Why This Sky Is Blue,
Why This River Is Blue,
Why U Don-‘t Think Of Me,
Why I Only Think Of You-Â…!
Why We Have Hearts,
Why We Can-‘t Live Without Hearts,
Why People Leave Us Alone,
Why They Don-‘t Know How Much It-‘s Hurts-Â…!
Why This Sun Is Round,
Why This Earth Is Round,
Why There Are Only Empty Eyes,
Why People Are Crying All Around-Â…!
Why I Am Like A Mystery,
Why I Can-‘t Solve This Mystery,
Why I Can-‘t Change My Past
Why My Present Becomes History-Â…!
Why My Life Becomes Like A Twister,
Why I Can-‘t Face This Twister,
Today I Got All My Answers, That
I Can-‘t Live Without My Sister