Category: Quote SMS

Text quotes & Quotes sms messages collection in hindi, urdu and english

Housework Quotes SMS

Three fourths of the earths surface is water

Three-fourths of the Earth’s surface is water, and one-fourth is land.  It is quite clear…

Language Quotes SMS

Learn a new language and get soul

Learn a new language and get a new soul.  ~Czech Proverb

Excuses Quotes SMS

Two wrongs dont make a right but

Two wrongs don’t make a right, but they make a good excuse.  ~Thomas Szasz, The…

Confidence Quotes SMS

Dont let anyone steal your dream its

Don’t let anyone steal your dream.  It’s your dream, not theirs.  ~Dan Zadra

Pregnancy Quotes SMS

Remember this for it is as true

Remember this, for it is as true as true gets:  Your body is not a…

Guillemets quotes Quotes SMS

I like the snot to run a

I like the snot to run a little, the tears to accumulate a bit before…

Live now Quotes SMS

The past is never there when you

The past is never there when you try to go back.  It exists, but only…

Sky clouds Quotes SMS

O beautiful rainbow all woven of

O, beautiful rainbow; – all woven of light! There’s not in thy tissue, one shadow…

Be great Quotes SMS

The best helping hand that you will

The best helping hand that you will ever receive is the one at the end…

Optimism Quotes SMS

There is no sadder sight than a

There is no sadder sight than a young pessimist.  ~Mark Twain

Politics Quotes SMS

Some men change their party for the

Some men change their party for the sake of their principles; others their principles for…

Guillemets quotes Quotes SMS

Decorate yourself from the inside out

Decorate yourself from the inside out.This always reminds me of the line from Veronica Shoffstall’s…

Memory Quotes SMS

Leftovers in their less visible form are

Leftovers in their less visible form are called memories.  Stored in the refrigerator of the…

Conformity Quotes SMS

Custom meets us at the cradle and

Custom meets us at the cradle and leaves us only at the tomb.  ~Robert Ingersoll,…

Social anxiety Quotes SMS

I am reminded of the advice my

I am reminded of the advice of my neighbor.  "Never worry about your heart till…

Laughter Quotes SMS

Laughter is an orgasm triggered by the

Laughter is an orgasm triggered by the intercourse of sense and nonsense.  ~Author Unknown

Art Quotes SMS

Art is a collaboration between god and

Art is a collaboration between God and the artist, and the less the artist does…

Live now Quotes SMS

I have memories but only a

I have memories – but only a fool stores his past in the future.  ~David…

Carpe diem Quotes SMS

Never forget that you must die death

Never forget that you must die; that death will come sooner than you expect… God…

America Quotes SMS

We need an america with the wisdom

google_ad_region_start We need an America with the wisdom of experience.  But we must not let…

Self Quotes SMS

Think positively about yourself ask god who

Think positively about yourself…., keep your thoughts and your actions clean, ask God who made…

Humility Quotes SMS

Humble is such a lonely word kaksri

Humble is such a lonely word.  ~KakSrijan12mail

Mom day Quotes SMS

In everyones life at some time our

In everyone’s life, at some time, our inner fire goes out.  It is then burst…

Quotations Quotes SMS

The curious hunter up of rare quotations the

…the curious hunter-up of rare quotations… the young and struggling scribbler… ~William Francis Henry King,…

Parents Quotes SMS

My mom used to say it doesnt

My mom used to say it doesn’t matter how many kids you have… because one…

Confidence Quotes SMS

We are all such a waste of

We are all such a waste of our potential, like three-way lamps using one-way bulbs. …

Horses Quotes SMS

People on horses look better than they

People on horses look better than they are.  People in cars look worse than they…

