Category: Fathers day sms

Father’s day sms / text messages

Fathers day sms

Dad wishing you a box of happiness

Dad, wishing you a box of happiness For today, tomorrow and always With all my…

Fathers day sms

Father jao beta mery liye 1 glas

Father, jao beta mery liye 1 glas pani ly k aao, beta: nahin abu mein…

Fathers day sms

Dad your guiding hand on my shoulder

Dad, your guiding hand on my shoulder will remain with me forever. Happy Father’s Day

Fathers day sms

I cannot think of any need

I Cannot Think Of Any Need In Childhood As Strong As The Need For A…

Fathers day sms

To my dad on his day

To my dad on his day, Of whom I am a living will: May your…

Fathers day sms

What you have inherited from your father

What You Have Inherited From Your Father, You Must Earn Over Again For Yourselves, Or…