The Distance Is Stretching, Far, Far
Beyond The Eye’s Line.
Where Do We Begin With The Chance
Why Did We Not Begin Sooner Then Later
Don’t Protect Me So, Don’t Care About Me So:
Let Me Be; Let Me Be; Don’t Make Me
Tell My Feelings Over And Over To Ye.
It Hurts, It Haunts Me Like The Distance
To The Castle From My Room View Window.
The Living Sun Glows Through The City:
The Heat Is Felt To The Bones.
But Oh What Do You See On Your View?
The View Is Different.
The Distance Stretches Far, Far
Beyond The Eye’s Line.
Don’t Ye Want To Be Held?
Don’t Ye Want To Be Loved?
Don’t Ye Want Advice?
Oh Living Person,
Tell Me What Ye Want From Me!
My World Is Like The Waves Of A Beach:
Crashing Onto The Cliffs;
Splash; Bang; Crack.
But I Don’t Know Ye World, I Don’t Know
How Ye Feelings Are?
My Feelings Are The Waves: Is The Ocean;
Is The Inner Depths Of A Pond.
Oh Ye Help Me From This Dread Filled
Emotional Mind