Let Us Journey Into A Endless Sea Of Love
Where Dreamers Have Always Dreamt Of
Let Our Destiny Take Us So Ever Far Away
It-‘s Our Hearts Guiding Us Along The Way.

Let-‘s Promise Our Hearts, To One Another
Promise To Cherish And Love, For Forever
Embracing Love, My Heart Falls In Place
With Just A Loving Smile Upon Your Face.
Let-‘s Adventure, In The Depths Of The Sea
A Place Where Deep Emotions, Flow Free
Capture My Heart, With Loving Affection
Love Will Guide Us In The Right Direction.
I Fell For You, I Fell As Petals From A Rose
With You I-‘ll Blossom, For You I-‘d Grow
Let-‘s Bring Our Hearts Destiny Into Place
It-‘s Our Journey Of Love Our Hearts Chase.
by bcassata‚Â