How To Explain The Way I Feel?
I Never Meant To Hurt You.
How Do I Say Our Love’s Not Real,
Because I Don’t Feel It Too?
We’ve Seen Good Times And We’ve Seen Bad.
We’ve Shared The Best Times I’ve Ever Had.
You Made Me Forget A Sad And Painful Past.
How Do I Explain Why It Couldn’t Last?
I’m Sorry For All The Pain I’ve Put You Through.
Please Understand That I Really Do Care For You,
But Love Cannot Be Forced To Exist Where It Does Not.
The Plans We’ve Made Are Better Left Forgot.
It’s Okay To Let Go, It’s Okay To Cry.
Promises Made Are Sometimes Meant To Be Broken.
I Know It’s Hard, But We’ve Got To Try,
To Leave Our Loving Thoughts Unspoken.
How Do I Make You See That I Love You
With A Love So Bitter-Sweet?
How Do I Make Sense Of These Feelings Tearing Me In Two?
How Can I Be Strong The Next Time We Meet?
Friendship Is A Word That Hurts I Know,
But Sweetheart, It’s Time For Us To Just Let Go.
My Heart Has Changed Like All Thing Do;
It’s Telling Me What I Have To Do.
Goodbye Is A Word That Sounds So Sad
I Say It Now, But Remember This
I’ll Never Forget The Good Times We’ve Had,
And I Leave You With This-
My Bitter-Sweet Goodbye Kiss.