It’s Almost Five Years,
Since We Parted Our Ways,
No More Pains, No More Tears,
The Door Is Close For Yesterday,
There Is No Me And You,
I Know, I-‘m Over You.

But Then We Crossed Our Roads Again,
We Saw Each Other Again,
Why Do Act I Act This Way?
Why Do I Feel The Pain?
Speechless, Don-‘t Know What To Do,
Just Want To Turn Around And Go.
But As I Walk Away,
I Hear You Calling My Name,
I Can-‘t Believe This,
How I Wish To Be Freeze,
Why Do We Have To Meet Again?
Oh This Is Just A Dream.
But Before You Say A Word,
Before You Make A Move,
Listen To Me First,
I-‘m Begging You Please,
Don-‘t Give Me A Smile,
Don-‘t You Ever Try.
Please Do Not Speak
-Ë—coz It Will Make Me Weak
Please Don-‘t Stay Beside Me
Don-‘t You Ever Look At Me
Please Don-‘t Hold Me
You See, You-‘re Killing Me.
Past Is Past
What We Had Will Be The Last
Please Listen To Me
Can-‘t You See?
Don-‘t You Know What Will Happen?
We-‘ll Fall All Over Again-Â…