Category: Information in SMS
Information in SMS / Informative Sms
A nonmuslim scientst proved that electric chargd
A nonMuslim scientst proved that, electric chargd due 2 da electromagnetic radiations 4rm da thngs…
English wonder these words have something
English Wonder These Words Have Something In Common… Banana, Dresser, Grammar, Potato, Revive, Uneven Cud…
Strange truth every person tells minimum 4
Strange Truth.. Every Person Tells Minimum 4 Lies Per Day. Approx. 1460 A Year! The…
Ek qaza namaz ki sza 2 crore
Ek Qaza Namaz ki sza 2 crore 88 Lakh sal Dozakh mein, Jab ke Qayamat…
Ek asman se dosre per jane k
eK aSmAn sE dOsRe aSmAn pEr jAnE k lEy, Ek kaBoTar(pEgAn) Ko 500 sAal LaGAtE…
Imam e kaba samait saudi arabia k 70 ulma
Imam-e-kaba samait Saudi Arabia k 70 Ulma ne Qurani Ayat ki RING OR CALER TONE…
Kya p jante hn sbse pehle konsi
Kya @p jante hn Sbse pehle konsi NAMAZ kisne prhi? Fajar: ADAM A.s Zohr: IBRAHIM…
Egg attack on your car be
EGG ATTACK On Your Car ? Be Allert ? If you are driving at night…
Right handed people live on average nine
Right Handed People Live, on average, nine years Longer Than Left Handed People….
Rizk ko km krney waley 5 asbab
RIZK ko km krney waley 5 asbab -Mgrab aur Esha k darmihaan sona, -Qbristan m…
Jo log khanay se pehlay thora namak
*Jo Log Khanay Se Pehlay Thora Namak Chakh Letay Hain Woh Log 30 Kisam Ki…
Absolutely amazing beauty of mathematics 1×819
Absolutely Amazing! Beauty of Mathematics: @1×8+1=9 @12×8+2=98 @123×8+3=987 @1234×8+4=9876 @12345×8+5=98765 @123456×8+6=987654 @1234567×8+7=9876543 @12345678×8+8=98765432 @123456789×8+9=987654321…
Psychological fact when a person cries
Psychological Fact: When A Person Cries Due To Happyness The 1st Drop Of Tears Comes…
The quick brown fox jumps over the
The Quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. Pack my box with five dozen…
The correct timing to drink water will
The correct timing to drink water will maximize its effectiveness to the human body :…
For pakistan only jis b nic
For Pakistan only: Jis b NIC ka last digit Odd ho ga wo BOY ka…
Ishfaq ahmad likhty hain 1 sawal ny
Ishfaq Ahmad likhty hain ?1 sawal ny mjhy bohat preshan kia? Sawal ye tha: MOMIN…
Did you know elephant is the
DID YOU KNOW? > Elephant is the only mammal that can not jump. > Babies…
On 9sptmbr 2009 at 09hr09min
On 9sptmbr, 2009 At 09hr,09min & 09 sec on the 9th of sptmbr this year,time…
Malumat namaz men jab qyam per kharay
Malumat; Namaz men jab qyam per kharay hon to nazren sajday ki jaga, jb raku…
Aik1 ungli say khana shaitan ka aur
Aik(1) Ungli Say Khana Shaitan Ka Aur (2) Ungliyoon Say Khana Magroor Ka Tareeka Hai,…
There are 1575 steps from the ground
There are 1,575 steps from the ground floor to the top of the Empire State…
Real recorded information edhi
Real Recorded Information :- ” EDHI Ambulance Service ( Pakistan ) Is Most Wide &…
Sim subscriber identification module cdma code
SIM- Subscriber Identification Module CDMA- Code Division Multiple Access GSM- Global System for Mobile GPRS-…
Mausam e garma me pani ki madad se mausam
*Mausam-e-Garma me Pani ki madad se Mausam k asrat se bchao mumkin hai* 1)- 2…
Babies eyes do not produce tears until
Babies eyes do not produce tears until the baby is approximately six to eight weeks…
Those stars and colours you see when
Those stars and colours you see when you rub your eyes are called phosphenes….
