Category: Good Morning SMS
Good Morning SMS messages & jokes in hindi, urdu and english
The breeze has awakened the earth sun
The breeze has awakened the earth, The sun gave brightness to the earth, Birds gave…
Snrise btterfly pictre msic natre all
S_nrise B_tterfly Pict_re M_sic Nat_re all r waitng 4 ” U U U U U…
Some time prayer doesnt change the situation
‘Some Time Prayer Doesnt Change The Situation.! ‘But it Changes Our Attitude Towards The Situation,…
appy sweet sweet
*¡”’¡___¡”’¡*.€ *¡ APPY€ *¡__¡””’¡__¡*.€ *SWEET SWEET* *.*.MORNING.*.* *.__.*.COOL*._.* *.__.*.DAY.*.__* SALAM Good Morning (¯`v´¯) `*.¸.*´ LoVeR…
Stars r seen 2gether yet they
Stars r seen 2gether, yet they r Stars r seen 2gether, yet they r so…
Slow down a bit ur day is
Slow down a bit. Ur day is frm mrning til nYt. Life is so brief….
Man is born in a day and
Man is born in a day, and He dies in a day, and the thing…
Awl morning r lyk a painting u
Awl Morning r Lyk A Painting U Need A Little Inspiration To Get U Going…
Whenever i look at my palm palmi
Whenever I look at my palm Whenever I look at my palm,i wonder which of…
Dont simply thank god that you have
Don’t simply thank God that you have much while others have little. Thank Him because…
Subha soraj ka sath ho prindon
Subha Subha Soraj ka Sath ho, Prindon ki Awaz ho, Hathon men Quran Aur Yodon…
Welc me a new m rning with smile n
Welc(-.-)Me A New M(-.-)Rning With A Smile(-,-)N Ur Face L(-.-)Ve In Ur Heart Gud Th(-,-)Ughts…
I was on a ship thinking of
I was on a ship thinking of U… I was on a ship thinking of…
Dear customer your remaining sleeping time
Dear Customer, Your remaining Sleeping time Has expired. SO Plz Leave ur bed And get…
I woke up a few tym ago
I Woke Up a Few Tym Ago But Somehow I Feel Incomepletness Till I Remembered…
I woke up today smiling as recall
I woke up today smiling as I recall our friendship because I know that years…
Perfect relationship is not that you never
Perfect relationship is not that you never get angry, upset or irritated with each other….
Zindagi tu hi bata kaisey tujy
‘Zindagi’ Tu hi Bata Kaisey Tujy ‘Piyar’ Karoon. . ? Teri Har ‘SUBA’ Meri Umar…
Baa adab ba mulahiza hoshiar shehnshahon
baa adab ba mulahiza hoshiar… shehnshahon ke shehnshah sultan ibn-e-sultan zeenat-e-takht-o-taaj-e-Pakistan Muhaballi Baba Rehman uth…
¡”’¡____¡”’¡ * * ¡ ===( appy) * ¡___¡””¡___¡ * * *GOOD* ¡”’ /””¡ ¡__¡’v’¡__¡ orning…
Athisa aisa athea awaya atoa atella ayoua
Athisa Aisa Athea Awaya Atoa Atella Ayoua Aguda Am0rninga Aina Aaa Anewa Astylea 😉 Didnt…
A night hug warms the heart kiss
A night hug warms the heart, A night kiss brightens the day, and A good…
This warm good morning is sent to
ThIs wArM GoOd MoRnInG iS sEnT tO lEaVe A SMILE oN uR FaCe DrOp Ur…
A day aint a till you have
A day ain’t a day till you have said hello 2 the people you care…
Snrise btterfly pictre msic natre all
S_nrise B_tterfly Pict_re M_sic Nat_re all r waitng 4 ” U U U U U…
G o d m r n
(G), ‘*,(O), ‘*,(O), ,(D),*’ (M)’*, ‘*,(O), ‘*,(R) ,(N),*’ (I),*’ ‘*,(N), ‘*,(G) Apka har Pal, Har…
Aslamoalikum shortest solution of every problem is
Aslam’o’alikum. Shortest solution of every problem is to minimize distance between forehead & floor. ‘Those…
Hope is important coz it can make
HoPe Is ImPoRtAnT CoZ It CaN mAkE tHe PrEsEnT MoMeNtS LeSs DiFfIcUlT tO bEaR If…
SMS# 346197
;*” ”*.’*;_ _ ‘*; *:, .;* UBH BAKHAIR. *’Have’*’*a Nice’*’*Day’*’ ,¤”¤, ! ,–.’¤,,,,¤’OOD ‘MORNING.
