Category: New year sms

2015 SMS / Happy new year sms messages collection in hindi, urdu & english

New year sms

Memorable moment r celebrated together u my

Memorable moment r celebrated together, U r my best friend for now & forever, Make…

New year sms

Hazaron duaon beshumar wafaon an ginat mohabaton

Hazaron Duaon Beshumar Wafaon An-Ginat Mohabaton Be-Panah Chahaton Or Khushion K La-Zawal Khazane K Sath…

New year sms

2009 khatam hone mein kuch he din

2009 khatam hone mein kuch he din baki hain koi ghalti gustakhi koi khataa waghaira…

New year sms

Its the last evening of 2007

Its the last evening of 2007.. So wish u a very happy evening.. Also Wish…

New year sms

For last years words belong to language

For last year’s words belong to last year’s language And next year’s words await another…

New year sms

Memorable moment r celebrated together u my

Memorable moment r celebrated together, U r my best friend for now & forever, Make…

New year sms

W y h wi yo ha


New year sms

December abhi lamhe nahin bikhre mosam nahi

December Abhi Lamhe Nahin Bikhre Abhi Mosam Nahi Bichre Mere Kamry Ki Thandak Me Abhi…

New year sms

SMS# 306988

;*” ”*;. ‘*;._ . *, ‘*–‘ pecial SORRY 4 u, Plz excuse my all mistakes…

New year sms

appy new

{”}__{”} { * }APPY {_}””{_} **NEW ** **ISLAMIC** **YEAR** . Mäy thi$ ñew yeÃ¥r briñg…

New year sms

When the mid nite bell rings tonight let

When the mid-nite bell rings tonight… Let it signify new and better things for you,…

New year sms

In 1year 12months 48weeks 365dayampnight 8760hrs 52560minutes

In 1.Year 12.Months 48.Weeks 365.Day.&.Night 8760.Hrs 52560.Minutes 3153600.Sec maine Sirf ApKo Hi miss Kiya Or…

New year sms

For last years words belong to language

For last year’s words belong to last year’s language And next year’s words await another…

New year sms

Remove hate lust jealousy grudge animosity greed

Remove Hate, Lust, Jealousy, Grudge, Animosity, Greed from your dictionary this new year’s eve and…

New year sms

Throughout the coming year may your life

Throughout the Coming Year may your life be filled with little celebration of Happiness…Wishes you…

New year sms

Saal ki akhiri sham ka salam is

Saal ki akhiri sham ka salam is umeed k 7 k aap ki sub pareshania…

New year sms

New years day now is the accepted

New Year’s Day: Now is the accepted time to make your regular annual good resolutions….

New year sms

Machli ko english me kehte hy fish

Machli Ko english me kehte hy Fish Hum Apko Bohat karte hy MISS Humse Pehle…

New year sms

As you know that 2days d last

As you know that 2day’s d last day Of d year 2009 I wanna thank…

New year sms

As you know that 2days d last

As You Know That 2day’s D Last Day Of D Year 2009 I Wana Thank…

New year sms

Porono joto hotashadukkhoobosad noton bochor ogoloka karok

Porono joto Hotasha,Dukkho,Obosad, Noton bochor ogoloka karok Dulissat, Sukh,Anonda mucha jak sokol Jatona, New Year…

New year sms

When the mid night bell rings tonight let

When the mid-night bell rings tonight… Let it signify new and better things for you,…

New year sms

With all the rosequots perfume amp with

With all the Rose"s Perfume & with all the lights in the world & with…

New year sms

Happy new year 2012 god bles

(‘_’HapPy NeW YeAr’_’).* **.(‘_’2012’_’).** God ble$s you my friendz. Allah ap ka ye saal khushiy0n…

New year sms

Gul ne gulshan se gulfam bheja hai

Gul ne gulshan se gulfam bheja hai, sitaro ne aasma se salam bheja hai, mubarak…

New year sms

When the clock strikes twelve on december

When the clock strikes twelve on December 31st, people all over the world cheer and…

New year sms

2010 is at the door remember life

2010 is at the door… Remember Life is short, break the rules, Forgive quickly, love…

