Category: Quote SMS

Text quotes & Quotes sms messages collection in hindi, urdu and english

Insects Quotes SMS

What do you suppose a bee sat

What do you suppose? A bee sat on my nose. Then what do you think?…

Sky clouds Quotes SMS

Louder and louder the deep thunder rolled

Louder and louder the deep thunder rolled, as through the myriad halls of some vast…

Volunteer apprec Quotes SMS

No duty is more urgent than that

No duty is more urgent than that of returning thanks.  ~James Allen

Sky clouds Quotes SMS

A cloudy day is no match for

A cloudy day is no match for a sunny disposition.  ~William Arthur Ward

Integrity Quotes SMS

Better keep yourself clean and bright you

Better keep yourself clean and bright; you are the window through which you must see…

Feminism Quotes SMS

Women are not inherently passive or peaceful

Women are not inherently passive or peaceful.  We’re not inherently anything but human.  ~Robin MorganCUL

Misc1 Quotes SMS

The first thing to learn in intercourse

The first thing to learn in intercourse with others is noninterference with their own peculiar…

Gas prices Quotes SMS

It puzzles me how they know what

It puzzles me how they know what corners are good for filling stations.  Just how…

Truth Quotes SMS

We do not err because truth is

We do not err because truth is difficult to see.  It is visible at a…

Be self Quotes SMS

The white light streams down to be

The white light streams down to be broken up by those human prisms into all…

Quotations Quotes SMS

I believe it was gayelord hauser the

I believe it was Gayelord Hauser, the nutritionist, who said that “you are what you…

Economic issues Quotes SMS

Do not value money for any more

Do not value money for any more nor any less than its worth; it is…

Cats Quotes SMS

Some people say man is the most

Some people say man is the most dangerous animal on the planet.  Obviously those people…

Faces Quotes SMS

I have never been aware before how

I have never been aware before how many faces there are.  There are quantities of…

Be great Quotes SMS

Excellence is not a skill it an

Excellence is not a skill.  It is an attitude.  ~Ralph Marston

Memory Quotes SMS

Nothing is more memorable than a smell

Nothing is more memorable than a smell.  One scent can be unexpected, momentary and fleeting,…

Drugs Quotes SMS

Cocaine is gods way of saying youre

Cocaine is God’s way of saying you’re making too much money.  ~Robin WilliamsScreen International, 15…

Sex Quotes SMS

Sex relieves tension love causes it

Sex relieves tension – love causes it.  ~Woody Allen

Health Quotes SMS

There are some remedies worse than the

There are some remedies worse than the disease.  ~Publilius Syrus

Cities Quotes SMS

To one who has been long in

To one who has been long in city pent, ‘Tis very sweet to look into…

Graduation Quotes SMS

The fireworks begin today each diploma is

The fireworks begin today.  Each diploma is a lighted match.  Each one of you is…

Desserts Quotes SMS

Save the earth its only planet with

Save the earth.  It’s the only planet with chocolate.  ~Author Unknown

Social anxiety Quotes SMS

Every evening i turn my worries over

Every evening I turn my worries over to God.  He’s going to be up all…

Manners Quotes SMS

Says the rude child 34no i wont

Says the rude child:  "No, I won’t do it."  Says the courteous grown-up:  "Yes, I…

Dancing Quotes SMS

Stifling an urge to dance is bad

Stifling an urge to dance is bad for your health ? it rusts your spirit…

Parents Quotes SMS

What you dont realize as a kid

What you don’t realize as a kid is that if your parents are always going…

Laughter Quotes SMS

A laugh is a smile that bursts

A laugh is a smile that bursts.  ~Mary H. Waldrip

Alcohol Quotes SMS

If you wish to keep your affairs

If you wish to keep your affairs secret, drink no wine.  ~Author UnknownCTO

Misc1 Quotes SMS

Thou art to me a delicious torment

DEAR FRIEND: If I was sure of thee, sure of thy capacity, sure to match…

Misc1 Quotes SMS

There i am in my younger days

There I am in my younger days, stargazing, painting picture perfect maps of how my…

Quotations Quotes SMS

A good aphorism is too hard for

A good aphorism is too hard for the tooth of time, and is not worn…

Marriage Quotes SMS

Marriage halves our griefs doubles joys and

Marriage halves our griefs, doubles our joys, and quadruples our expenses.  ~English ProverbRDM

Consumerism Quotes SMS

Who covets more is evermore a slave

Let’s live with that small pittance that we have; Who covets more, is evermore a…

Laziness Quotes SMS

I slip from workaholic to bum real

I slip from workaholic to bum real easy.  ~Matthew Broderick

Feminism Quotes SMS

Sometimes the best man for job isnt

Sometimes the best man for the job isn’t.  ~Author Unknown

Gambling Quotes SMS

I met with an accident on the

I met with an accident on the way to the track; I arrived safely.  ~Joe…

Favorites Quotes SMS

I dont rent space to anyone in

I don’t rent space to anyone in my head.  ~Anonymous man on Candid Camera, answering…

Conformity Quotes SMS

Progress is impossible without change and those

Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything. …

Quotations Quotes SMS

What remains therefore but that our last

What remains therefore, but that our last Recourse must be had to large Indexes, and…

