Jefferson thought schools would produce free men

Jefferson thought schools would produce free men: we prove him right by putting dropouts in…

Golf Quotes SMS

A golfers diet live on greens as

A golfer’s diet:  live on greens as much as possible.  ~Author Unknown

Retirement Quotes SMS

Retirement without the love of letters is

Retirement without the love of letters is a living burial.  ~Seneca

Guillemets quotes Quotes SMS

Weather is a great metaphor for life

Weather is a great metaphor for life ? sometimes it’s good, sometimes it’s bad, and…

Vegetarianism Quotes SMS

A veteran usda meat inspector from texas

A veteran USDA meat inspector from Texas describes what he has seen:  "Cattle dragged and…

Freedom Quotes SMS

For what avail the plough or sail

For what avail the plough or sail, or land or life, if freedom fail?  ~Ralph…

Yearbook Quotes SMS

Dont live down to expectations go out

Don’t live down to expectations.  Go out there and do something remarkable.  ~Wendy WassersteinDDG

Media Quotes SMS

A newspaper consists of just the same

A newspaper consists of just the same number of words, whether there be any news…

Erotic Quotes SMS

My hot strong hands will no veil

My hot strong hands will no veil endure That shadows your radiant nakedness; Lay bare…

Nature Quotes SMS

But when the spirit speaksor beauty from

…but when The Spirit speaks,?or beauty from the sky Descends into my being,?when I hear…

Social anxiety Quotes SMS

Life shrinks or expands in proportion to

Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage.  ~Anaïs Nin, Diary, 1969LCD; cited in…

Prayer Quotes SMS

Prayer is when you talk to god

Prayer is when you talk to God; meditation is when you listen to God. ~Author…

Integrity Quotes SMS

Im a slow walker but i never

I’m a slow walker, but I never walk back.  ~Abraham Lincoln

Self discovery Quotes SMS

Be patient toward all that is unsolved

Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the…

Smoking Quotes SMS

Ods me i marle what pleasure or

Ods me I marle what pleasure or felicity they have in taking their roguish tobacco. …

Self Quotes SMS

People wish to be settled only as

People wish to be settled:  only as far as they are unsettled is there any…

Society Quotes SMS

The things that are wrong with the

The things that are wrong with the country today are the sum total of all…

Age Quotes SMS

Age is a high price to pay

Age is a high price to pay for maturity.  ~Tom Stoppard

Jealousy Quotes SMS

As iron is eaten by rust so

As iron is eaten by rust, so are the envious consumed by envy.  ~Antisthenes