We All Have Our Problems
Buried Deep Inside
All Those Many Scars And Cuts
Kept Locked Inside Our Minds
When These Many Problems
Build Up To The Peak
We Start To Scream And Cry
So That We Can Hardly Speak
When This Outbreak Happens
We All Need A Friend
A Comfy Shoulder To Cry On
With Tears That Never End
We Need A Friend Of Compassion
One Who Will Never Fail
To Listen To Our Problems
And To Help Us To Prevail
Help Us To Win Through,
Through Everything We Need
Always Ready To Guide
When We Need To Succeed
So, My Friend Of Sorrow
And Never Ending Tears,
If You Need A Friend
My Shoulder Is Always Here
I Hope That With My Promise
To Never Leave Your Side
Your Shoulder Will Be Ready
When My Problems Make Me Cry