My Soul Is Troubled My Heart In Pain
I Know I Write This Too In Vain
Oft I Have Met With Disillusioment And In Tears
How Often Have I Placed Happiness In Fading Gains
I’ve Never Learnt, I’ll Never Learn
To Hold Things By The Value Of Their Worth
Sublimal Bliss I’ve Never Craved
But God Can I Have Some Joy Without Pain?
My Heart A Fool’s Heart My Eyes Of A Blind
I Prayed For The Joy That Was Never Mine
Let My Love Remain Unquenched
Let It Flow Like A River Unbound
Over Your Soul, Over Your Heart
Over Your Joys, Over Your Cheers
I Loved You With My Body And My Soul
I Loved You Purely And Freehold
I Loved You With Passion And My Grief
I Loved You With Love That Was Meant To Lose
Happiness Ebbed And Flowed In My Veins
You Became The Soverign Of My Being
Had Me Attending To Your Every Whim
My Love Was My Day And My Night
My Love Was My Treasure And My Might
Dull The Senses Numb The Pain
As With The Price Your Departure Came
Your Happiness For My Tears
Your Warmth For My Frigidity
Your Blossoming For My Withering
Your Brightness As I Fade.