Human Though And The Ultimate Symbol Of Beauty
The Poets Dream And The Sculptors Longing Restless
Or Inspiration Of The Painter In Descriptions Long
Mortal And Vanishing In Backdropp Of Passing Time
The Age Cruel Hits The Mortal Being With Suffering And Pain
The Languishing Look So Dear To The Lover Is The Artist-‘s Desire
Unaware Of The Pain Of The Substance Inside
Eaten Up With A Vampires Bleeding Fingers
The Candle Burns Itself To Produce That Glow Of Light
In Burning Is Her Life To Give Light In The Dark
The Firefly In The End Becomes Prey Of The Nightingale
In The Rose Garden When The Rose Itself Laments Its Fading Charm
Transient Is The Glory Of This World But Where To Take Recourse
In Souls Dominion Discovered Hard And Away
From The Confines Of Defined Sketch Of The Mortal Body
To Be Eternalized Be A Houri Or An Angel
A Goddess With Divinity And In Beauty-‘s Sweet Sepulture
Alas Thou Shall Not Understandeth The Agony Of Beauty
When In The Fading Years It Has To Live In Its Own Annihilation
The Eyes And The White Cheek With Swan Like Neck
The Forehead Foretelling The Fortunes Of The Time
Or Reading The Lines On The Hand In Comparison To The Zodiac
Thou Shall Take Refuge In Wine And Wine
Thou Hast The Nature And The Philosophies
Thou Hast The Habit Of Claiming Divinity
Tell Me
Where Shall My Fading Beauty Take Retreat
Sadiqullah Khan