Always be good with the but never
‘Always be good with the good but Never be bad with the bad because You…
Subah ka mosam or aapki yad
Subah ka mOsam oR Aapki YaD, Halki si Barish oRChai ki Pyas, ApnOn ka Pyar…
Mirror is my best friend because when
”Mirror is my best friend, because when I cry ;( it never laughs:D ‘Good Morning:p’
In a cool cool morning hot coffee for
In A Cool-Cool Morning A Hot Coffee For U There Is No Cup & Coffee……
There will be plenty of time
‘There will be plenty of time to sleep when You are dead, Life is for…
oyesuttay pe o jee toba
( /)(~_~)oye.!(‘)(‘)suttay pe o jee… Toba toba Koi any dair v sonda a.. Chalo uth…
Open ur mind recrive my wish
open u’r mind, recrive my wish open u’r heart, rcv my love open y’r eys’…
New morning aim achievement ur dedication
New Morning + New Aim + New Achievement + Ur Dedication + Commitment = Success…
sny j SMS# 354357
Ö SÖNÉYÖ Jéèéèéè (‘.’) /) ) Nind Pori Hogai Lo Firrr ‘(‘.’)’ *–( )–* /…
Forget the sorrowz like new sun
FoRgEt ThE sOrRoWz LiKe NeW sUn ShInE, aLwAyZ fEeL gOoD aBoUt YoUrSeLf No Ma88eR wHaT…
Shehnaiya bajao gane goa nacho jashan manao
Shehnaiya bajao gane goa nacho jashan manao kyuki………. HUM UTH GAYE HAI GUD MRNG……
Have a great rning ahead always
Have A Great //(‘)rning Ahead.. -AlwAys be Happy And Mak3s EvEry1 Laugh.. G(‘)(‘)D M(‘)rn¡Ng Love…
She is hot sweet always needs
She is hot ! She is sweet ! She always Needs A lip 4 kiss…
,¤, ,¤, (‘v’) (‘v’) (( ))(( ))>-**—**-< Beautiful Birdssentto u Towish u” Good morning”
Each morning sees sum task begin
Each Morning Sees Sum Task Begin, Each Evening Sees it Close, Sumthing Attempted, Sumthing Done,…
Greetings are music but i cant give
Greetings are music but I can’t give you the sound of my voice. All you…
dil ko dharkn se pehle
*.__.* Dil ko *.__.* *.__.*Dharkn.*__.* Se *.__.* pehle *.__.* *.__.*Dost ko*._.* *.__.*Dosti se*._.* *.__.* pehle…
Ibtada hy rab e jaleel k ba barkat naam sy
Ibtada Hy ‘RAB-E-JALEEL’ K ‘BA-BARKAT’ Naam Sy ‘JISS’ Ne Kaali Raat Ko Roshan Din Main…
Nw sun is happy and
Nöw SUN is HAPPY 🙂 and MOØÑ is upset : ( Bcoz MØØN is mising…
Dear customer your sleeping time has been
Dear customer your sleeping time has been expired. Now you can not use bed any…
Never start your day with broken pieces
‘Never Start Your Day With Broken Pieces Of Yesterday, It Will Definitely Destroy Your Wonderful…
Subha bakhair v vvv v three
Muskan aapke hoton se kahin jaye na
Assalam o alaikum lovely orning have
Assalam-o-alaikum *=*=*=*=*=* *’*LOVELY*’* /””/”””’/ /___/__/!___/orning *’*Have A Nice day*’* ‘*’subha bakhair’*’
Dua e subah ya ilaahi hr
‘DUA- E- SUBAH’ Ya Ilaahi! Hr subah hmare liye hidayat ka noor or deen-o-dunia ki…
Abi main ny khawab mein allama
Abi Abi Abi Main Ny khawab mein Allama Iqbal Ko Dekha, Unnon Ny Mujh sy…