Feminism Quotes SMS

I am beautiful as am the shape

I am beautiful as I am.  I am the shape that was gifted.  My breasts…

Weather Quotes SMS

Weather forecast for tonight dark george carlin

Weather forecast for tonight:  dark.  ~George Carlin

Reference quotes Quotes SMS

Thou hast added insult to injury phaedrus

Thou hast added insult to injury.  ~PhaedrusMCTO

Sleep Quotes SMS

Not being able to sleep is terrible

Not being able to sleep is terrible.  You have the misery of having partied all…

Attitude Quotes SMS

He who has so little knowledge of

He who has so little knowledge of human nature as to seek happiness by changing…

Books Quotes SMS

Let your bookcases and shelves be gardens

Let your bookcases and your shelves be your gardens and your pleasure-grounds.  Pluck the fruit…

Light Quotes SMS

Sun spreads through the treetops like an

Sun spreads through the treetops like an epidemic.  ~Dave Bonta, from The Morning Porch blog…

Heartache Quotes SMS

Maid of athens ere we part give

Maid of Athens, ere we part, Give, oh give me back my heart! ~George Gordon,…

Singing Quotes SMS

I sing like feel ella fitzgerald

I sing like I feel.  ~Ella Fitzgerald

Integrity Quotes SMS

Just do good dont worry about the

Just do good, don’t worry about the road ahead. ~Monk Wansong

Violence Quotes SMS

Thus the metric system did not really

Thus the metric system did not really catch on in the States, unless you count…

Kindness Quotes SMS

I expect to pass through life but

I expect to pass through life but once.  If therefore, there be any kindness I…

Be great Quotes SMS

Opportunity is missed by most people because

Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like…

Cats Quotes SMS

It is in the nature of cats

It is in the nature of cats to do a certain amount of unescorted roaming. …

Sports Quotes SMS

Officials are the only guys who can

Officials are the only guys who can rob you and then get a police escort…

Vegetarianism Quotes SMS

You put a baby in crib with

You put a baby in a crib with an apple and a rabbit.  If it…

Life Quotes SMS

Today fill your cup of life with

Today, fill your cup of life with sunshine and laughter.  ~Dodinsky,

Erotic Quotes SMS

And natures noblest gift to man was

And Nature’s noblest gift to man was given: A gentle, throbbing, trembling, beauteous maid, Fair…

Parents Quotes SMS

There are two lasting bequests we can

There are two lasting bequests we can give our children.  One is roots.  The other…

Adversity Quotes SMS

At times challenges hit with the force

At times, challenges hit with the force of a roaring, rushing waterfall.  The true test,…

Places Quotes SMS

The tracks of the l train are

The tracks of the L Train are the manly stubble on the ruggedly handsome face…

Erotic Quotes SMS

My sweetheart has the kindest breast two

My sweetheart has the kindest breast, Two heavens with each a single star; They give…

Medical Quotes SMS

Diagnosis is not the end but beginning

Diagnosis is not the end, but the beginning of practice.  ~Martin H. FischerFFM

Homecoming Quotes SMS

Shake it til the moon becomes sun

Shake it ’til the moon becomes the sun.  ~Vada Nobles, Carl Sturken, Evan Rogers, and…

Sleep Quotes SMS

The best bridge between despair and hope

The best bridge between despair and hope is a good night’s sleep.  ~E. Joseph Cossman

Complaining Quotes SMS

In trying to get our own way

In trying to get our own way, we should remember that kisses are sweeter than…

History Quotes SMS

History is a tool used by politicians

History is a tool used by politicians to justify their intentions.  ~Ted Koppel

Promises Quotes SMS

Go for it now the future is

Go for it now.  The future is promised to no one.  ~Wayne Dyer

Exercise Quotes SMS

Better to hunt in fields for health

Better to hunt in fields, for health unbought, Than fee the doctor for a nauseous…

Nature Quotes SMS

I am not a lover of lawns

I am not a lover of lawns.  Rather would I see daisies in their thousands,…

Freedom Quotes SMS

Freedom has a thousand charms to show

Freedom has a thousand charms to show, That slaves, howe’er contented, never know. ~William CowperQSO

