Category: Quote SMS
Text quotes & Quotes sms messages collection in hindi, urdu and english
Why are men reluctant to become fathers
Why are men reluctant to become fathers? They aren’t through being children. ~Cindy GarnerFCN
How did it get so late soon
How did it get so late so soon? It’s night before it’s afternoon. December is…
A neurotic is a man who builds
A neurotic is a man who builds a castle in the air. A psychotic is…
A baby is a blank cheque made
A baby is a blank cheque made payable to the human race. ~Barbara Christine Seifert,…
There is no love sincerer than the
There is no love sincerer than the love of food. ~George Bernard Shaw, "The Revolutionist’s…
We load up on oat bran in
We load up on oat bran in the morning so we’ll live forever. Then we…
The struggle to save the global environment
The struggle to save the global environment is in one way much more difficult than…
Every day we touch what is wrong
Every day we touch what is wrong, and, as a result, we are becoming less…
What we are is gods gift to
What we are is God’s gift to us. What we become is our gift to…
When a lot of remedies are suggested
When a lot of remedies are suggested for a disease, that means it cannot be…
Between the great things we cannot do
Between the great things we cannot do and the small things we will not do,…
A genuine tattoo tells a story i
There’s a certain emotional feeling that reflects the moment that you put it on, and…
God is closest to those with broken
God is closest to those with broken hearts. ~Jewish SayingBTSG
Spring forest flowers are so charming birds
Spring forest flowers are so charming. Spring birds pour out grief. Spring winds come with…
Faith is what makes life bearable with
Faith is what makes life bearable, with all its tragedies and ambiguities and sudden, startling…
The big difference between sex for money
The big difference between sex for money and sex for free is that sex for…
Financial ruin from medical bills is almost
Financial ruin from medical bills is almost exclusively an American disease. ~Roul Turley
The whole object of travel is not
The whole object of travel is not to set foot on foreign land; it is…
The only thing worth stealing is a
The only thing worth stealing is a kiss from a sleeping child. ~Joe Houldsworth
Please send me your last pair of
Please send me your last pair of shoes, worn out with dancing as you mentioned…
The language of friendship is not words
The language of friendship is not words but meanings. ~Henry David Thoreau
If its green or wriggles biology it
If it’s green or wriggles, it’s biology. If it stinks, it’s chemistry. If it doesn’t…
Dont laugh at a youth for his
Don’t laugh at a youth for his affectations; he is only trying on one face…
On the subject of dress almost no
Dress has never been at all a straightforward business: so much subterranean interest and complex…
You know why there are so many
You know why there are so many whitefish in the Yellowstone River? Because the Fish…
I want to giggle myself sleep each
I want to giggle myself to sleep each night and jump on the fluffy, comforting…
Treat your password like toothbrush dont let
Treat your password like your toothbrush. Don’t let anybody else use it, and get a…
Love may be blind but this ill
Love may be blind, but this I’ll state – it’s eagle-eyed compared to hate. ~Robert…
Everybody should believe in something i ill
Everybody should believe in something; I believe I’ll have another drink. ~Author Unknown
Before a war military science seems real
Before a war military science seems a real science, like astronomy; but after a war…
They have written volumes out of which
They have written volumes out of which a couplet of verse, a period in prose,…
Its not who you are that holds
It’s not who you are that holds you back, it’s who you think you’re not. …
We are more disturbed by a calamity
We are more disturbed by a calamity which threatens us than by one which has…
Life preys upon life this is biologys
Life preys upon life. This is biology’s most fundamental fact. ~Martin H. FischerFFM
The public history of all countries and
The public history of all countries, and all ages, is but a sort of mask,…
Remember gods bounty in the year string
Remember God’s bounty in the year. String the pearls of His favor. Hide the dark…
Sometimes it takes years to really grasp
Sometimes it takes years to really grasp what has happened to your life. ~Wilma Rudolph
The common thread that binds nearly all
[T]he common thread that binds nearly all animal species seems to be that males are…
For after all put it as we
For, after all, put it as we may to ourselves, we are all of us…
Im retired goodbye tension hello pension
I’m retired – goodbye tension, hello pension! ~Author Unknown
Dont take your organs to heaven with
Don’t take your organs to heaven with you. Heaven knows we need them here. ~Author…
A poet is a man who puts
A poet is a man who puts up a ladder to a star and climbs…
The poem is a little myth of
The poem… is a little myth of man’s capacity of making life meaningful. And in…
The beauty of the world has two
