Category: ASCII Art SMS
ASCII Art SMS : ASCII Artistics Text SMS Messages
Quotquotquotquot quot o quotquot quotquot
("")….("") ( " o " ) ("")–("") (""""")-(""""") o,,,,o ( "o" ) > """ <…
Yeh dosti hum nehin torenge torenge
Yeh DOSTI… hum nehin torenge, torenge.. dum magar ,, ..::: (.")(",) tera sath <l> /a>…
br ,,-**-,, br ; . _ .
,,-**-,, ; . _ . ; ( .___. ) >-#-< ALWAYS BE HAPPY FRM ALL…
i o o o SMS# 101240
(,),,(,) I . . ( _o ) (,,)O-O(,,) (,),,(,) I . . (=OoO(,,) (,,)-"" (,),,(,)…
0 cum close plzzz
()*() ( ‘0’) (,,)(,,)cum close plzzz… lil more.. lit..ttle more… ()*() (”’)),0′)..DHISH / /(,,)(,,)HHUM….! …
__________,-~-. _.-._.-~-, _______ br_________/ .- ,’_______`
__________,-~-. _.–._.-~-, _______ _________/ .- ,’_______`-. ______ _________ /`__________’/______ _________ /___’a___a`___ ________ _________|____,'(_)`.____ |_________ ____________(…
Missng me ampgt amplt
Missng me? (>? ?<) -(,,)’-‘(,,)- (>? ?<) ( ‘o’ ) no! -(,,)–(,,)- (>? ?<) (??)…
It breaks heart when u see the
it breaks heart when u see the one u love is happy with someone else,but…
Yeh dosti hum nehin torenge torenge
Yeh DOSTI? Hum Nehin Torenge, Torenge.. Dum Magar ,, ..::: (.?)(?,) Tera Sath /A> Na…..
,;'( . ) ( . )’; br ;’;. (o o) .;’; br (;;’ (__
,;'( . ) ( . )’; ;’;. (o o) .;’; (;;’ (_____)’;;) :;:;.,’—‘,.;:;: YOUR MOBILE…
/ br /^ br /- br====| |
/ /^ /++ ====| |===== *************** *************** ************* A HUT SPL FOR U agar mujhe…
dil jornakoi hum se skhe
.“ .-“- .-““-. .-“”“-._ .-“”-“-._ .-“”-,“-._“.-“”-,-“-._“-.-“”-,-““-._ “-“.-“”-,-“”-.“-._ _.-“Dil jornaKoi hum se skhe…
.:# #:. br !! . . ! br c (”’) br ”’>/ / br br
.:# #:. !! . . ! c (”’) ”’>/ / .:# #:. !! . ….
Iiiiiii iiiiii oooo oooo sotay
iiiiii;;;()””();;;i iiiiii!:::( -.-):::! /o””(,)”o””o””o””/ /._.o._.o.(o)._.o./ sotay hoay tum kitnay achay lagtay ho! uthna nahi!…
L ampquotampquotampquotampquot o l
l ()""""() l l ( ‘ o’ ) ‘l l=( ,)===( ,)=l I’m just standing…
Quot quotquot quot quot quotquot quot quot
"*-* :"".(-,-)."’: ": ;("("): :" " / / " AN ANGEL PRAYING 4 U HVE…
Ampquotsun ampquot wouldnt be
()"()sun | / -(",)- / | wouldn’t Be Hot Sea -__-__-__ — — — —…
(@) br (@)(@) br (@)(@)(@) br (@)(@)(@)(@)
(@) (@)(@) (@)(@)(@) (@)(@)(@)(@) +++++ ++++++ =========== GARDEN MEIN BHEJO SMS KE PHOOL WARNA AAP…
quotv quot quot
‘:., ,*, ,/; ".;;.,(‘V’),/;; ".;;( );;" #.=:=:*=*=:=:=.# A BEAUTIFUL BIRD sent to wish u GOOD…
Quotsun quot wouldnt be
()"()sun | / -(",)- / | wouldn’t Be Hot Sea -__-__-__ — — — —…
Ampquotvampquot dil ne v yeh kaha
("v") Dil Ne ("v") ‘v’ Yeh ‘v’ Kaha Hai Dil Se, Mohabat Hogayi Hai Tumse……
br ***** br |0/ br (‘ : ‘)
***** |0/ (‘ : ‘) (,,)(…….)(,,,) RAJA aye mere MSGS read karne jaldi bhejo aapko…
.-*-. br ( ‘ .’ ) br=(,,)=(,,)= br br brchooo s
.-*-. ( ‘ .’ ) =(,,)=(,,)= chooo sweeet….. ru waiting for my msg…? dont worry……
Gtltgt ltgtlt machli ko
><(((:> …. ……. <:)))>< ><(((:> ……. MACHLI ko pakdo warna dub jao aap SMS ke…
Ampquotvampquot u r spcial vampquotvampquot 2
("v") u r spcial ‘v("v") 2 me ‘v’ so… no mater weder I txt u…
br br(((((( )))))) br(((( @) (@ )))) br(((((; <.
