Every Woman Who Lives On This Earth
Has A Theory Of Men.
Where They Came From And What They Are Good For.
Whether They Are Safe To Keep In The House,
Or Best Kept Chained Up In The Yard,
Or To Dangerous To Mess With At All.
They Form These Theories Early
And Spend The Rest Of Their Lives
Gathering Evidence Supporting Their Thesis.
There Isn-‘t Much Movement
On The Opinion Front
As Time Goes By.
You Find What You Seek
And See What You Are Looking For.
If The Theory Doesn-‘t Fit The Facts?
Well Too Bad For The Facts! !
And You, Little Man? H…!
Your Not Going To Convince Anyone
Your Not Going To Talk Anybody
Out Of Anything.
Better Just Apologize And Move On,
Move On And Keep Looking For A Woman
Whose Theory Of Men
Includes A Theory Of You