The beauty of the world has two edges, one of laughter, one of anguish, cutting…
Arm ourselves for war no all the
Arm ourselves for war? No! All the arms we need are for hugging. ~Author Unknown
A man has to live with himself
A man has to live with himself, and he should see to it that he…
Oh may i join the choir invisible
Oh, may I join the choir invisible Of those immortal dead who live again. ~George…
If the world seems cold to you
If the world seems cold to you, kindle fires to warm it. ~Lucy Larcom
Happiness is always a by product it probably
Happiness is always a by-product. It is probably a matter of temperament, and for anything…
If you believe everything read better not
If you believe everything you read, you better not read. ~Japanese Proverb
Remember this december that love weighs more
Remember This December, That love weighs more than gold! ~Josephine Dodge Daskam BaconQSO
What a pity human beings cant exchange
What a pity human beings can’t exchange problems. Everyone knows exactly how to solve the…
For the human mind is seldom at
For the human mind is seldom at stay: If you do not grow better, you…
Man can starve from a lack of
Man can starve from a lack of self-realization as much as… from a lack of…
To send light into the darkness of
To send light into the darkness of men’s hearts – such is the duty of…
To freely bloom that is my
To freely bloom – that is my definition of success. ~Gerry Spence
Let me never fall into the vulgar
Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever…
Sometimes its necessary to go a long
Sometimes it’s necessary to go a long distance out of the way in order to…
When life takes the wind out of
When life takes the wind out of your sails, it is to test you at…
Home is where the heart can laugh
Home is where the heart can laugh without shyness. Home is where the heart’s tears…
Wisdom doesnt necessarily come with age sometimes
Wisdom doesn’t necessarily come with age. Sometimes age just shows up all by itself. ~Tom…
Life is better than death i believe
Life is better than death, I believe, if only because it is less boring, and…
History an account mostly false of events
History: An account mostly false, of events mostly unimportant, which are brought about by rulers…
You start out happy that you have
You start out happy that you have no hips or boobs. All of a sudden…
Children have more need of models than
Children have more need of models than of critics. ~Carolyn Coats, Things Your Dad Always…
In life we all have an unspeakable
In life we all have an unspeakable secret, an irreversible regret, an unreachable dream and…
Bear ye one anothers burdens galatians 62
Bear ye one another’s burdens. ~Galatians 6:2
There comes a morning in life when
There comes a morning in life when you wake up a new person; that is…
You cant lose weight by talking about
You can’t lose weight by talking about it. You have to keep your mouth shut. …
She watched and taught the girls that
She watched and taught the girls that sang at their embroidery frames while the great…
Retirement is wonderful its doing nothing without
Retirement is wonderful. It’s doing nothing without worrying about getting caught at it. ~Gene Perret
It is only possible to live happily ever after
It is only possible to live happily-ever-after on a day-to-day basis. ~Margaret Bonnano
Oh the summer night has a smile
Oh, the summer night Has a smile of light And she sits on a sapphire…
Its hard to fight an enemy who
It’s hard to fight an enemy who has outposts in your head. ~Sally Kempton, Esquire,…
Service to others is the rent you
Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth. ~Mohammed Ali
Thanks are justly due for boons unbought
Thanks are justly due for boons unbought. ~OvidQSO
If the phone doesnt ring its me
If The Phone Doesn’t Ring, It’s Me. ~Song title by Jimmy Buffet
Adopt the pace of nature her secret
Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
Every man through fear mugs his aspirations
Every man, through fear, mugs his aspirations a dozen times a day. ~Brendan Francis
Life is a compromise of what your
Life is a compromise of what your ego wants to do, what experience tells you…
Poetry comes with anger hunger and dismay
Poetry comes with anger, hunger and dismay; it does not often visit groups of citizens…
If at first you dont succeed do
If at first you don’t succeed, do it like your mother told you. ~Author Unknown
Maturity is a bitter disappointment for which
Maturity is a bitter disappointment for which no remedy exists, unless laughter can be said…
At the gambling table there are no
At the gambling table, there are no fathers and sons. ~Chinese Proverb
Those who wish to sing always find
Those who wish to sing, always find a song. ~Swedish Proverb
The quantum is that embarrassing little piece
The quantum is that embarrassing little piece of thread that always hangs from the sweater…
If vegetarians eat vegetables what do humanitarians
If vegetarians eat vegetables, what do humanitarians eat? ~Author Unknown
Giving birth is not a matter of
Giving birth is not a matter of pushing, expelling the baby, but of yielding, surrendering…