(((((( )))))) (((( @) (@ )))) (((((; <._.> ;))))) (((((( ,__ , )))))) dont be…
o ooo ooo SMS# 101603
/////// ( o o ) –ooO-( )-Ooo– WOT? NO CREDIT Don’t Worry Come To…
Quotquotquotquot quot o quotquot quotquot
("")….("") ( " o " ) ("")–("") (""""")-(""""") o,,,,o ( "o" ) > """ <…
Quotquotquotquot quot o quotquot quotquot
("")….("") ( " o " ) ("")–("") (""""")-(""""") o,,,,o ( "o" ) > """ <…
O ampltlampquotampquot iampgt jl jl
o o <!l"" ‘ ‘ ‘ !I!> JL Jl o <!l> /! Jl ‘==<*>o Ye…
i o o i SMS# 100287
… /—:–;. ;:—:’—=I–=:–; ‘–(o)—‘–(o)–‘ –:–;. -=I–=:–; -‘–(o)–‘ ;. =:–; o)–‘ A-BEAUTIFUL CAR FOR U BHAI…
youampme v have
,-”’-.-”’-. (you&me) ‘-. .-‘ ‘v’ have unique & strange Friendship /)/) ( ‘;’ ) (,)…
ii ampltampgt7 d0 i
(_?___=??/ ._I__I_, ?-?- ,?<>?=____/7 (_?___=??/ ._I__I_, D0 I HAVE PERMISI0N TO MAKE AN EMERGENCY LANDING…
(??)?..(??) ) @@ ( ) ?- ( |?"/?"| You miss me? (??)?..(??) ) ?, ,?…
(?)?.(?) br( ? o ? ) br(?)?(?) br(???)-(???) brI Lov You
(?)?.(?) ( ? o ? ) (?)?(?) (???)-(???) I Lov You Teddy se bol raha…
L l uskurao llvll or
???/???l l USKURAO l__l?v?l__l OR !???!_!???! ! _ ANSO !__! !__! Har Pal l????/ l…
This teddy bear dances when he sees
This teddy bear dances when he sees some1 SMART! ()?"() ( -.-) (,) ) L.!…
xquotquotxquotxquotxxquot xxxx i know ur
!:::(-.-):::! (X""(,,)’X"X"X’X"’) (._.X._.X._.X._.X._.) I KNOW UR LOOKING cute in blanket, lekin bahut so liye. chalo…
ampquot SMS# 112167
? .- ?- .-? ?-. .-?" ?-._ .-?"- ?-._ .-?"-, ?-._ ? .-?"-,- ?-._ ?-…
Ampquotvampquot v ampquotvampquotampquotvampquot ampquotvampquot ampquotvvampquot ampquotampquot
("v") ("v") ‘v’ ‘v’ ("v")("v") ‘v’ ‘v’ (",v.") "v’v" (",)_(,") (,")_(",) FRENDS 4EVER…
Each time your name appears on my
Each time your name appears on my screen I smile like this: ,////////. __ ….
Kbi shehar jana gaon is raste
Kbi Shehar Jana Kbi Gaon Jana Kbi is raste Jana Kbi us raste Jana Shahi…
Quot o o SMS# 111059
()?"() ()??() ( .?o o?, ) i just wanna give a HUG? ()?"()?() ( ?)?…
Chand nzr aya nai
Chand nzr aya? ( ‘:’ )Nai? (“)(“) Edhr dykho! (‘: ‘ ) (“)(“) Nai? Udhr?…
Knock knock any1 there oh goodhi
Knock knock? Any1 there? Oh good,hi i have a delivery 4u? ()?"?() @ ( ?(;)?…
You are my sweetest friend to kia
You are my sweetest friend to kia karoon naachon???? ok! <(")/ )) /> <(")> ))…
Quotquot assa quotlamu quot
.*""*. ASSA .*""*. * "*LAMU .*""*. * " * . "*ALAI .*""*.*""*KUM * " "*."…
l on ampgt dancing o
-l- on / > dancing o Keep -l- on < > dancing o Keep -l-…
Quotquot quotquotquotquot quoto oquot i
()""() ()""""() ( ."o o", )I just wana give a HUG… ()""()"() (
Quotquotquotquotquotquotquotquotquotquotquotquot9mm quotquotquotampquotquotquotquotquotquot i kill people
("""""""""""")9mm /"""/&/"""""" / /I KILL PEOPLE """ FOR MONEY, (>"<) ( "o" ) BUT YOU…
3 3 99 3ampamp8243ampquot 9
3| /3| | 99/ | ?3&#8243;|?" 9{? ? 3{? ? | | | ?9&#8243;} ?9&#8243;}…
__________,-~-. _.-._.-~-, _______ br_________/ .- ,’_______`
__________,-~-. _.–._.-~-, _______ _________/ .- ,’_______`-. ______ _________ /`__________’/______ _________ /___’a___a`___ ________ _________|____,'(_)`.____ |_________ ____________(…
If any1 attack u il
If any1 @ attack u .IL <@_, Y < > <@_, Y__, < @> /Y…
v amplt SMS# 102172
,?, ?,, (?v’) <’ ) (( )) (( )) >-*-*?-**? ?1 kaAm karun?? ? ,…
Ampquotsun ampquot wouldnt be
()"()sun | / -(",)- / | wouldn’t Be Hot Sea -__-__-__ — — — —…
Sms bhejo warna ampquotr ampquot c ampquotampquotampquot
SMS BHEJO WARNA "r–._,———. "_, .c-.——""" / i–" C__J YE DEKHA? HAI NA? PURI 6…
c c ampgt amplt cor blimey
,.,., c ?c? c >? < COR BLIMEY! ,.,., .’c’ . >? < DID U…
i o o i o SMS# 102463
/—:–;. ;:—:’—=I–=:–; ‘–(o)—‘–(o)–‘ –:–;. -=I–=:–; -‘–(o)–‘ Dosti sachi ho to waqt ruk jata hai, Asma…