New year sms

Well come 2008 with open arms amp

Well come 2008 with open arms & pray to God for His Blessings. HAPPY NEW…

New year sms

Memorable moment r celebrated together u my

Memorable moment r celebrated together, U r my best friend for now & forever, Make…

New year sms

Congratulations people of pakistan we are

Congratulations People Of Pakistan! We Are The Only Nation In The World. Who’ll Gonna Start…

New year sms

There you have our samples readers are

There you have our samples readers! There are still plenty of links online where to…

New year sms

For last years words belong to language

For last year’s words belong to last year’s language And next year’s words await another…

New year sms

When d mid night bell rings 2nitelet it

When d Mid-night Bell Rings 2nite,Let It Signify New And Better Things 4 u, Let…

New year sms

God bless u n keep safe not

God Bless U N Keep U Safe Not Only Today But Throughout Life That is…

New year sms

May you have a heart of courage

May you have a heart of courage, a mind of will and may you get…

New year sms

Sabke dilo mein ho sabke liye pyar

Sabke Dilo mein ho sabke liye Pyar, Aanewala har din laye Khushiyon ka Tyohar, Es…

New year sms

2009ane wala hy apne 2009 ko

“”2009″”Ane Wala Hy, Apne 2009 Ko Khush Gawar Banane K Liye 11 Martaba Ye Parho,…

New year sms

Like birds let us leave behind what

Like birds, let us, leave behind what we don’t need to carry… GRUDGES SADNESS PAIN…

New year sms

New year begins let us pray that

New Year begins, let us pray, that it will be a year with new Peace,…

New year sms

Happy new year 2010 may this


New year sms

Do u know d speciality of ths

Do u know d speciality of ths new year? It strts with monday & ends…

New year sms

Like birds let us leave behind what

Like birds, let us, leave behind what we don

New year sms

Here is a wishing that the coming

Here is a wishing that the coming year is a glorious one that rewards all…

New year sms

Memorable moment r celebrate together u my

Memorable moment r celebrate together, U r my best friend for now & forever, Make…

New year sms

When you feel that someone is taking

When you feel that Someone is taking your Place in Your Bestfriend’s Heart… Never Say…

New year sms

Like birds lets leave behind what we

Like birds, let’s leave behind what we don’t need to carry…Grudges, sadness, pain, fear and…

New year sms

Aaj se 1 2 3 4

Aaj se 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 . . O ho aagy chale…

New year sms

Wishing u a very happy n prosperous

Wishing U a very Happy n prosperous new yr. D magic wand 2 fulfill ur…

New year sms

Poore ho aapke sare aim sada

Poore ho aapke sare Aim, Sada badhti rahe aap ki Fame, Milte rahe sabse Pyar…

New year sms

I m sory mje bhol jana

I m sory mje bhol jana jnß 46 din bd apko hmsha k lie chor…

New year sms

Aaj b nhi kal aur pars0

AaJ B nhI KaL B nhI AuR PaRs0 B naHi P0rEy 4 DiN BaAD Happy…

New year sms

New year brings just happiness not tear

New Year brings just Happiness not Tear, Everybody loves only You Dear, All your Problems…

New year sms

Keep the smile leave tear think of

Keep the smile, leave the tear, Think of joy, forget the fear, Hold the laugh,…

New year sms

Years end is neither an end nor

‘Year?s end is neither an end, nor a beginning but a going on, with all…

New year sms

Lets welcome the year which is fresh

Lets welcome the year which is fresh and new,Lets cherish each moment it beholds, Lets…

New year sms

New year begins let us pray that

New Year begins, let us pray, that it will be a year with new Peace,…

New year sms

Sabke dilo mai ho sabke liye pyar

Sabke Dilo mai ho sabke liye Pyar, Aanewala har din laye Khusiyo ka Tyohar, Is…

New year sms

Good morning last gud morning 0f

GOOD MORNING: Last Gud Morning 0f Last Month Of Year And Last Day Of Month…

New year sms

May god paint the canvas of ur

May God paint the canvas of ur life with the most beautiful colours and sprinkle…