Science proved it sajda karnay say
Science proved it: SAJDA karnay say nigha taiz,demag taqat war aur chera has
Dont eat mentos or softmint before after
Don’t eat Mentos or softmint before or after drinking Coke or Pepsi coz the person…
Tip of the day the real
TIP of the day The REAL TRICK of running MULTI Windows Live Messenger (msn messenger)…
London mein footballer nay 23 ghantey taak
London Mein Footballer Nay 23 Ghantey Taak Baghair Hath Istemal Kiye Football Hawa Mein Uchal…
The citrus soda 7 up was created
The citrus soda “7 UP” was created in 1929. The original name of the popular…
Africa k jungle mey 1guraid aik
(Africa k Jungle mey) 1.Guraid, Aik aisa tree hey jis k neechy aag laganey sey…
Established a new name 4 toilet is
Established a new name 4 toilet is ?DENMARK?Es sms ko itna aam kro k tamam…
An ironical fact in d primitive
An Ironical fact: In d primitive societies, nobody had a WATCH & evry1 had TIME….
Did u know unless have a
Did U Know? Unless U Have A Doctor’s Note, It’s Illegal To Buy Ice Cream…
Knowlege of the week afghanistan wahid
Knowlege of the week. Afghanistan wahid mulk hai jis main train nahi chalti. Dunya main…
Almost al know tht graham bell inventd
Almost Al Know Tht Graham Bell Inventd Telephone, But A Few Knw dat He Nevr…
A person can live without food for
A person can live without food for about a month, but only about a week…
9 biggest brain damaging habits 1
9 Biggest Brain Damaging Habits 1. No breakfast 2. Over eating 3. Smoking 4. High…
awareness msg after every
=/// Awareness MsG ///= After Every 20 Minutes Of Looking Into The Computer Screen, Turn…
even the greatest philospher cant be
* Even the greatest philospher cant be more serious than a child while playing a…
Amazing info 1 naashpaati ka tree
Amazing Info 1. Naashpaati ka tree 300 saal tak phal deta hai 2. Shehad ki…
Beth kr pani peny k faide 1gurdy
Beth kr pani peny k faide: 1.Gurdy khrb ni hte. 2.Ghutny hmesha activ rhty hn….
Most used alphabet a doesnt appear in
MOST Used Alphabet “A” Doesnt Appear in Spellings of digits from 1 to 999 !…
Drinking water on empty stomach in early
Drinking water on empty stomach in early m0rning Japanese Medical Society suggests the use of…
In only eight minutes a space shuttle
In only eight minutes, a Space Shuttle can accelerate to a speed of 27,000 kilometres…
Nokia ki orignal battery ke serial
NOKIA Ki ORIGNAL Battery ke serial number ki tadad 20 ho tu wo Orignal ho…
Recently research sy ye bt samny ai
REcently research sy ye bt samNy ai hy k 21st century me humans me BRAIN…
The scientist have proved that the voice
The scientist Have proved That the voice which comes from Heartbeat is Lub Dub But…
Fi yuo cna raed tihs hvae a
fi yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid too Cna yuo raed tihs?…
health tips 1 answer the
? Health Tips ? 1. Answer The Phone By Lert Ear. 2. Do Not Drink…
Quaid azam ki life main 3 dates
Quaid Azam ki life main 3 dates sub se ahm hain 1,dat of birth 25…
Medical msg if someone is alone
**Medical msg** If someone is alone and if he has symptoms of chest pain that…
Haleem jo k allah talah ka pak name
‘HALEEM” jo k ALLAH-TaLah ka Pak Name jis k means “Burdbaar” k hain or hum…
Hey guyz on august 7th 2009
HeY gUyz.. On August 7th 2009 Amaze your Friends, Be The First To Tell them,…
Did you know that the sound
Did You Know That… The Sound You Hear When You Crack Your Knuckles Is Actually…
Amazing fact aaj oct 5th hai
Amazing fact. Aaj oct 5th hai. Ye saal ka 10th month hai. Aur aaj 5th…
