I Wanna Say I Love You
But How Can I
I Know The Feelings
Are Not Mutual
We Only Shared One Night
A Memory I’ll Have Always
What An Amazing Night!!
How Attentive You Were
You Kissed Every Spot
You Didn’t Leave
Any Part Of Me Unturned
You Caressed My Soul
Did You Know?
I Know We Classified It
As Just Sex
But The Way You Touched Me
The Fire In The Way We Kissed,
The Passion In The Love We Made,
Your Only Mission Was To Satisfy
I Won’t Share That With Another
You Are Special In Every Way
You Did What No One Could Ever Do
I Know A Few Who Would Love
To Be In Your Shoes
I Would Never Open
Myself Up Like That Again
Feelings Like That Only
Bring Heartach And Pain
I Was A Fool To Think
I Could Have More
I’m Not Mad Though
I Thank You With All My Heart
For What You Gave To Me
A Beautiful Memory
To Treasure Always………I’ll Love You Always