New year sms

New hijri year 1429 mubarak allah talah

New hijri year. 1429 Mubarak Allah talah aap ko hazaroon khushiyan ataa karay aur aap…

New year sms

Years come n go but this year

Years come n go, but this year I specially wish 4 u a double dose…

New year sms

Ae naye saal bta tuj mein naya

Ae naye saal bta tuj mein naya kya hy? Hr traf MAKHLOOK ne Q shor…

New year sms

Karoon to kis liye aakhir karoon malal

‘Karoon to kis liye aakhir karoon malal us ka, Usay nahi to mujhey bhi nahi…

New year sms

After the end of year i

After the end of YEAR I thanks 2 those who hated me, They made me…

New year sms

Guzarta sal ha or ka ye akhri

Guzarta sal ha or sal ka ye akhri din ha Abi kuch dhoop ha lakin…

New year sms

Dear sorry ab tumse koi rishta nahi

Dear, Sorry Ab tumse koi rishta nahi mera Bus 1 din bad me apko chor…

New year sms

Bfre the whole world screws up ur

Bfre the whole world screws up ur msg box on 1st jan with recycld msgs,…

New year sms

Hope you will have a new year

Hope you will have a New Year that starts right and ends Happy!

New year sms

Happy last month of the year

Happy last month of the year May God achieve your all remaining goals in this…

New year sms

Gul ne gulshan se gulfam bheja hai

gul ne gulshan se gulfam bheja hai, sitaro ne aasma se salam bheja hai, mubarak…

New year sms

May the new year bring these

May the New Year Bring These Wishes To You All… Warmth 0f Love, Comfort 0f…

New year sms

Nothing lasts forever so live it up

Nothing lasts forever, So live it up , dring it dwn, laugh it off ,…

New year sms

New is the year new are hopes

New is the year, new are the hopes and the aspirations, New is the resolution,…

New year sms

Tom cruise angelina jolie aishwarya rai

Tom Cruise Angelina Jolie Aishwarya Rai Arnold Jennifer Lopez Amitabh Bachhan & me.. All the…

New year sms

Aye naye saal bata tujh main naya

Aye naye saal bata, tujh main naya pan kiya hai? Har taraf khalq nay Q…

New year sms

In d book of life here comes

In d Book Of Life, Here comes a brand new year again. Its pages r…

New year sms

Sabke dilo mai ho sabke liye pyar

Sabke Dilo mai ho sabke liye Pyar, Aanewala har din laye Khusiyo ka Towhar, Es…

New year sms

Count down start 05 04 03

COUNT DOWN START 05 04 03 02 01 00 ¤’,HAPPY,’¤ ‘,¤NEW¤,’ ¤,’YEAR’,¤ ~^~^~ ,^~’2009’~^, ~^~^~

New year sms

The old year has gone let

The Old Year Has Gone, Let The Dead Past Bury Its Own Dead, The New…

New year sms

2010 ka end chal raha hy agr

2010 ka end chal raha hy. Agr mene Apko koi dukh dia ho ya Apko…

New year sms

Question of the day what is

Question Of The Day: What Is Your Most Favorite Memory Of 2009 That’s Related To…

New year sms

New year is the time to unfold

New Year is the time to unfold new horizons & realize new dreams, to rediscover…

New year sms

This is the last 3 hours of

This is the last 3 hours of 2011 .. This year i face many problms…

New year sms

Yar jb teri life me meri importance

Yar Jb Teri Life Me Meri Importance Hi Nhi Rhi To Seedhy Se Keh De…

New year sms

Another day another month year smile tear

Another day, another month, another year. another smile, another tear, another winter, a summer too,…

New year sms

You know god arrange for you 12

You know God arrange for you.. 12 Months of Love, 52 Weeks Non Stop Fun,…

New year sms

Now 2012 is starting pehle bata

NoW 2012 Is StArting . PehLE Bata rAhA h0n PAng’Ge mAt LeNA WArnA.. . ….

New year sms

Happy new year 2012 good bye

HAPPY NEW YEAR 2012 | Good Bye 2011 “Don’t think about yesterday, think about tomorrow…