In An Age When Celebrity Worship Is Seen As The In Thing
The Praises Of The Wealthy And Famous Many Love To Sing
But Few Sing The Praises Of Old Jim Next Door
Quite Frail On His Last Birthday He Turned Eighty Four,
A Hard Working Fellow He Has Lived A Hard Life
Some Six Decades Ago Marie His Young Wife
Died Whilst Giving Birth To A Still Born Baby Boy
And Heartbreak For Jim When There Should Have Been Joy
For Years He Grieved For His Dead Baby And For His Dead Soul Mate
But In Time Even The Greatest Sorrow Has A Use By Date
Lady Luck To Him She Was So Very Unkind
And To Life Without A Partner He Became Resigned
An Old And Frail Fellow So Few Wish To Know Of Him
But I For One Will Sing The Praises Of Jim.