Write cnic number of any person and
Write CNIC Number Of Any Person And Send It To 7000. You Will Get His/Her…
Did u know your feet are
Did U Know? Your Feet Are Bigger In The Afternoon Than The Rest Of The…
Ch0c0late said to honey we r the
Ch0c0LaTe SaId To HoNeY… “We r ThE mOsT sWeEtEsT tHiNgZ iN tHe WoRlD!” HoNeY rEpLiEd……
Amazing facts an ostrichs eye is
AMAZING FACTS An Ostrich’s eye is bigger than its Brain. Elephants are the only animals…
More than 3 quarters of people across
More than 3 quarters of people across the world believe access to the Internet is…
The only two animals that can see
The Only Two AnimaLs That Can See Behind Itself Without Turning It’s Head Are The…
Strange but true in ancient times in
STRANGE BUT TRUE:- In ancient times, in England before people havin sex, they needed sp?ci?l…
When ever u hear our holy prophet
When ever u hear our HOLY PROPHET Name always say SAL LAL LA HU ALAYHE…
interesting fact did you know
* Interesting Fact * Did You Know That “Dammit I m Mad” Spelled Backward Is…
Allahs pharmacy is amazing a sliced
ALLAH’s Pharmacy is amazing * A sliced carrot looks like a human eye and it…
Facts of life each year 12779
Facts of Life: Each year 12,779 people in the U.S. are injured by washing machines…
Well guys some interesting facts
Well Guys Some Interesting Facts . . . Coca-Cola Was Originally Green. People Say ?Bless…
There r more than a million animal
There r more than a million animal species. There r 6,000 species of reptiles, 73,000…
Attention plzassalam o alaikumtum per salamti hosaam o alaikumtum barbad hoasaam o alaikumtum
Attention plz *Assalam-o-Alaikum(Tum per Salamti ho) *Saam-o-Alaikum(Tum barbad ho) *Asaam-o-Alaikum(Tum ko mout aye) so b…
Wile siting ur desk lift rite
Wile Siting @ Ur Desk, Lift Ur Rite Foot Of d Floor & Make Clckwise…
1l0s angeles c0ntains m0re cars then pe0ple
1.L0s Angeles c0ntains m0re cars then pe0ple. 2.Nap0le0n a gr8 General in the history,was afraid…
3 interesting facts about microsoft windows
3 interesting facts about Microsoft Windows 1. You can’t create a folder named “con”. Try…
Shahrukh ke new film rab ne bana
Shahrukh ke new film rab ne bana de jordi ka ganna(hule hule) blkl mat sunna…
Iblees kia tha 40000 baras tak
Iblees kia tha?? 40,000 Baras tak jannat ka Khazanchi 80,000 Baras tak Malaika ka Sathi…
True factz 55 trillion cigarettes are produced
True Factz.. 5.5 trillion Cigarettes Are Produced Globally Each Year & Are Smoked By Over…
zaruri hidayaat 1 hades sent
Assuming you could walk to the sun
Assuming you could walk to the sun, it would take about 2000 years. …
I want 2 share some shocking knowledge
I want 2 share some shocking knowledge with u my frndz. Pakistan or Madina Munawwara…
Of the 206 bones in average human
Of the 206 bones in the average human adult’s body,106 are in the hands and…
Had a tiring daysoak hand towel and
Had a tiring day?Soak a hand towel and microwave for two minutes until steamy.Place on…
Lavender oil has a relaxing effect dab
Lavender oil has a relaxing effect. Dab some on your wrist and sniff for instant…
Maut k baad insaan 5 hisson mai
Maut K Baad Insaan 5 Hisson Mai Taqseem Hojaega, ? Maal Waris Le Jaenge, ?Rooh…
On august 7 2009 at 12hr
On August 7, 2009 At 12hr 34 minutes and 56 seconds on the 7th of…
Insan ka dil 60 saal me 481800000
Insan ka dil 60 saal me 481,800,000 gallon blood pump karta hy. Kya dunya me…
Very importent dont ignore if you are
VERY IMPORTENT DON’T IGNORE If you are ever forced by a robber or someone to…