Suba ki kiran boli uth daikh
suba ki *kiran* boli, uth daikh kia *nazara* hai, main ne kaha *ruk* pehly usay…
The cloud may cover the sun
The ‘Cloud’ may cover the ‘Sun’ but ‘Sun ‘ never forgets to shine, just like…
Morning is a good time to remember
“MORNING†is a good time to “REMEMBER all the sweet things & all sweet persons…
Moon ne off ki lighting sun
‘MOON’ Ne Off Ki Lighting, ‘SUN’ Ne Shuru Ki Shining, ‘MURGAY’ Ne Di Hy Warning…
2 days mrg btfl mrg
‘2 Days Mörñìñg ì$ ‘Bèäütìfül’ ~Mörñìñg ì$ ‘Äträctìvè’ ~Mörñìñg ì$ ‘Plèä$èñt’ ~Büt ìt ì$ ñøt…
A smile to start a day
A smile to start a day, A prayer to bless Your way, A cheer to…
Birds r chilaaying hen is kukrukuing
Birds r chilaaying Hen is kukrukuing Flowers r khusbhuing Moon is doobing sun is charhing…
Flowerful morning colourful noon joyful evning peaceful
F,l’o,w’e,r’f,u’l Morning ‘c,o’l,o’u,r’f,u’l’ Noon ‘J,o’y,f’u,l’ Evning ‘P,e’a,c’e,f’u,l’ Night May it b a ‘F,a’n,t,a,s’t,i,c’ day 4u..!
hy o rabba halie
(‘.’) Hy, O Rabba, /)'( Halie tk _/’_ sutte pye O. Chalo utho manji wehli…
Salam g u still in da bed
Salam g! U still in da bed Very bad:-( Or, having tea wthout me Very…
Haal kaisa hai janaab ka kya
Haal kaisa hai janaab ka… Kya khyaal hai aapka… Ham to uth gaye ho ho…
Every morning is a wonderful day 2
Every morning is a wonderful day 2 begin building 2morrow’s future. Juz make use of…
Bahot sataya hay raat bhar kisi ki
Bahot sataya hay raat bhar kisi ki bebas yaadon Ne….. Ay Soraj Ab To Nikal…
Stay committed to your decisions but
”Stay Committed To Your Decisions, But Stay Flexible In Your Approach… ” ~ Good Morning…
Suna hai kisi ko good morning kaho
Suna hai kisi ko ‘Good Morning’ kaho to uski subha achhi hoti hai. Par ham…
Taras rahi hain jo teri deed ko
Taras rahi hain jo teri deed ko raat se.. Wo beqrar ankhain SUBAH KA SALAM…
Phoolon ne amrit ka jaam bheja hai
Phoolon ne Amrit ka jaam bheja hai, In Urdu Phoolon ne Amrit ka jaam bheja…
Good morning
Good , ! / , Morning _- O -_ ,_,.+”-.__,.+”’-.__. Feel the freshness and gentle…
G get up o open ur eyes o out of
G-get up O-open ur eyes O-out of ur bed D-day has risen M-merry life …O-old…
Blessed is the person who understands reason
Blessed Is The Person Who Understands The Reason For Praying, Is Not To Have All…
If a problem can be solved
If A Problem Can Be Solved Then There’s No Need For Worrying And If A…
Bein hapy dsnt mn dat evrytns prfct
Bein hapY dSnT mn dat EvryTns PrfcT. It jz MinS uV dCdeD 2 c lyF…
Asalam o alaikum beautiful dua from last aayat
May the lord give you a heart
May the Lord give you a heart free from sadness, a mind free from worries,…
Ell wth thiscl hlli jt wttwih
:”!_!”::_¡’¡__:ELLÖ ”””’WätÇh ThisCøøl Héllø,, I Jü§t WäñtTøWi§h Yøü ä,, ÑiCE &Swéét Swéét GÖÖD MÖRÑiÑG.. Kèép…