Kisses Quotes SMS

Kissing is a means of getting two

Kissing is a means of getting two people so close together that they can’t see…

Inflammation free Quotes SMS

You can tell how long a couple

You can tell how long a couple has been married by whether they are on…

Teen love Quotes SMS

Love is the poetry of senses honor233

Love is the poetry of the senses.  ~Honoré de Balzac

Food Quotes SMS

The time indeed is at hand when

The time indeed is at hand when systematic lectures on food will be part of…

Poetry Quotes SMS

Imaginary gardens with real toads in them

Imaginary gardens with real toads in them.  ~Marianne Moore’s definition of poetry, "Poetry," Collected Poems,…

Thinking Quotes SMS

Men can live without air a few

Men can live without air a few minutes, without water for about two weeks, without…

Self Quotes SMS

You grow up the day you have

You grow up the day you have your first real laugh, at yourself. ~Ethel Barrymore

Science Quotes SMS

Science without conscience is the souls perdition

Science without conscience is the soul’s perdition.  ~François Rabelais, Pantagruel, 1572lcd

Social anxiety Quotes SMS

Courage is resistance to fear mastery of

Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear – not absence of fear.  ~Mark Twain,…

Misc1 Quotes SMS

Just because youre not uptight doesnt mean

Just because you’re not uptight doesn’t mean you’re irresponsible.  And vice versa.  When will those…

Libraries Quotes SMS

Sheras two laws of cataloging law 1

Shera’s Two Laws of Cataloging:  Law #1, No cataloger will accept the work of any…

Misc1 Quotes SMS

No man thoroughly understands a truth until

No man thoroughly understands a truth until he has contended against it.  ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Angels Quotes SMS

Be an angel to someone else whenever

Be an angel to someone else whenever you can, as a way of thanking God…

Silence Quotes SMS

Keep watch over your mouth lest it

Keep watch over your mouth, lest it bring you to grief.  ~Ahiqar the AssyrianYgw10

Travel Quotes SMS

Like all great travellers i have seen

Like all great travellers, I have seen more than I remember, and remember more than…

Live now Quotes SMS

The past is a guidepost not hitching

The past is a guidepost, not a hitching post.  ~L. Thomas Holdcroft

Nature Quotes SMS

In some mysterious way woods have never

In some mysterious way woods have never seemed to me to be static things. In…

Horses Quotes SMS

A horse which stops dead just before

A horse which stops dead just before a jump and thus propels its rider into…

Music Quotes SMS

Music is the shorthand of emotion leo

Music is the shorthand of emotion.  ~Leo Tolstoy

Death Quotes SMS

Every word affords me pain yet how

Every word affords me pain. Yet how sweet it would be if I could hear…

Gardens Quotes SMS

Gardens are a form of autobiography sydney

Gardens are a form of autobiography.  ~Sydney Eddison, Horticulture magazine, August/September 1993JQ

Teen love Quotes SMS

Out of all the people ive ever

Out of all the people I’ve ever met, you’re the one who makes me draw…

Taxes Quotes SMS

It was as true taxes is and

It was as true… as taxes is.  And nothing’s truer than them.  ~Charles Dickens

Morning Quotes SMS

Lose an hour in the morning and

Lose an hour in the morning, and you will be all day hunting for it. …

Quotations Quotes SMS

I am not merely a habitual quoter

I am not merely a habitual quoter but an incorrigible one. I am, I may…

Teen drivers Quotes SMS

The best substitute for experience is being

The best substitute for experience is being sixteen.  ~Raymond Duncan

Angels Quotes SMS

Insight is better than eyesight when it

Insight is better than eyesight when it comes to seeing an angel.  ~Quoted in The…

History Quotes SMS

The historian lays humanity on the couch

[T]he historian lays humanity on the couch.  ~Lynn White, Jr., Machina Ex Deo: Essays in…

Misc1 Quotes SMS

Everything is vague to a degree you

Everything is vague to a degree you do not realize until you have tried to…

Perspective Quotes SMS

All men have a reason but not

All men have a reason, but not all men can give a reason.  ~John Henry…