Suns Rise Every Day Giving Birth To A Generation Of Life Many Miss In Their Bliss
Instinctively, By Necessity, Brightly They Rise Giving Life To All That Confide
Nothing Stops Its Greatness, Save The Shade From Others Impress
Gone Away, The Shade As The Day Journeys Through Its Stay, Covering All, Every Place
Little Exposure, Great Penetration To The Very Core, Giving Life With Every Breath Of Light
Eternal Is Its Girth, For There Is No Ending Once Life Is Given, And Light Is It’s Bastion
My Eyes Have Seen A Beauty And Greatness Above That Explicable By Me
Oh The Sacrifice And Readiness To Give Up Life, To Build Another In Perfect Light
To Stop Progress Of Dreams, Ambitions, Visions, Put On Hold In Hopes Of Progeny-‘s Growth
How Astounding And Profound The Growth In Self By Giving All To Build Another-‘s Wealth
Every Wonderful, Challenging, Beautiful Thing They See, Will One Day Be In Remembrance Of Thee
Right, The Example You Set, The Lessons You Teach, The Love You Show, The Foods You Give For Growth
Simply Put, There Is Nothing Greater Than Making Another’s Life Better.
Umrellaed Under All You Do Is A Child That Will One Day See The Christ-Like Gift You Have Given Readily.