My Darling Moon,I Love You So Very Much
You Are The Unique Beauty That I Admire
Deep Inside Mine Heart Resides A Desire
All I Want Is To Feel Of Your Tender Touch
Reflections Yours I Have Seen On The Lake
Low Here You Were Though So High In Sky
I Adore Your Heavenly Presence So Nearby
Never I Dare To Disturb Lest You Get Awake
God!It-‘s Nice To See You Sleeping On Water
My Fantasy When Replaced Is By Cruel Reality
Off From My Eyes I Shake My Optical Vision
Only To Gaze Up There Where You Exist Better
Neatly Laid Upon A Starry Mantle With Royalty
It Seems To Me You-‘re So Sad In That Mansion
Lightning And Clouds, Such Are Your Company
Of Lovely Scenery From Far Above You Partake
Vast Sky Has Given You As Court Stars So Many
Earthly Beings Think That You Control Destiny
Yet, Your Essence Is For Mother Nature-‘s Sake
Obviously Your Changing Moods Is So Uncanny
Ultimately, Let Me Tell You -Â… I Just Adore You!!!