It Came To A Head Last Sunday,
For Years Buying The Sunday Mail
Was A Treat From Me To The Spouse
Who Complained Living In Peachester
Was Like Being In A News Desert.

Never Took Her To Task Over It -—
The Mail Was Literally As Good As Any
I Have Ever Used To Start A Fire.
But Actually Read It, No Way!
Glanced At An Item Unconsciously
Yesterday, Eyes Strayed From Sports
Page To Feature Article Is My Excuse.
Expletive, I Say, That-‘s The Same Sort
Of Shit As Sydney-‘s Pejorative Style.
Any Chance It-‘s The Same Rotten Rag?
Least For A Name It Is; News Limited,
Which Means -ŗlimited News- Literally,
Of The News Corporation, Owns It.
Now Whatever Else You Say About
Rupert Murdoch -— Owning So Many
Multimedia Entities Worldwide
Indubitably Feeds An Irreverent Ego -—
But Not As Much As It Ensures
Complete Immunity Against The Truth
For Those Who He Decides Need It.
Ivan Donn Carswell