I Wish I Could Explain You, Tell You My Love
How Much Pain I Bear To See
U Lying In Front Of Me
Clinging To Life,
Fighting So Hard To Survive
I Could See It In Your Eyes All The Time
Whenever U Look In Mine
The Thing I Most Dread, I Terribly Fear
I Dread Losing You, Every Time I Hold U Near.
We Have Gone Thru So Much Together
I Always Prayed For U To Be With Me Forever
I Never Thought One Day I Will Be All Alone
And I Will Realize That U Will Be Gone
Life Feels So Dark Without Ur Presence
Your Love Was The Only Light Which Guided Me Thru
For Me You Were My World Sweetheart, Only You
As Time Is Passing, I Could Feel It Deep Down And Clear
I Dread Losing You, Every Time I Hold U Near
I Want You To Know Whenever I Look In Ur Eyes
There Is Something Which Ur Heart Denies
You Hate To Go Away From My World Just As I Do
But This Reality Is So Hard To Be True
I Wish I Could Change Things Just Once
Just Once I Terribly Want You
I Just Cannot Let U Do This To Me
This Is Just Impossible For Me To Bear
I Dread Losing You, Every Time I Hold U Near-Â…-Â…-Â….