Memory Quotes SMS

She glances at the photo and pilot

She glances at the photo, and the pilot light of memory flickers in her eyes. …

Be self Quotes SMS

The most important kind of freedom is

The most important kind of freedom is to be what you really are.  ~Jim Morrison

Hope Quotes SMS

Hope is but the dream of those

Hope is but the dream of those who wake.  ~Matthew Prior

Opportunities Quotes SMS

Opportunity is a bird that never perches

Opportunity is a bird that never perches.  ~Claude McDonald

Money Quotes SMS

Lack of money is the root all

Lack of money is the root of all evil.  ~George Bernard Shaw

Quotations Quotes SMS

A quoting author is just as ridiculous

A quoting author is just as ridiculous as a country girl upon her first coming…

Sleep Quotes SMS

A good laugh and a long sleep

A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor’s book. …

Bible Quotes SMS

Train up a child in the way

Train up a child in the way he should go:  and when he is old,…

Yoga Quotes SMS

I was in yoga the other day

I was in yoga the other day.  I was in full lotus position.  My chakras…

Consumerism Quotes SMS

Be glad that youre greedy the national

Be glad that you’re greedy; the national economy would collapse if you weren’t.  ~Mignon McLaughlin,…

Self Quotes SMS

Only you can set free living colour

Only you can set you free.  ~Living Colour, "Cult of Personality"

Graduation Quotes SMS

Make the most of yourself for that

Make the most of yourself, for that is all there is of you.  ~Ralph Waldo…

Business Quotes SMS

Successful enterprises are usually led by a

Successful enterprises are usually led by a proven chief executive who is a competent benevolent…

Off to college Quotes SMS

Wherever you go no matter what the

Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine.  ~Anthony J….

Bible Quotes SMS

A city that is set on an

A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid.  ~Matthew 5:14

Social anxiety Quotes SMS

Whether you think can or cant

Whether you think you can or think you can’t – you are right.  ~Henry FordGCLE

Conformity Quotes SMS

My manner of thinking so you say

My manner of thinking, so you say, cannot be approved.  Do you suppose I care? …

Car free day Quotes SMS

One of the first laws against air

One of the first laws against air pollution came in 1300 when King Edward I…

Kindness Quotes SMS

A bit of fragrance always clings to

A bit of fragrance always clings to the hand that gives roses.  ~Chinese Proverb

Decisions Quotes SMS

Indecision becomes decision with time author unknown

Indecision becomes decision with time.  ~Author Unknown

Language Quotes SMS

Any man who does not make himself

Any man who does not make himself proficient in at least two languages other than…

Health Quotes SMS

I reckon being ill as one of

I reckon being ill as one of the great pleasures of life, provided one is…

Jobs Quotes SMS

Wednesdays are like mondays in the middle

Wednesdays are like Mondays in the middle of the week!  ~Lee Fox Williams

Presidents day Quotes SMS

To waste to destroy our natural resources

To waste, to destroy our natural resources, to skin and exhaust the land instead of…

Taxes Quotes SMS

Another difference between death and taxes is

Another difference between death and taxes is that you don’t have to work like fury…

Reference quotes Quotes SMS

A rolling stone gathers no moss publilius

A rolling stone gathers no moss.  ~Publilius SyrusCOE

Poetry Quotes SMS

A poets autobiography is his poetry anything

A poet’s autobiography is his poetry.  Anything else is just a footnote.  ~Yevgeny Yentushenko, The…

Civilization Quotes SMS

Civilization is hideously fragile theres not much

Civilization is hideously fragile… there’s not much between us and the Horrors underneath, just about…

Food Quotes SMS

Cheese milks leap toward immortality clifton

Cheese – milk’s leap toward immortality.  ~Clifton FadimanCOCI

Music Quotes SMS

If the king loves music it is

If the King loves music, it is well with the land.  ~MenciusCAM

Television Quotes SMS

If you read a lot of books

If you read a lot of books, you’re considered well-read.  But if you watch a…

Speaking Quotes SMS

The real art of conversation is not

The real art of conversation is not only to say the right thing at the…

Money Quotes SMS

A rich man is nothing but a

A rich man is nothing but a poor man with money.  ~W.C. Fields

Internet Quotes SMS

There are three kinds of death in

There are three kinds of death in this world.  There’s heart death, there’s brain death,…

Change Quotes SMS

No two men ever judged alike of

No two men ever judged alike of the same thing, and it is impossible to…

Time Quotes SMS

Time is an equal opportunity employer each

Time is an equal opportunity employer.  Each human being has exactly the same number of…

Writing Quotes SMS

How vain it is to sit down

How vain it is to sit down to write when you have not stood up…

Cities Quotes SMS

I have an affection for a great

I have an affection for a great city.  I feel safe in the neighbourhood of…

Integrity Quotes SMS

There is no pillow so soft as

There is no pillow so soft as a clear conscience.  ~French Proverb

Dancing Quotes SMS

The dance is a poem of which

The dance is a poem of which each movement is a word.  ~Mata Hari

Honesty Quotes SMS

Reality is bad enough why should i

Reality is bad enough.  Why should I tell the truth?  ~Patrick SkySD

Belief Quotes SMS

Men never do evil so thoroughly and

Men never do evil so thoroughly and cheerfully as when they do it for conscience…

Graduation Quotes SMS

It is clear the future holds great

[I]t is clear the future holds great opportunities.  It also holds pitfalls.  The trick will…

Sports Quotes SMS

I figure practice puts your brains in

I figure practice puts your brains in your muscles.  ~Sam Snead, about golfCG

Perseverance Quotes SMS

A door opens to me i go

A door opens to me. I go in and am faced with a hundred closed…

Confidence Quotes SMS

As soon seek roses in december ice

As soon Seek roses in December, ice in June; Hope constancy in wind, or corn…

Art Quotes SMS

Art is an adventure that never seems

Art is an adventure that never seems to end.  ~Jason, Los Cerros Middle School, 1999

Kisses Quotes SMS

A kiss seals two souls for a

A kiss seals two souls for a moment in time.  ~Levende Waters

Best friends Quotes SMS

I felt it shelter to speak you

I felt it shelter to speak to you.  ~Emily DickinsonCUL