At The End Of The Pier I Watched The Gulls Fly
So Far Up Above In The Beautiful Sky
And There Where I Stood I Watched Dreams Passing By
And I Tried To Catch One In My Hand.
At The End Of The Pier I Watched The Ships Sail
I Felt So Alone As I Leant On The Rail,
The Hazy Horizon Was Pallid And Pale,
And My Heart Remained There On The Land.
At The End Of The Pier I Watched The Seashore
Like Hope Waves Were Rising Then Falling Once More,
As Sunlight Did Shine And The Strong Winds Did Roar
I Just Saw Them All Crash On The Sand.
At The End Of The Pier I Waited For You
The Waters Before Me Were So Clear And Blue,
But As I Looked Out On This Wonderful View
I Did Cling To My Love By A Strand