My Viens Wrap Around My Eyes
As The Tears Fall From My Chin
The Blood Rushes Out Of The Holes
The Blackness Overcomes My Visions
My Feet Have Ten Thousand Toes
The Toes Have Their Own Feelings
My Nerves Are Never Ending With The Pain That Will Always Be Friendly
Everyone Has Dissapeared
This World Is As Small As My Tears
The Feelings Are Always Red
The Ending Is Always Bright
My Family Is A Bunch Of Trees
My Heart Pumps Through My Head
The Blood Is Ever Drowning
The Knife Is Like A Saint
The Blade Glows Brighter Than A Clock
The Hands Are Always Moving In Pain
The Buzz Will Remain Until The Next Life
My Friends In My Head Complain
The Grass Will Always Stare
The Grass Will Never Care
The Grass Is Really A Tomb