Listen To The Four Winds
You Will Hear It Call Our Names.
No Matter Where We Wander
No Matter Where We Are
Any Place Any Time
Our Hearts Will Always Intertwine.
We Will Run Like The River
Fly Like An Eagle
To Where Our Hearts Belong
Our Roads Will Always Come Together
No Matter Or How Long It Takes.
You Belong To Me And I To You
We Again Will Make Wishes Under Starry Skies
You Will Swim In My Ocean And I In Yours
We Cannot Dream Alone
Together Side By Side
Is The Place They Call Home.
The Distance Between Us
Makes Us Stronger As We Grow
The Whispering Of The Trees
The Sound Of The Bugle
A Picture Of‚  The Rising Sun
Tells Me -Â…-Â….
Our‚  -Ë—love-‘ For One Another
Has Just -Ë—begun!-‘
by Chiqui‚Â